Year 2020, when COVID-19 pandemic hit, everyone practised “Self Quarantine”, there was a group of people in this critical period of time, saw their neighbours lost their jobs due to MCO, decided to walk out of their “Safety Zone”, and into neighbours who were in trouble and cared for their needs, this group of people are the church members of JB New Life Christian Fellowship, one of our 7979 Holistic Care Station. “Due to MCO, we are giving out food and this helps us to mingle into our community. Before MCO, we are not aware at all that there are people around us who do not have food to eat…” Pr. Kok Chye told us that when everyone has their own job, we tend to think that everyone is doing well in their own life, so nobody needs special attention. Only until MCO takes effect, many people around us started to lose their job, only then we are aware that actually many people are living in really tough condition all these while, situation became worse when they are hit with the crisis.
New Life Christian Fellowship is situated in JB at Bandar Baru Permas Jaya. Majority of the residents here work in Singapore, this town is one of the pit stop for them to travel back and forth between Singapore and Malaysia. The minority works locally, residents with less living advantage are poorer. In the past, with the intention of mingle into the community, the church will organised carnival for residents in the community to participate and have fun together. However, the relationship built with the community always faded quickly just like the fireworks in the carnival. In October, 2020, New Life Christian Fellowship with a vision of “The church mission is to serve the community”, they decided to partner with HISTEAM and became 7979 Holistic Care Station, by systematic and organised plans walked into their community. In order to go deeper into the community, the church started “Let’s Love Move” operation, assigned different Cell Group (CG) to care for different families. Ever since 7979 Holistic Care Station is being established, the church 14 CG, 70 church members of age between 20 to 60 year olds participated in this operation. Even though, not everyone can commit themselves for long period of time, but everyone still did their part in their own capacity. This kind of caring through passing on love, did not just passed on love to their community, it is also passing on a wholesome faith living example to the church members, allowing them to experience the blessing of giving is more blessed than receiving. Sis. Daphne Wong even commented: “If we can’t live out this kind of life, then it is a waste that we are even born in this world.” She continued to point out that social care can help new believers to deeper understand the complete Christian belief – not merely love ourselves and participate in church’s activities, but to spread Jesus Christ’s love, and care for the needy around us. Lastly, Pr. Kok Chye shared this bible verse. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35
Since 2019, this bible verse kept appearing in his mind. He has been teaching his church with this bible verses to love each other, so that others may recognise you as Christ’s disciples. “When you care for one family, his or her neighbour sees it, and they might be wondering why people are caring for that family. When they come to realisation, then they will know that this group of people are ‘Christians’.” Community will receive true blessings only when we deliberately build relationship with practical actions. 2020年,新冠肺炎疫情来袭,大家都尽量“自我隔离”时,有一群人在这非常时期,看见身边许多邻舍因行动管制令(MCO)失业而生活拮据。这群人开始走出“安全区”,到受困邻舍当中关怀他们的需要,这群人就是新山新生教会7979全人关怀站的会友。“因为MCO,我们派发物资,这帮助我们融入社区。没有MCO,我们不知道原来身边有人没有饭吃……”陈国财传道表示,当大家都有工作时,自然以为大家生活得不错,不需特意关怀。但当MCO来临,身边许多人失业后,才发现许多家庭平日里生活本就拮据,陷入困境后日子更是难上加难。 新生教会坐落在新山百万镇,这里的居民以新加坡工作者居多,这小镇是他们往返新加坡工作的一个站点。有少数在本地工作、生活环境基础欠佳的居民较为贫穷。以往教会为了要更深入社区,每年都举办一场嘉年华会,让社区居民前来共同欢乐。但教会与社区邻舍建立的关系,就如同嘉年华会当晚所燃放的烟花,转眼即逝。 “教会的使命就是服事社区。”2020年10月,新生教会秉持这使命,设立了7979全人关怀站,借着有系统规划的服事方案走入社区。教会为了更深入社区,便开始进行“让爱动起来”行动,指派教会小组关怀不同的家庭。成立7979全人关怀站以来,教会14个小组,从20岁到60岁,将近70人都参与其中。即使不是每个弟兄姐妹都是长期参与,但大家都在自己能力范围内,尽了一份力。这种传递爱的关怀,不仅将爱传给社区,同时也把一个完整的信仰生活传给教会会友,让他们也能经历施比受更有福。“如果活不出这样的生命,就等于是白白来世上一趟。” 雪玲姐妹分享到,社会关怀能让刚信主的朋友更了解完整的基督信仰——不单单只是爱自己和参与教会聚会,而是要把耶稣基督的爱传扬出去,并关怀身边有需要的人。 最后,陈国财传道分享了这段经文。 “我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相爱。你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。” —约翰福音 13:34-35 自2019年开始,这段经文就一直在他脑海中浮现。他总以这段经文教导会友彼此相爱,别人才能认出他们是基督的门徒。“当你关怀一个家庭,他的邻居看见了,就会好奇怎么有人来关心他们。当他们了解后,就会发现‘原来是基督徒’。”只有以实际行动去建立关系,社区才能真正地领受祝福。 CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
All train ride will reach its destination be it quickly or slowly. However, if it derails in the middle of the journey, then no matter how hard we try, we still cannot continue the journey. Unless, there is someone willing to stop and extend a helping hand, to realign the locomotive back to its track, then the train may continue its journey. Otherwise, it might have stuck in the middle of the journey and got into big trouble. Xiao Meng (Pseudonym) and her husband have 8 kids, they are staying at a rented small flat unit in JB. Xiao Meng’s husband was a construction worker, although he did not earn much, but with their complacent attitude they were not lacking. Although the house is small, everyone had to cramp and sleep together in a tiny place, but they felt happy with their simple lives.
Since year 2020, the on and off MCO had caused Xiao Meng’s husband to lose his job, the whole household was forced to live on their tiny saving. During this period of time, Xiao Meng found out that she was pregnant with their 8th child, this supposed to be a good news, but with the endless MCO and shrinking saving, she felt helpless, and kept thinking “adult can withstand hunger, but children cannot, in addition to the baby that is coming soon.” During pandemic, non-perishable food supplies given by some kind hearted people have kept them from being hopeless. During this period of time, Xiao Meng received a phone call from a sister by the name of Daphne Wong from JB New Life Christian Fellowship, a 7979 Holistic Care Station’s volunteer. They intended to visit Xiao Meng, just to find out what are the assistance she require. When we are in plentiful, not many are willing to give us extra, it is even worst when we are in trouble. Xiao Meng and her family were very touched by Daphne and her team kind intention of extending a helping hand to them, but on the other hand, they were worried by the safety issue of so many strangers pay visit to them during this pandemic. After their first visitation, the church immediately applied 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund for them. A subsidy of RM300 per month and over a period of 4 months, although it is not a big sum, but it is still a drizzle in times of drought. In this period of time, Xiao Meng and her family relationship with the church were growing closer, especially the children, they always took initiative to talk to the church volunteers. During Christmas, they attended church service and received some gifts too. Every month, Sis. Daphne will bring her CG’s sisters to visit Xiao Meng, on every visit they brought along some formula milk, diapers, or some fresh vegetables for Xiao Meng. As time went by, church’s CG members and Xiao Meng had become friends, the things that they brought on every visitation was a prove of their genuine concern towards Xiao Meng and her family. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4 In the community that you live in, are you aware of what happen to your neighbours? When we have our own jobs and three meals a day on the table, it is difficult for us to notice the crisis that others are facing, we will also not notice that may be some had already accidentally “derailed”, they are in need of someone to pull them out of their predicament. When Xiao Meng and her family were hit by the sudden MCO, their livelihood immediately became critical, just like a derailed train. This is the time, that they need someone who are willing to stop and extend a helping hand to pull them out of their predicament.
When a member of New Life Fellowship’s CG came to know of Xiao Meng and her family’s predicament, they acted immediately. Actually when the pandemic strikes, some CG’s members also lost their jobs, but when they heard of Xiao Meng’s stories, they felt thankful that they are still capable to care for others. Sister Daphne shared: “I felt very thankful that my CG’s members are willing to take initiative to care for others. In the process of helping others, they have gained a lot too, because their lives are being inspired!” When we were talking about Xiao Meng and her family, Sis. Daphne shared that Xiao Meng’s husband did said something that comforted her, i.e. “Thank you very much for helping me, I believe you all are doing it without any condition, one day when I am capable, I am willing to join you to help others who are in need.” One simple sentence, that carries deep gratitude of Xiao Meng and her family, it is also symbolised that they are in agreement with the action that the church is doing. On the other hand, the church may also know that all they have done in the community had really impacted the community, they felt the love of the church and genuine intention to help. “Hopefully, in the end the church can share with them the gospel, so that they may know our true God, then they may experience the comfort and peace in Christ too!” Now, Xiao Meng’s husband is back to work, their family livelihood is slowly regaining. Although, they cannot immediately go back to the condition they had before, but as long as they can continue to live peacefully and healthily, that is the biggest blessing of all! A derailed train that return to its track will definitely reach its destination even when it is moving very slowly. 一趟火车,无论快慢,终究会抵达终点。但若不小心在途中脱轨了,无论怎么努力,也无法继续前行。除非这时候有人愿意停下来伸出援手,将火车头摆正,火车才能回归正轨继续前行,不至于停在半路陷入绝境。 晓梦(化名)与丈夫育有8名孩子,在新山某个组屋区租了一间小房子居住。晓梦的丈夫从事建筑业,虽然赚得不多,但知足的他们并没有缺乏。房子空间虽小,一家人都睡在一起,但他们简单平凡的生活,也是另一种幸福。 自2020年以来,三番几次的行动管制下,晓梦的丈夫失业了,一家人只能靠微薄的积蓄勉强生活。在这段期间,晓梦怀上了第8胎。原本是值得高兴的事,但行动管制却迟迟不见尽头,所剩的积蓄也寥寥无几。晓梦不知该如何是好,只想着“就算大人能挨饿,但是小孩不能,何况还有个即将出生的宝宝。” 疫情期间,很多善心人士经常会送来干粮食物,让晓梦一家不至于陷入绝望。 同一时期,晓梦接到一通来电,对方是新生教会7979全人关怀站的雪玲姐妹。他们想探访晓梦,以关心她家里的需要。锦上添花本就不多,雪中送碳更是少见。晓梦一家既感激有人愿意意伸出援手,但同时又担心陌生人前来探访是否安全,毕竟反复的疫情让人担忧。 第一次探访晓梦,教会便为他们申请7979急难家庭救助金。一个月300令吉,为期4个月,虽然金额不多,但也算是久旱逢甘雨。 这段时间,晓梦一家与教会越来越亲近,特别是孩子们会主动与教会志工聊天,圣诞节时也到教会收取礼物。每个月,雪玲姐妹会带小组的姐妹一同探访晓梦,每次都带上奶粉和纸尿片,或一些新鲜蔬菜。经过这段时间的相处,教会小组成员已和晓梦一家成为了朋友,探访时带的物资就是他们对晓梦一家真诚的关心。 各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事。 (腓力比书2:4) 在我们生活的社区中,你有多留意身边的邻舍呢?当大家都有工作,三餐温饱满足时,我们难以发现身边人的困境,也不会留意他们是否不小心“脱轨”了,需要有人帮忙拉他一把。当晓梦的家庭遇上突如其来的行动管制,生计顿时陷入绝境,宛如脱轨的火车。这时候,就需要有人愿意停下来,伸出援手拉他一把。 当新生教会其中一个小组组员了解晓梦一家的情况后,便即刻行动去关怀。在疫情冲击的这两年里,小组组员当中不乏失业者,但他们在认识晓梦后,心里开始充满感恩,原来自己还有能力关心他人。“我很感恩,我的组员愿意主动去关心他人。在这个过程中,他们也是受益者,因为他们的生命被激励起来了!”雪玲姐妹分享到。 谈起晓梦一家,让雪玲姐妹欣慰的是晓梦丈夫说的一句话,“谢谢你们愿意来帮我,我相信你们是无私的。有一天我有能力的时候,我愿意参与你们去帮助有需要的人。”简单的一句话,里面包含了晓梦一家的感恩,也代表着他们对教会所作的认可,同时让教会知道,教会一直以来在社区里的关怀行动,真的能让社区感受到爱,感受到教会真心的帮助。“希望最后我们能把基督的福音介绍给他们,让他们认识这一位真神,在心灵上也能得到更多安慰与平安!” 现在,晓梦的丈夫已开始工作,一家的生活慢慢恢复正常。虽不能马上回到最初那样,但只要一家能够继续平安健康地生活,就是最大的祝福! 回归正轨的火车即使行驶得再缓慢,最后也会抵达终点 CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
In a community in JB, there lived a lonely old man, everyone called him Uncle Fu (pseudonym). Uncle Fu is 73 years old, he was fortunate enough to complete high school at a time when many children dropped out of school and not many people could complete their studies. He is very talkative and loves to share.
Uncle Fu's living in an old house left by his parents. The layout of one bedroom and a living room is enough for him who lives alone. Usually, he keeps the house neat and tidy. Three simple meals a day, a bowl of white rice and an egg. Uncle Fu is a cancer survivor, however the operation had caused his left eye almost went total blind, so he relies heavily on his right eye to see the world. He is a photographer, so he recorded the world with his camera and earns his living by teaching photography. Now, he needs to use eye drops every day to keep his right eye from going total blind. It would be a good thing for contented Uncle Fu who is in his sunset years, to be able to continue to live a simple life like this. However, in year 2020 following after the implementation of movement control order, his students gradually decreased in number, the income he received barely covered his expenses, and the eye drops he used daily began to be unaffordable. Uncle Fu's life is like an unfortunate capsized ship in the middle of the sea, struggling desperately in the sea hoping to grab a piece of driftwood to keep him alive. The emergence of 7979 Holistic Care Station at JB New Life Church was like a piece of driftwood grabbed by Uncle Fu. The church came to know Uncle Fu through a sister and they helped him to apply for 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund. On each visit, the church brought some food supplies for Uncle Fu. Sometimes eggs, sometimes rice, and sometimes cooking oil. Some brothers and sisters even donated money to pay for Uncle Fu’s eye drops. "Speaking of gratitude, I've been living this way for years. A bowl of rice and an egg every day, that's enough..." He said with a smile as church brothers and sisters shared 《The Descend of Blessings》 with him. Entering his sunset years, he is no longer obsesses with many things in life. He feels grateful as long as he is alive and healthy. After this "capsized" incident, Uncle Fu's life had a drastic change. The encountering with church, had led him to Jesus and prayed the sinner’s prayer. "I do not know who God is, I also don’t know Jesus, but I see Jesus in all of you." Uncle Fu shared this with one of the volunteers. This encourages brothers and sisters in the church to use practical actions in caring for others, when they want others to feel the love of Jesus! 在新山某个社区里,住着一位独居老爷爷,大家都叫他福伯(化名)。福伯今年73岁,在他那个年代,许多家庭的孩子都辍学,能完成学业的人并不多,福伯有幸完成了高中学业。他很健谈,也喜爱分享。 福伯的家,是父母以前留下来的一间老屋。一房一厅的布局,对独居的他来说,足矣。平时,他总把家里打扫得整洁干净。一日三餐也很简单,一碗白米饭,加一粒鸡蛋。 福伯曾经患癌,一场手术导致他左眼近乎失明,平日里只靠右眼观看这个世界。他也是一名摄影师,用手里的相机记录着世界,平时也靠着摄影教学维持生活。现在的他,需要每天使用眼药水,避免右眼也失明。 晚年若能一直这样简单地生活,对知足的福伯来说,何尝不是一件好事。 2020年,随着行动管制令落实,他的学生慢慢减少,生活开始入不敷出,每天使用的眼药水也开始负担不起了。 福伯的生活,就像在海中不幸打翻的船只,在大海里拼命挣扎,只希望能抓住一块浮木,让自己得以生存。新山新生教会7979全人关怀站的出现,就像是福伯抓住的一块浮木。教会透过一位姐妹认识了福伯,并帮助他申请7979急难救助金。 每一次探访,教会都为福伯带上一些物资。有时候是鸡蛋,有时候是白米,又有时候是食油。甚至,有弟兄姐妹奉献金钱,给福伯购买眼药水。 “讲到‘感恩’,我这样生活已经好几年了。每天都是一碗饭配一粒鸡蛋,很知足了……”当教会弟兄姐妹跟福伯分享《福气临门》时,他带着笑意说到。迈入晚年的他,不再执着于生活中许多事情,只要健健康康的活着,就很感恩了。 经过这次“翻船”意外,福伯的生命经历了很大的转变。与教会接触后,他认识了耶稣,也做了决志祷告。“我不认识谁是上帝,也不认识耶稣,但我从你们身上看见耶稣。”福伯跟一位志工分享到。这鼓励了教会弟兄姐妹,要让人感受到耶稣的爱,就必须付出实际行动去关心他人! CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
Every year in December, North East Monsoon will bring heavy rainfall that causes flood to many areas in Malaysia.
Mid of Dec, 2021, Malaysia Meteorology Department forecasted Peninsular Malaysia will be affected by a tropical depression, hence there will be unceasing rainfall for days. Such weather, added to ever present monsoon rain and high tide threats, it had caused massive flooding to 5 states in Peninsular Malaysia. Klang valley experienced the most severe flood in 50 years. | Waiting for the water to recede and sending rescue
It was the beginning of the weekend, the week before Christmas, when news of the flooding broke. After 2 days of unceasing rain, more and more severe disasters were reported in many places. 7979 disaster response mechanism activated immediately, December 18 (Saturday) afternoon, our co-workers went to the warehouse to pick up cleaning tools and equipment, so that they could response the first minute when the water receded. Unexpectedly, on the way back, the water had flooded the road and traffic jams were everywhere. Normally fifteen minutes’ journey became three hours. On that night, we received news that hardest hit area Shah Alam, Taman Sri Muda’s flood water had covered up to one floor high. We were getting calls for help, people were trapped, power outage, couldn’t contacted their relatives or friends……They couldn't do anything except calling the official emergency hotline.
The next day, the government seemed unable to rescue in time, many civilians and NGOs resorted to self-rescue by sending boats out. 7979 has two boats in our newly moved warehouse, which was also surrounded by floodwaters. Furthermore, the flooded intersection also being blocked by police. It was only in the afternoon that we were able to arrange a lorry to past through the roadblocks, and picked up the boats and the engines from the warehouse, then hand it over to the local partners to use. | Disaster relief log
At the same time, we received messages from churches from all over the country, some churches asking for help, and some churches wanted to help. There was a church located in the disaster zone, up to 90% of their congregation was affected. Many people wanted to help the disaster victims at first instance. Therefore, from video conferencing to tools and equipment arrangement, recruiting volunteers and purchasing supplies, various disaster response operations were launched. Even though it was the weekend, works still went on.
在大马,每年12月,东北季候风带来的雨量常引发水患。 2021年12月中旬,气象局预报大马半岛受热带低气压影响,而连续下几天大雨。这样的天气、季候风,以及涨潮期,致使半岛五个州属多地大水泛滥成灾。巴生谷一带发生50年以来最严重的水灾。 | 等水退,送救援 当传出水患的消息时,正值周末伊始,圣诞节前一周。连续下了2天的雨,多地传出灾情,越来越严重。7979应灾机制随即启动,12月18日(周六)下午,同工前往仓库索取清洗工具和配备,以备水退后能在第一时间行动。岂知回程时,水已淹没道路,四处塞车,短短15分钟车程,同工花了三个小时才脱困。当天晚上,重灾区雪州莎亚南的太子园传出水淹至一层楼。我们陆续接到求救讯息,包括有人受困、断电失联……他们当下除了拨打官方紧急热线,也无法可施。 隔天,政府似乎无法及时救援,许多民众和非政府组织已出动船只自行施援。7979有两艘船只在新搬迁不久的仓库,该地也遭洪水包围,路口水深也被警方封锁。直到下午,我们才安排到罗厘驶过路障,到仓库载送船只和引擎,并交由在地伙伴们使用。 | 赈灾日志 与此同时,陆续收到各地教会讯息,有向我们求助的教会,也有想挺身而出的教会。有一间处于灾区的教会,有高达90%会友受灾。大家都想在第一时间帮助灾黎。于是,启动各项应灾作业,从视讯会议到调动工具配备、招募志工到采购物资;虽是周末,也要做工。 每一次的应灾行动,总有新的学习和体验。 但也有特别的感动和领会。 There is always something new for us to learn or experience in every disaster response. Sometimes, we might also have some special touching moments and new understanding. CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
| A Submissive Response
As a Christian organisation, we need to have spiritual principle and insight to mobilise churches to respond to disaster. We have to wait patiently before our Lord, deeply believe that He will open the way.
Hence, once again, I’m being led by the Lord. Foremost, last year August, I suddenly had the urge to conduct disaster respond training for our staffs. Because many of our co-workers had never attended any disaster prevention, risk reduction or disaster response courses. Hence, we gave our staff training for 1 hour every biweekly over 2 months plus. Discussion on some issues or sharing of relevant experiences during classroom session enable team using “common language” and reach consensus in very short period of time. Secondly, we managed to source a warehouse nearer to our office, which is about 30km away. Originally, we planned to shift within 3 weeks. However, everything went so well that we only took 2 weeks for the shifting. This new warehouse had saved a lot of our time spent in transporting boats, tools and equipment. Later our warehouse was also affected by the flood, but compared with the condition of hard hit area, our loss was considered very minor.
Thirdly, hard hit area Taman Sri Muda is just located next to us, not more than 10km away, we set that as our primary focus area to care and to respond. On the first day when the water receded, my co-workers and myself, were setting off to check out the disaster condition. However, we were blocked at the road junction, due to severe jam caused by heavy traffic, we were forced to retreat. On the way back, I told my co-worker that we should have contacted a local church. Then I received a call from Elder Dexter from Shah Alam Gospel Centre immediately after I reached office, he was inquiring the possibility of working together on disaster respond. The next day when we met, we immediately became acquaintance, later we found out that we actually met twice few days ago, at that time, it was just head nodding greetings. Two strangers who never know each other ended up working together, what a divine appointment. Heartfelt thanks to God, for He makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him. | Sharing good news by actions
This time the flood hit right before Christmas, it caused havoc to many. However, we praised God that many churches seized the opportunity to serve. They are willing to serve the community by sharing the good news by their actions. A church elder asked me: “On 25th Christmas Day and 26th Dec. Christmas Sunday, can we still go out to serve?” I answered honestly: “This is something new to us, we had never before organise disaster respond during Christmas. If the church is willing, then we may proceed as usual.” Later, I discovered, the highest turn out of volunteers were on these two days, especially Sunday
| Disaster Relief “New Wineskin”
This flood came as a disaster amidst another disaster. COVID-19 was not over yet, hence we were facing double challenges, visible mud and rubbish and invisible virus. Therefore, we need to add in Pandemic Preventive SOP in our disaster relief operation to protect our volunteers and aid recipients. I am very thankful that all volunteers were very cooperative, they understood why do we need to implement new measures. Just like the slogan introduced by our Government in countering COVID-19 pandemic, “Kita Jaga Kita”.
In every disaster relief, we will face different problems, work with different group of people, hence faced with different needs. This time is not an exception, on one of those nights that we had meetings, many questions were raised, I spoke out bluntly, disaster response is like “clearing obstacles” one after another, disaster victims are clearing their obstacles, we are clearing our obstacles, everyone is clearing their own obstacles. Therefore, once we encounter problems or obstacles, we can only use the best possible way under current circumstances to solve it.
| Interaction between Church and Community
Taman Sri Muda is consider as a big residential area within a city, way back in 90’s, it had experienced a severe flood before. As, this area is next to an industrial zone, therefore residents living here are mainly laborers from grassroot families. Due to pandemic, many of them are already in financially shaky condition, in addition to the flood, the shaky hut totally shattered, many households instantly fell into financial deep pit. Over here, you can get a peek of urban poverty, many submerged cars were abundant as their owners can’t afford the repairing cost, broken electrical goods were unable to be replaced, worse till some houses were in such bad shape that even after cleaned up are still unlivable. Children is another concern, their scantily toys, school bags and books, were destroyed just as all the adults. Besides material needs, disaster victims’ emotional needs were vast too. What should the church do, when we face with such big needs? We encourage the church to do qualitative companionship and care for those who need it, rather than macro scale of touch and go charity kind of relief work. Every church can adopt one area, care according to its capacity. We might not be able to help everyone, but we still can help disaster victims around us, especially the poor and underprivileged families. However, this model requires the commitment of the church for at least 2 months. Volunteer is easier to recruit during urgent disaster relief stage of cleaning and distributing goods, but when enter into recovery and rebuilding stage, it is much more difficult to recruit suitable personnel. Therefore, I hope churches or Christians can see disaster response as a medium or long term ministry. We might not be the first to enter the disaster zone, but we can be the last to leave the disaster zone. | 顺服的回应 身为基督教团体,带着动员教会应灾使命,是需要以属灵的原则和眼光去待人处事。在主前耐心等候,深信主必开路。 我再次经历主的牵引。 首先,去年八月,忽然有感动要培训以装备同工。因为很多同工从来没有,或者多年没有上过防灾减灾及应灾培训课程。因此用了两个多月,每两周一小时来上课。在课堂上触及的一些课题和分享相关经历,能帮助团队使用“共同语言”,更快达成共识。 第二,我们觅得一座靠近办公室的仓库,将仓库搬近办公室约三十公里。原定12月用三周完成搬迁,却十分顺利地用二周提早搬完了。这个为后来调度船只、工具和配备等作业,省下不少时间和路程。仓库后来也受灾,但与重灾区比较,损失甚微。 第三,太子园重灾区是7979的邻舍,距离办公室不超过10公里,是我们锁定关心、回应的地方。水退第一天,与同工前往勘察时,却在关键路口被截停。由于过多车辆造成堵车,我们被迫打道回府。回程时,我告诉同工,我们该联系当地教会。一回到办公室,就接到位于灾区的莎亚南福音中心的Dexter长老的来电,询问配搭应灾事宜。隔天会面时,我们一见如故,原来几天前我们见过两次面,仅点头打招呼。我们原互不相识,却能在此刻合作,算是神圣的相遇吧。 感谢天父,万事互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处。 | 报佳音,身体力行 这次的大水灾发生在圣诞节之前,让人有点措手不及。但是,感恩,很多教会主动寻找服事的机会。他们愿意服务社区,以行动来报佳音。教会长老问我:“在12月25至26日圣诞节和圣诞主日,我们是否能继续动员服务?” 我答:“这对我们来说,是史无前例。因为没有碰过圣诞节期间赈灾的情况。只要教会肯,我们照常服务。” 后来发现,这两天,尤其是主日,是出现最多志工的一天。 | “新皮袋”赈灾 此次的水灾,是灾中灾。新冠肺炎还未过去,我们面对双重挑战,可见的污泥垃圾和看不见的病毒。因此,为了保护志工和受助者,在救灾过程上要加入防疫SOP。感谢志工们都很合作,谅解我们实施一些新的措施。正如政府为对抗冠状病毒疫情,提出的口号“Kita Jaga Kita”。 每一次赈灾,都出现不同状况,与不同的人配搭,就面对不同的需求。这次也不例外。有一晚开会时,大家提出很多问题,我突然脱口而出说,回应灾难,是一次又一次的“排障”(指排除障碍),灾黎在排障,我们也在排障,大家都在排障。所以,遇到难题或障碍,我们就用当下最好的办法解决之。 | 教会与社区的互动 太子园属于城市大型住宅区,曾经在90年代发生过大水灾。这地区由于邻近工业区,住着许多劳工家庭。因受疫情影响,本元气大伤,再来水患,真是破屋更遭连夜雨,许多人顿时陷入经济困境。在这里,可一窥城市贫穷,汽车泡水后因没能力维修而遭搁置的现场、家电损毁后无从添购,甚至因房屋长期失修,即使清理后仍无法安全入住等等问题。还有小孩的需求,他们仅有的玩具、书包和课本等,也和大人一样失去所有。除了物质,灾民心理层面的需求也有过之而无不及。 在面对如此庞大的需求 教会应如何介入 我们鼓励教会要深入陪伴与关怀有需要的人。这比起大规模,蜻蜓点水,慈善式的援助来得有效。教会可认领一个社区,按照自身的力量集中关怀。我们或许无法帮助每一个人,却能帮助周遭受灾的邻舍,尤其是贫穷和弱势的家庭。但是这样的模式需要人持续关怀至少2个月。紧急救援期如清洗和派发物资容易找到志工,而进入恢复生活及重建期时,则比较难找到人手。所以我希望教会和基督徒,要把应灾当成中长期的事工。我们或许不是第一个到灾场,却可以是最后一个离开灾区。 | 张菲倩律师为7979志工提供免费法律质询 志工在服事社区邻里时,发觉某些个案家庭常会面对一些法律纠纷,其中包括劳资遣散、罚单罚款、被诈骗、公民权等等。为了让志工们更好地帮助个案,7979特邀张菲倩律师来为志工进行免费法律咨询,透过闭门会议*为深陷法律疑问的案家解惑,以理解自身的最佳利益。 2021年12月11日,第一场的法律咨询顺利进行。盼望这项服务能继续为7979全人关怀救助网络的教会与案家解惑。 *闭门会议出席者包括案家本身 | 7979新仓库——尼西仓库 全人终觅得一靠近办公室的仓库。 谢谢新、旧业主的无私分享,让我们以免租金的方式存储置放灾难回应的工具、配备、器械、船只等,以及吗哪食物银行的物资等捐赠品。 12月初,我们用了2周从安邦顺利搬迁至莎亚南。从此每趟车程节省1小时,来回省时2小时。 搬迁新仓库的作业,得蒙牧者中心的5位壮汉帮忙搬运等粗重工作,以致能比原定期限提前一周处理完毕。 也为此感恩,因为乔迁新仓库10天后,雪隆区就面临大水灾,正好派得上用场。 | 第119场7979志工培训(访视) 自2020年3月行管令后,志工培训大部分都在线上进行。直到2022年1月22日万众睢睢,是全马第119场7979志工培训(访视),在美里卫理公会怀恩堂实体进行。 当天,一共来了37位参加者接受培训,预备自己成为一名正式的7979志工,准备进入一个个急难家庭的门户。7979同工终于不用对着电脑向一个个格子说话了。参加者积极地参与,一问一答的环节,让场面的温度不断上升。讲员也提醒志工需要注意自身保护,标准作业程序也不可疏漏。 “......这世界需要你我,把冷漠变成爱......”参加者不单在早上时把这歌词唱在嘴边,更是定意在接下来的生活中活出来。 | 吗哪食物银行2022年第一次发放 2022年一月,7979吗哪食物银行共发放了533包吗哪食物包,当中包括22个新个案。 恰逢农历新年,7979特意在这次的发放添加了年饼,让每户领取吗哪食物包的家庭都能感受新年气氛。 本次的发放,7979吗哪食物银行获得东方日报的赞助,以金钱方式赞助了400份的物资,惠及在芙蓉、槟岛、大山脚、怡保、亚罗士打、及关丹的案家。 | 7979服务统计表 炎热的下午,两位志工走进一间屋子,扑鼻而来的气味,穿透着口罩。一道微弱阳光从窗外射进屋子,勉强照亮半间房子。从昏暗的光线中,仍能清楚看见灰尘在空中飞舞。行走在仅容纳一人通行的走廊上,两旁的杂物不规则地摆放,让人一度以为走进荒置的仓库。两位志工坐在老奶奶身旁,和她畅谈。他们听老奶奶述说她年轻时的“威水”史,娓娓动听。 “Aunty,让我们来帮您洗厕所吧!”。志工爱心发问,希望获得这位独居老奶奶的允许。“不用啦!我的厕所很肮脏。”奶奶不好意思地回答。“没关系,让我们来帮忙。”志工的态度坚持。“啊!”厕所传来尖叫声,原来有一只老鼠经过那里。 “Aunty,您的家很暗,也不通风,让我帮您打开窗口吧!”。 “千万别碰,那窗口坏了,开了就不能关上。” 奶奶紧张地从椅子上跳起来。 “Aunty,您的家很多东西不能使用,我们下星期可以帮您拿去回收。”奶奶若有所思地望着其老伴留下的遗物,再望向超过半个世纪没人碰过的儿童玩具和用品。“这些东西陪了我很多年,丢了就什么都没了……” 整齐和清洁,是居住环境的基本要求。整齐可以让心灵平静,做事情有效率。清洁可以使心情舒爽,百毒难侵*。但,基于许多原因,导致一些弱势及贫穷家庭的居住环境,如以上主人翁那样,非常不理想。因此,疾病、贫穷和恶习等随之缠身,并一代接一代。 这几年,疫情肆虐,缺乏个人和环境卫生意识的人民,也导致许多密集和卫生条件差的地方爆发感染群。疫情教会我们一件事,就是要常常保持个人卫生,即常洗手、出门回家要冲凉、消毒及保持空气的流通等等。即使有天疫情已消失,我们仍然可以打造一个健康和卫生的环境。 然而,提升人们的防护意识的醒觉需要时间。如果我们走进别人家时,可以先了解和观察对方的生活习惯和情况。如果有需要,再凭智慧,提供适当的意见和帮助他们改善居家环境。当对方不愿意时,我们必须尊重对方的选择,别让对方难堪,正如以上Aunty与志工的互动。 7979志工服务伦理之一:尊重受助者之意愿,未征得受助者的同意,不得采取任何干预受助者身心灵之行为。 *《福气临门-新生机》册子 神造万物,各按其时成为美好,又将永生(原文作永远) 安置在世人心里。然而神从始至终的作为,人不能参透。 - 传道书 3:11 - | 7979护理器材辅助方案 |7979长久以来都备有 “护理器材辅助方案” ,让教会能够为社区中有需要的人借取一些护理器材,如拐杖、轮椅,护理床等。 如今新冠肆掠,为了更好的支援教会,7979增加了制氧机、测氧仪等护理器材,让教会可以有效地去服务社区。 预知更多详情,可联系 赵崇冠弟兄 Ashton Teow (+60 16-466 5972) | 第9届师资培训营 |7979第9届师资培训营来啦!
以往每届参与师资培训营的老师们都获得了美好的体验与回忆,纷纷表示得到了学习与鼓励!每年师资培训营都包含iCLAPS元素,让老师们能在当中激发更多的点子(i-ideas)、彼此连结(C-Connection)、接受培训与学习(L-Learning)、彼此赏识(A-Appreciation)、互相祷告(P-Prayers),并分享经验与故事(S-Sharing)。2022年师资培训营也不例外! 今年,7979将在6月举办9届师资培训营,赶紧拿出你的日历将时间留下来。老师们,万 勿错过一年一次的学习培训机会! 更多详情,请致电询问 朱秀仪姐妹 (+60 13-791 7979) CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
Extreme weather becoming common everywhere. The massive flood occurred last December, was not mainly caused by monsoon rain, but caused by tropical low pressure, that brought uncommon heavy rain fall. The existence of tropical low pressure was very much related to the Philippines Typhoon Rai that was happening at the same time. This massive flood hit 8 states, caused 54 deaths and 2 missing, financial loss estimated around RM2billion. In the future, disaster causes by extreme weather will be more rampant, it’ll affects everyone in this World.
In the midst of coping with pandemic, with the addition of massive flood, troubles seem to be never end. Usually, when the media and public attention or focus ended, will there be anyone still concern about the critical condition of disaster victims? How about those under privilege children who have been affected by pandemic, who had gone through two redundant years; when our nation’s education system unable to help our children, how can our children receive education? The many “New Norms” in future, will quickly tests our perception on purpose of life, and how does faith affects ones thought and behaviour. Many people are talking about the coming of metaverse era. This could be resulted from too many suffering in our daily lives, therefore people hope to experience a completely different self, things or lives in another cosmic space. My thought is, if we fail to live a life of truth, kindness and beauty in a realistic world, then the metaverse version is just another fake, surface and shallow Utopia. Therefore, we can do the following:
Care more for those people living around us, Be compassionate towards under privilege group, Do not close your eyes on injustice issues that happened in our society; and See your responsibilities in others’ need. Today, I read a phrase on the internet: “There is no such thing as ‘One Particular Incident’ in this world. The society that we live in also do not have ‘One Particular Case’. As long as something happens in our society, then it is a matter of concern for everyone in this society”. You might think that this phrase is too extreme, but it is due to the attitude of self-protecting that brought about many sad tragedies.
Society is a common body; nobody can exclude from it. If the place you reside is “dark”, then you’ll be “dark” as well, If the place you reside is “bright”, then you’ll be “bright” as well, Let’s together go out and save life. Light up a lamp in the dark, Extend your hand to the helpless, Stand firm and stay watchful at the gap. If one person cannot accomplish the work, then go in a team, if one team still insufficient, then go in a mass, many hands make light work. Our 7979 Service arm budget again exceeded 1 million, we need more volunteers and manpower. We believe unity is power, when united then there is hope! Can we have the privilege to invite you to walk together with us? 极端气候在全球多地出现。去年发生在12月中的大水灾,主因不是季候风,而是热带低气压带来超常的雨量。这热带低气压的形成,跟同时发生在菲律宾的台风雷伊息息相关。这场水灾在8个州造成54人死亡、2人失踪,经济损失估计高达马币20亿。未来因气候引起的灾害会越来越普遍,影响住在各个角落的人们。 在疫情还未过去之际,加上水灾真是一波未平一波又起。通常,媒体和公众的焦点和热潮一结束,还有人关注灾黎的困境吗?受疫情影响学业的弱势儿童,这2年就这样虚度光阴;当国家的教育制度无法有效帮助孩子时,这些孩子如何成长?未来许多“新常态”,将越来越考验我们如何认知生命的意义,以及信仰如何影响一个人的思想和行为。 现在很多人在谈元宇宙时代将会来临。这可能是因为太多人在现实生活中经历太多苦难,而希望在另一个“宇宙”空间以自己向往的身份,经历不一样的人、事、物。我认为,如果人类无法在现实中多元的社会活出真、善、美,在元宇宙里,也只能是充满虚假、片面和肤浅的乌托邦。 因此,我们可以这样做: 多多关心身边周遭活生生的人吧; 对周遭的弱势群体保持恻隐之心; 莫冷漠对待社会中的不公义事件; 在他人的需要上看见自己的责任 今天,我在网络上读到一句话:“这个世界并不存在什么 ‘个别事件’。我们生活的社会也不存在什么‘个别案例’。只要社会发生任何事情,都是属于这社会的一份子。” 你可能认为这话过于偏激,正因保持明哲保身的态度,社会上才发生许多悲惨险恶的事件。 社会是个共同体, 无人可独善其身。 若你住的地方“暗”,你也会“暗”; 若你住的地方“亮”,你也会“亮”。 让我们一起7979,去救去救。 在黑暗之处点一盏灯; 在无助之处伸出援手; 在缺口之处站稳守望。 一个人做不到,就一班人一起做;一班人不够力量,就一群人来做,众志成城。 今年7979服务基金的预算再次超过百万令吉,我们需要的志工和人力也有待加强。 我们相信团结就是力量,合一就有盼望! 我们能否有幸邀请您与我们同行? |