“When Yong Zhi just joined us, his school bag used to be filled with very thick and heavy books.” When Teacher Li Ping recalls those earlier days of Yong Zhi, it seems like just yesterday. When Yong Zhi (pseudonym) walked into the Companionship Class of 7979 Holistic Care Station of Gereja Presbyterian Gabriel, Kluang (Hereinafter referred to as Companionship Class) for the first time, he did carry a thick and heavy school bag. Compared to his frail and slender figure, the school bag was like a heavy stone upon him, pressing on his shoulder, he looked even smaller and vulnerable… The teacher was surprised to find the school bag was full of textbooks, revision books and exercise books when she opened it up to check, she couldn’t imagine how the boy managed to carry such a heavy load to school every day. Later, the teacher discovered that at standard 4, Yong Zhi still did not know how to look at his class’s timetable. So, he resorted to filling his bag with all the books and stationaries the school might need. Following behind Yong Zhi was Yong Jie (pseudonym) his brother who was 2 years younger. He walked into the classroom with his head low and frowning. Yong Zhi had stranger anxiety issues. When he first came to Companionship Class, looking at so many strange faces, he cried and wanted to call his mother to bring him back home. When his mother received the call, she quickly calmed down the panic-stricken son as best as she could, Yong Jie stayed only after much persuading. At least, he thought that his older brother was at his side, so he would not feel too agitated. Their mother is a foreigner, she could not communicate with the school teachers as she is not fluent in Mandarin. Therefore, she couldn’t help them with their homework or daily check-ups on books to be brought for the next day's classes. When Yong Zhi was at standards 1 and 2, he often skipped school because his mother didn’t have a driving license to send him to school. When a co-worker from an organization that used to help them heard of their condition, she contacted Teacher Li Ping. She didn’t take him in immediately in considering the restricted number of students the Companionship Class could hold at any time. Up until their school teacher suggested Yong Jie attend Companionship Class, only then did the Companionship Class’s teacher request Yong Zhi to join the class together with his brother Yong Jie. When they entered Companionship Class, their mother finally felt like the bulk was lifted off her shoulder. The mother somehow knew of her children’s homework issues and she was worried about their future. Through the recommendation of friends, she had the opportunity to learn to drive. After she got her license, she became more independent, and being able to transport her children to and from school, Yong Zhi no longer skipped school. After joining the Companionship Class for 4 months, their father who had cancer passed away. When they returned to the Companionship Class after the whole incident, although Yong Zhi didn’t show any sign of remorse, but he did tell the teachers that he missed his dad, he would say: “Feel like talking to my dad but he is not around anymore.” When the teacher heard what he said, the teacher encouraged him to express more of his thoughts, and taught him when he misses his dad, he could say to him: “Papa, I miss you a lot.” The Companionship Class teachers taught Yong Zhi how to check his homework and keep his school bag by following the class timetable. Day after day, Yong Zhi finally learned to keep his school bag, he no longer carried a heavy school bag to school, he knows he only needed to put the textbooks or exercise books of that day into his bag. Besides that, he also began to do his homework without being told to. Sign of growing doesn’t only shown on the older brother, the younger brother Yong Jie also learned to go to the toilet by himself, and he began to enjoy his time in Companionship Class, it is no longer a place that makes him feel insecure. Previously shy Yong Jie, now turn out to be the tattletale of the class, telling teachers who did not do as what was told. The improvements in Yong Zhi and Yong Jie can be witnessed by every Companionship Class teacher. Their father is no longer present, and with a working mom, who cannot afford the luxury of spending ample time with her children. The existence of the Companionship Class, which is to serve underprivileged children by providing homework guidance, life coaching and family care services, enabled their working mother to work in peace, and without any worries. “永志刚来陪读班的时候,背着很厚、很重的书本。” 回想永志刚踏入陪读班的那一天,丽彬老师仍历历在目。 永志(化名)第一次走进居銮长老会佳音堂7979全人关怀站陪读班(以下简称“陪读班”)时,背着又厚又重的书包。与他瘦弱的身躯相比,沉重的书包宛如一块巨石,压在他的肩上,显得他娇小和无助......老师打开他的书包,惊讶地发现里面装着满满的课本、作业和簿纸等,难以想象这孩子每一天到底怎样背着重甸甸的书包上学。经过了解后,才发现四年级的他竟然不懂得看上课的时间表,把上学所用到的课本、作业、用具等,都塞满了书包。 永志身后,跟着小他两岁的弟弟永杰(化名),他低着头、皱着眉头,慢慢地走进陪读班。永杰非常怕生,第一次到陪读班,见到一张张陌生的面孔,便哭着要求打电话请妈妈接送他回家。电话接通后,妈妈在电话另一端极力安抚恐惧不安的永杰。加上哥哥就在身边,也减缓了他的焦虑和不安,他才勉强答应留下来。 妈妈是外籍人士,不擅长用华语与学校老师沟通,致使她缺乏能力监管孩子们的课业,包括不懂得跟着课表,收拾书包。永志就读一二年级的时候,妈妈因无驾照无法载他到校,故频频缺课。一间有帮忙他们一家的机构同工得知哥哥的情况后,联系陪读班负责人丽彬老师。考量陪读班招生人数有限,没有立即录取永志。直到学校推荐永杰进陪读班,陪读班老师便提议永志与永杰一起加入陪读班。当他们来陪读班,妈妈放下心中的那块大石。 对于孩子们课业,其实妈妈心里有数,也会担忧他们的前途。经熟人的介绍,她有机会学车,并考取驾照。学会驾车后,她能独立到许多地方,包括载送孩子,永志终于固定到学校上课。来陪读班四个月后,患癌的爸爸病逝。回来陪读班的时候,纵然永志没有在老师面前表现悲伤、难过的样子。但老师说,永志曾向老师提及他想念过世的爸爸。“想跟爸爸说说话!但爸爸不在!”老师听了之后,鼓励他多表达自己的想法“可以思念爸爸,告诉爸爸:“我好想你”。 在陪读班,老师细心地教导永志检查学校老师交代的功课和跟着时间表来收拾书包,日复一日,永志竟然学会收拾书包了。他不用再背着重重的书包走来走去,只需要把当天要上课的科目课本和作业放进书包。他不只学会收拾书包,老师说他现在会自动自发地做功课。不只是永志成长,弟弟永杰学会自己上厕所,在陪读班也过得很开心,这里不再是一个令他感到焦虑不安的地方。原本害羞不敢说话的永杰,现在也会向老师“打小报告”,告诉老师,谁没有按照老师的交代做事。 永志和永杰的进步是陪读班老师有目共睹的。他们的爸爸已不在世上,妈妈也因工作,较难长时间陪伴他们。而陪读班设立恰好就是为弱势家庭的孩子提供课业辅导、生命教育和家庭关怀的服务,正好让她不用过于担心孩子,可以安心工作。 Comments are closed.