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汇报 Updates
【7979 大水灾援助更新报告 2022-04-02】 周三 30-3-2022 下午,淡马鲁福音堂的志工团队继续发放每户RM400的援助金于文德甲新村一带的26家受灾户。 完成这一轮的发放后,这一带总共援助了109户。 愿荣耀归于天父上帝,谢谢每一位志工和捐献者! “持续关怀,爱不断线” 7979重灾管理处 【7979 Flood Relief Update Report 2022-04-02】 On Wed, 30-3-2022, the volunteer team from Temerloh Gospel Centre distributed financial aid of RM400 each to the balance 26 families in and around Mentakab new village. Following this, a total of 109 families have been aided in this area. To God be the glory, and kudos to all volunteers and donors! "Continuous Care, Never Ceasing Love" 7979 Disaster Manager Section |
【7979 大水灾援助更新报告 2022-03-29】 刚过之周六 26-3-2022,我们当地的伙伴淡马鲁福音堂的志工团队继续发放援助金于文德甲新村一带的受灾户。 此次发放共祝福了55个家庭,每户RM400,为这些一年内2次严重受灾的家庭献上关怀。 续上次发放的28户,迄今援助了83户,仍有26户有待下次再访,其中包括一些原住民家庭。 谢谢每一位志工和捐献者! “持续关怀,爱不断线” 7979重灾管理处 【7979 Flood Relief Update Report 2022-03-29】 In the past Sat. 26-3-2022, the volunteer team of our ground partner Temerloh Gospel Centre continued to distribute financial aid to those affected families in and around Mentakab new village. This round 55 families were blessed with RM400 each, to ease their burden on rebuilding for they have been badly affected by flood twice in the past year. Following the first distribution of 28 families, so far 83 households have been assisted, and there are still 26 households to be revisited next time, including some OA families. Kudos to all volunteers and donors! "Continuous Care, Never Ceasing Love" 7979 Disaster Manager Section |
#冰箱满载祝福 7979回应半岛12月大水灾,现已到灾后重建阶段。 农历新年前夕,感恩常年伙伴HLK的协助,7979重灾回应处购买了25台冰箱预备送往Sri Muda太子园重灾区。在这新年期间,7979协同Grace Charismatic Fellowship(GCF)已经把冰箱逐一送达25户灾民家中。 冰箱送达灾民家中,志工继续跟进与关心后说:“这个冰箱项目真的很好,灾民们收到冰箱也受到了祝福,他们留下了眼泪。” 7979在灾后购买冰箱援助灾民,不仅减轻他们因损失而需要购买家电的负担,送冰箱最重要是能让他们储藏新鲜食物,生活便利。 |
【2022-01-24 半岛十二月水灾汇报】 - 关丹 经历重灾的孩童,跟大人一样,也损失惨重。他们的书包课本文具,以及心爱的玩具等等,也可能被水冲走了,或损坏了。 在灾难中,孩子比大人脆弱,因为他们更不晓得如何表达和管理自己的感受。 为了缓和孩童负面的情绪,全人关怀团队7979重灾回应处透过关丹长老会荣恩堂捐助达士华小,德伦敦区州议员沈春祥受邀出席一同参与发放水灾援助金和购物券给受惠家庭和学生。 · 资助该校约50户的学生家庭。每户RM500的援助金。 · 赞助全体439名学生礼物。学前班到2年级的学生,每人得RM30的购物券,3年级到6年级班的学生,每人得RM50的购物券。学生们可在31/3/2022之前,持券到MBS World 自由选购益智玩具、运动用品或文具等等。 |
【2021-12-29 半岛十二月水灾汇报】
【2021-12-29 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 [Scroll down for English] *【2021-12-29 半岛十二月水灾汇报】* -太子园 共有68位志工清洗了4间屋子和6间商店。今天是最后一天清洗,7979把手上的清洗求助个案处理完之后,就正式收队了!日后,若还有清洗的需要,还是会动员小队志工协助清洗。另外,教会也开始准备下一步计划,以提供更全面的关顾,包括探访关怀、评估需求、发放物资等。 自12月23日,7979招募志工清洗莎亚南福音中心后,开始设立赈灾基地。初步估计,我们一共动员了525位志工人次,清洗1间教会、61户民宅、1家学校、1家幼儿园、18间商店和1间老人院。 感谢所有志工们奉献自己的精神和体力竭力地为灾黎们服务,也感谢在背后捐助物资和金钱的伙伴。希望借着所有人的援助,可以帮助灾黎们度过这艰难的时刻。 根据气象局的报告,接下来几天有因低气压造成的连续大雨,半岛东海岸、沙巴东部、砂拉越部分地区会有发生水患的风险,让我们一起为大马祷告守望。 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 *【2021-12-29 Peninsular December Flood Updates】* -Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam Today is the last day of our cleaning operation, with 68 volunteers completed 4 houses and 6 shops. This marked the completion of all the cleaning requests received by 7979, the team will officially be demobilised ! Moving forward, should there be any further cleaning required, a small team of volunteers will be arranged to assist. Churches will now focus on the next step, to offer more comprehensive care, including visits and care, assessment of needs, and distribution of material supplies. On December 23, volunteers recruited by 7979 assisted to clean up the Shah Alam Gospel Center, and set up as a disaster relief operations base there. Based on preliminary estimates, a total of 525 volunteer counts were mobilised since then, and completed cleaning 1 church, 61 houses, 1 school, 1 kindergarten, 18 Shops and a nursing home. We truly appreciate the dedication and assistance of all the volunteers rendered to the disaster victims, and also thankful to partners who donated materials and money to support our relief operations. We believe that with the assistance of everyone, we have helped to relieve the disaster victims through this difficult time. Following the Meteorological Department 's report, continuous rains is expected in the next few days. There will be risk of flooding predicted in the east coast of the Peninsular, eastern Sabah, and parts of Sarawak. Let us pray and be watchful for Malaysia. HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-28 半岛十二月水灾汇报】
【2021-12-28 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-28 半岛十二月水灾汇报】 -太子园 目前,太子园灾区的清洗工作已将近尾声。今日招募了94位志工,清洗了7间住家、4间商店、一间幼稚园和一间老人院。明日7979将会把手上求助对的个案清洗完,整个清洗志工大队将告一段落。教会也准备下一步计划,探访关怀、评估需求、发放物资等。如若日后发现还有清洗需要,7979将动员1小队志工前往协助。 太子园基地SAGC对面是圣约翰洗肾中心,今天他们的志工来清洗,7979借出了水喉和水机,发挥邻里精神。7979志工也一同把报废的十多架洗肾机搬上罗里运走。 今天太子园基地收到报效的物资75张床和240包饼干,将陆续发放给受灾户。 更多的救灾消息,请继续关注7979onFB -淡马鲁,文德甲 今雪隆区6人组完成半天的工作后收队。离开前,志工们把教会尚需使用的清洗工具留下。 关丹和昔加末的团队20位志工今天清洗了2间住宅&2间商店,结束后今天也收队了。 7979灾难回应热线 :010-797 9919 7979重灾回应捐款 1)汇款至Holistic Integrated Services Bhd, MayBank 512781012599 (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) 2)注明: DR2021 3)单据连同您的姓名(中英文)及联络资料传至+6014-2655178 / [email protected] 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【2021-12-28 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 -Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam The cleaning of the houses in this disaster area is nearing completion. Today, 94 registered volunteers cleaned 7 houses, 4 shops, a kindergarten and a nursing home. Tomorrow, 7979 team will clean up the remaining cases, and the entire cleaning operation will be wrapped up. Churches are preparing to enter the next phase, such as visiting and caring, assessing needs, and distributing materials. In the event there are further needs for cleaning, 7979 will mobilize a small team of volunteers to assist. Opposite the SAGC, is the St. John’s Dialysis Center. Today their volunteers came for cleaning, seeing their needs, 7979 lend them the water pipes and water jets, demonstrating the spirit of true neighbourhood. Besides, 7979 Volunteers also assisted them to move more than ten damaged kidney dialysis machines unto the lorries to be discarded. Today, the Taman Sri Muda relief Center also received 75 beds and 240 packs of biscuits, which will be distributed to disaster-stricken households. For more disaster relief news, please go to, 7979onFB -Temerloh & Mentakab Today, the 6 volunteers from Klang Valley completed their remaining half day of cleaning work. Before leaving, they left behind the cleaning tools as the church still needs them. The other 20 volunteers from Kuantan and Segamat cleaned 2 houses and 2 shops today, and this team will cease their cleaning operation too. 7979 Disaster Response Hotline: 010-797 9919 Donation- 7979 Major Disaster Response 1) Remit to Holistic Integrated Services Bhd, MayBank 512781012599 (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) 2) Note: DR2021 3) Forward remittance slip, with your name (in Chinese & English) and contact information to +6014-2655178 / [email protected] HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-27 半岛十二月水灾汇报】
【21-12-27 - Peninsular December Flood Updates】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-27 半岛十二月水灾汇报】 “从一片狼藉,渐渐看到房屋的真实面貌,心中油然生出一些满足与成就感” 这或许就是志工们甘之如饴的心理安慰吧 -太子园 救灾清洗已持续一周有余,今天招募81位志工继续接力清洗灾区房屋,共清洗了17间屋子和3间店屋。 其中一组志工来自北马大山脚。他们昨天抵达,今天即投入服务。带队的长老说,2017年你们上来帮助我们,现在我们无论如何也要回馈! 目前清洗工作逐缓,因要继续观察和评估,才能拟定下一步计划。 感恩众多志工踊跃报名参与救灾清洗。接下来,是应该关注並帮助灾民恢复日常生活了。无论是在物资上的援助、居家的环境、家庭的需要、或是心灵上的扶持,都需要具备相关技能的志工接续服务了。 -淡马鲁,文德甲 继昨天雪隆区6人组前往当地,今天他们开始投入清洗工作。志工们进入到马来居民的住宅区,Taman Mentakab Indah,现场到处都是污泥漫盖。志工们需要竭力清洗,才能把污泥从房屋中清走,最后自己满身也都是污泥所在。 “其中一家巫裔灾民很感谢我们协助清洗,最后还要求我们一起合照留念。”看到照片里大家的笑容,想必就是志工们心里最大的动力吧! 此外,关丹组20位志工也在当地继续清洗了22间住家及一间幼儿园。 明天午饭后,雪隆区6人组将收队。 此外,疫情下救灾,收到的不止是一张张清洗房屋的照片,同时也有一个个自我检测test kit照片传进来报平安。大家齐心协力 #KitaJagaKita 。 7979灾难回应热线 :010-797 9919 7979重灾回应捐款 1)汇款至Holistic Integrated Services Bhd, MayBank 512781012599 (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) 2)注明: DR2021 3)单据连同您的姓名(中英文)及联络资料传至+6014-2655178 / [email protected] 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【21-12-27 - Peninsular December Flood Updates】 "As the muddy, messy houses been cleaned up, I begin to see the true appearances, I felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in my heart." This may be the psychological comfort of volunteers -Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam The disaster relief cleaning operation has been going on for more than a week. Today, 81 recruited volunteers continued cleaning and completed 17 houses and 3 shophouses. One group of volunteers came from Bukit Mertajam, Northern Malaysia. They arrived yesterday and were in actions today. The elder who led the team said that 7979 came to help in the 2017 Penang flood , and now we have to give back no matter what! As the current cleaning work is slowing down, we will continue doing observation and evaluation to drawn up the next course of actions. We are very grateful to many volunteers for enthusiastically signing up to participate in the disaster relief cleansing operations. Next, is to focus on helping victims, to restore and resume their daily lives. Whether it is material assistance, home environment and needs, or spiritual support, volunteers with relevant skills would be required to continue the disaster relief services. -Temerloh, Mentakab A group of 6 volunteers from Klang Valley arrived yesterday and begun cleaning assistance. They entered the Malay residential area, Taman Mentakab Indah, the site was covered with sludge, great efforts were needed to clean up the sludge from the houses. In the end, the volunteers are themselves covered with sludge! "One of the Malay victims was very grateful for our assistance in cleaning, and asked us to take a group photo for remembrance.” Seeing everyone's smiles in the photo, this must be the biggest motivation in the hearts of the volunteers! Meanwhile, 20 volunteers from Kuantan continued to clean 22 homes and a kindergarten in the local area. Tomorrow after lunch, the 6-man team from Klang Valley will end their operations. During the disaster relief operations, we received not only photos of house cleaning, but also self-test results of volunteers reporting that they are Covid free. Together we care, #KitaJagaKita. 7979 Disaster Response Hotline: 010-797 9919 Donation for 7979 Major Disaster Response 1) Remit to Holistic Integrated Services Bhd, MayBank 512781012599 (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) 2) Note: DR2021 3) Forward remittance slip together with your name (in Chinese and English) and contact information to +6014-2655178 / [email protected] HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-26 半岛十二月水灾汇报】
【26-12-2021 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-26 半岛十二月水灾汇报】 -太子园 今天是主日。为了方便教会及志工早上参加主日崇拜,集合时间延迟至中午12点。但依然有志工在早上就来报到了,很多也提早到了。透过7979登记报名的志工73人,加SAGC招募到84人,再加一些walk-in的,大家以心灵敬拜之后,更以行动事奉。总共来自至少22间的教会,被差往灾区和教堂的周遭邻舍,尽所能让爱走动。志工当中有好几位印裔,也有一韩裔学生,主里一家,一起赈灾。共清洗了18 间屋子,4间商店和1间学校。 有一长老透露,以前即使是同宗的教会,也是各自为政。这次他的教会也受灾7-8尺,他发现以前不大相来往的同宗教会,也联合起来关心和支援他们,让他深受感动。 今天最后一支回来基地的队伍,在水压低的情况下艰辛清洗,过了时间不忍还未清洗完毕而延迟收队。看见他们一身疲惫和满身污垢的状况,很不容易。后来发现,原来他们的车子的后面bumper也不晓得如何被人撞到整个掉了下来。车主说,大概是路况太窄,罗里过不到而撞后逃。 我问他维修费会高吗? 他答说,不打紧。比起灾民的损失,这是很小很小的事而已。 -淡马鲁,文德甲 今年初发生水灾的淡马鲁和文德甲一带,未及一年,水患重临,严重程度有过之而无不及。当地教会淡马鲁福音堂的周(Chiew)长老告知:“我们这里都是超过60岁的人,经过一天洗刷过后,腰酸背痛,想做更多有心无力。这里有些地方还无水无电,清洗工具也缺货,请你们派人来帮忙我们。” 于是,今天雪隆区有6人前往支援当地教会,开着罗里带着救灾清洗物资,尽一份绵力。同时,关丹有40人的团队,还有15人来自永平和昔加末长老教会,也同时前往 Kg. Baru和Taman Sempalit清洗了12间受灾非常严重的房屋。 7979灾难回应热线 :010-797 9919 7979重灾回应捐款 1)汇款至Holistic Integrated Services Bhd, MayBank 512781012599 (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) 2)注明: DR2021 3)单据连同您的姓名(中英文)及联络资料传至+6014-2655178 / [email protected] 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【26-12-2021 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 -Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam Today is Sunday. For the convenient of churches to conduct Sunday Worship and brothers and sisters to return to church for Sunday Worship, our gathering time was adjourned to mid afternoon, 12pm. However, some volunteers still reported for duty in the morning and many came earlier than stated time. We had 73 volunteers registered through 7979, and another 84 volunteers recruited by Shah Alam Gospel Centre(SAGC), added to this number are some walk-in volunteers, together we worshiped in spirit before we started our worship in action. We sent out these volunteers who came from at least 22 churches to disaster zone and areas surrounding the church, tried our best to let Jesus's love moves around that area. Among the volunteers we had a few Indian brothers and 1 Korean student, we are all one family in Christ, gathered together for flood relief. We have washed 18 houses, 4 shops and 1 school. One Elder revealed that in the past, even though they are in the same denomination, they all go their separate ways. This time, as his church was also being hit by the flood, covered with water up to 7-8 feet, churches that are not so acquainted with had shown concern and offered assistance, this really moved him deeply. Today, the last team returned to our base later than stated time because they felt uneasy if they left the house partly cleaned, due to low water pressure, cleaning work became difficult and it prolonged the completion time. When I saw their tired faces, bodies with soil clothes on, I felt for them, it was indeed a toilsome work. Later on, I found out that their vehicle was being hit at the back until the bumper fell off. The owner said, may be the road was too narrow, lorry could not passed by but hit-and-run. Then I asked him, will the repair cost a lot? He answered: "It's ok, if to compare with the flood victims, my loss is only a small matter." -Temerloh, Mentakab Not even one full year has passed, Temerloh and Mentakab which suffered a serious flood early this year were experiencing another flood again. This time, it was worse than before. Temerloh Gospel Chapel, Elder Chiew sadly shared: "Our volunteers here are all above 60 years old, after one day of cleaning, everyone has backache. We can't do much even our hearts desire to. Some of the places here still have no water and electricity, we have insufficient cleaning tools, please send some people over to help us here." Therefore, this morning, we had a team of 6 volunteers going over there to assist the church. There was really not much we can do, however we still deliver the needed cleaning tools to them by lorry. At the same time, there was a team of 40 volunteers from Kuantan, together with 15 volunteers from Yong Peng and Segamat Presbyterian Church, headed towards Kg. Baru and Taman Sempalit to clean up 12 seriously hit houses. 7979 Disaster Response Hotline: 010-797 9919 I support 7979 Disaster Relief Response 1) Deposit fund to Holistic Integrated Services Bhd, MayBank 512781012599 (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) 2) Reference: DR2021 3) Send your remittance slip with your name and contact details written to: +6014-2655178 / [email protected] HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-25 2220 半岛十二月水灾汇报】
【2021-12-25 2220 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-25 2220 半岛十二月水灾汇报】 -太子园基地 共有98位志工清洗15间屋子、1间商店和1家教会。清洗后,许多屋主表示非常干净,也很满意。 这些志工分别来自甲洞宣恩堂(2位)、恩施长老会(12位)、南北花园基督教宣恩堂(3位)、生命展翅资源中心(45位)、首邦2福音中心(2位)和34位个人前来报到。 感谢善心人士的捐赠,今天共派发了296条面包给灾黎。 -知知港 圣诞节,好天气, 献爱心。芙蓉共16位志工组队前往知知港展开屋子清洗工作,并代表7979和爱花城派发援助金给4位灾黎。 -淡马鲁,文德甲 开始招募志工到淡马鲁福音堂,明天组队前往支援清洗。关丹和柔佛北区的长老会也会带队支援。 感谢KS Secondary Fibre Supplier Sdn Bhd 捐赠268包饼干给于灾民 为着救灾工作祷告,求主带领负责协调的同工团队有聪明智慧和应变能力来处理灾区各种其难杂症。为着组长身心灵祷告,一些志工同时也是灾民,他们不仅自己家园受损,还忙着关心邻舍,协助带队和清洗工作。同时,也为着志工们所付出的行动使灾民得安慰代祷。 欲成为赈灾志工请务必线上登记 : 7979灾难回应热线 :010-797 9919 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【2021-12-25 2220 Peninsular December Flood Updates】 -Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam 98 volunteers came together to wash 15 houses, 1 shop and 1 church. Many homeowners commented after the clean up, that their houses are clean and were very happy. These volunteers come from; Gereja Christian Grace Kepong (2), Acts Generation Presbyterian Church (12), Sri Rampai Christian Grace Church (3), Life SOAR Resources Centre (45), Subang 2 Gospel Centre (2) and 34 individuals. Thanks to the donations of 296 loaves of bread which were distributed by the volunteers to the disaster victims today. -Titi, Negeri Sembilan Christmas ~ good weather ~ Sharing love. A team of 16 volunteers from Seremban started house cleaning work, and they also distributed financial aids to 4 flood victims, on behalf of 7979 and Love Seremban Charity. -Temerloh, Mentakab Commenced recruitment of volunteers for operations base at Temerloh Gospel Chapel to help with the cleaning tomorrow. The Presbyterian churches in Kuantan and North Johor will also send their teams to lend support. Thanks to KS Secondary Fibre Supplier Sdn Bhd for their donation of 268 packets of biscuits to the flood victims Pray for the entire disaster relief operations and ask the Lord to grant the 7979 coworkers, wisdom and resilience, to deal with various complex and difficult issues in the disaster area. Pray for the team leader's body, mind, and soul. Some of the volunteers are themselves victims of the disaster, with their homes damaged, but they are still involved in caring for their neighbors, assisting in leading the team and cleaning. Pray also that the caring actions of our volunteers will bring much comfort to the victims. To become a disaster relief volunteer, please register online: 7979 Disaster Response Hotline: 010-797 9919 HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-24 2345 半岛十二月水灾】
【2021-12-24 2345 December Peninsular flood updates】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-24 2345 半岛十二月水灾】 *关丹基地* 关丹组今天清洗了2间房屋,泥垒较厚,较难清洗。同时,也派发100包米干粮给灾黎。 *太子园区* 在莎亚南恩惠之家(老人院),早上共有24位志工协助清洗工作,午餐后一批志工移步到莎亚南福音中心支援,剩下7位协助邻近社区居民搬动及清洗部分家园。莎亚南恩惠之家清洗完毕,正式收队。 莎亚南福音中心清洗工作继续进行。今天共有27位志工,包括从莎亚南恩惠之家移步过来的志工,完成了莎亚南福音中心的清洗工作。赈灾基地正式预备好,明天将会有87位志工报到,展开协助临近居民清洗家园。 *知知港* 芙蓉爱恩社区教会共有16志工会到知知港赈灾,同时也会派发援助金给所需的灾黎。 *感谢* -Alvin弟兄的协调,The Pantheon 的CEO and Founder, Frankie How赞助20个头灯给志工在没电的地方清洗 -善心人士捐赠700条面包和其他的物资到莎亚南福音中心 酵道孝道捐赠大批清洁酵素供清洗工作,并无限量提供饮用酵素(又名素消炎茶) -来自实兆远的Chris&family 赠送果汁给志工们,作为祝福和激励 -十多位弟兄姐妹匿名捐献KN95口罩四箱(5200片) 欲成为赈灾志工请务必线上登记 : 7979灾难回应热线 :010-797 9919 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 [2021-12-24 2345 December Peninsular flood updates] *Kuantan Base* The Team cleaned only two houses today, as thick muds make washing more difficult. At the same time, 100 packs of dry rice grains were distributed to the flood victims. *Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam 24 volunteers completed the cleaning of Shah Alam Rumah Charis (Elderly Home) in the morning. After lunch, some volunteers moved over to Shah Alam Gospel Centre to render support, and the remaining 7 assisted neighbouring residents to move and clean their houses. The Shah Alam Gospel Centre is finally cleaned up with assistance of 27 volunteers. It will be officially ready to be the disaster relief base to receive 87 volunteers tomorrow, to help other neighbouring residents to clean their homes. *Titi, Negeri Sembilan* 16 volunteers from Seremban Agape Community Church, travelled to Titi to provide relief, and at the same time, distributed aids to the disasters victims. *Acknowledgment* -Brother Alvin's coordination, The Pantheon CEO and Founder, Frankie How sponsored 20 headlights for volunteers to use in places without electricity -Generous individuals donated 700 loaves of bread and other materials to the Shah Alam Gospel Centre -Eco Enzyme donated cleaning enzymes to 7979 for cleaning operations -Chris and family from Setiawan, donated fruit juice to bless and encourage the volunteers -More than a dozen brothers and sisters anonymously donated four boxes of KN95 masks (5200 pieces) To become a disaster relief volunteer, please register online: 7979 Disaster Response Hotline: 010-797 9919 HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-23 2345 半岛十二月水灾】
【2021-12-23 2345 Peninsula December Flood Updates 】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-23 2345 半岛十二月水灾】 -关丹基地 关丹队伍今天共有13名志工前往Cenderawasih。 4位来自Segamat昔加末长老会,1位女传道人来自Labis拉美士长老会,1位来自关丹长老会荣恩堂和1位来自吉隆坡的志工。共洗了5间屋子。 -蕉赖11哩信义会基地 在巴生谷,蕉赖11哩信义会赈灾基地,共有27位志工,清理12间屋子。经过了3天的清洗工作,目前暂无特别需要,因此先收队。至于门外的大型垃圾,政府也已预备货车处理。若有任何求助,蕉赖11哩信义会会继续跟进。 -太子园区 太子园的水灾的水开始退了,灾黎开始从疏散中心回来,各个团体组织也纷纷进到当中协助清洗屋子。太子园现在仍没电没水,故要进行清洗工作较艰难,只能使用有限的蓄水桶和水池进行清洗。 在莎亚南恩惠之家(老人院),约18位志工,分别来自Acts Generation Church 恩施教会,Antioch Christian Church 安提亚基督教会和几个单独报名的志工协助清洗工作。 另外,今天志工们也清洗了莎亚南福音中心,以预备作为太子园的赈灾基地。 为着救灾工作祷告,这几天会有大量志工涌入重灾区,可能会造成交通阻塞。祷告救灾工作可以顺利,资源可以均分去到有需要的灾黎当中,水源和电源可以尽快恢复。 欲成为赈灾志工请务必线上登记 : 7979灾难回应热线 :010-797 9919 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 [2021-12-23 2345 Peninsula December Flood Updates] -Kuantan Base 13 volunteers were involved at Cenderawasih comprising, 4 from Segamat Presbyterian Church, 1 female preacher from Labis Presbyterian Church, 1 each from Gereja Presbyterian Glorious Grace and Kuala Lumpur. They completed cleaning 5 houses today. 11th Mile Cheras Lutheran Church Base A total of 27 volunteers cleaned up 12 houses today. After 3 consecutive days of cleaning, as there are no further needs for the time being, the team will cease operations here. The larger garbage piled up outside the houses are pending government’s trucks to send for disposal. If there are any further requests for help, Lutheran Church will continue to follow up. -Taman Sri Muda The flood waters has mostly receded, and victims have begun to return homes from the evacuation center. Various groups and organizations have arrived to help clean the houses. There is still no electricity or water supply, making cleaning works extremely difficult. Only limited water from storage tanks and ponds can be used for cleaning. At Rumah Charis, Shah Alam (Elderly Home), 18 volunteers from Acts Generation Church, Antioch Christian Church and several registered volunteers assisted in the cleaning work. At the same time, some volunteers were also mobilised to clean up the Shah Alam Gospel Centre, to prepare this as a disaster relief operations base in Taman Sri Muda. Continue to pray for our relief operations. In the next few days, large number of volunteers are expected to flock into the hardest-hit areas, which may cause severe traffic congestion. Pray for smooth operations, resources can be appropriately distributed to those in need, water and power supply can be restored soonest. To become a disaster relief volunteer, please register online 7979 Disaster Response Hotline: 010-797 9919 HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |
【2021-12-22 2345 半岛十二月水灾】
[2021-12-22 2345 December Peninsular flood updates] [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-22 2345 半岛十二月水灾】 学校的灾后需要, 是赈灾重点关注之一。关丹7间教会,约50名志工,一同到达士华小清洗。 相隔至少300公里以外的巴生基督教长老会和基督教长老会沐恩堂同样观察到学校的需要,在巴生培英小学挥洒汗水打扫学校。学校遭受水患,若无外援,恐会错过最佳清洗时间而加剧损失。 梳邦基督徒团契今天再次出动14人,继续完成昨天一所民宅的清洗,及为一个独居老人清理屋子。当受灾户恢复生活节奏后,这支队伍将暂时收队。 灾区清洗工作将进尾声的蕉赖十一哩信义会赈灾基地今天有18位志工投入服务,清洗了8间民宅,1间商店。 感谢Rainbows 面包厂捐献200条健康谷粮面包,让灾区居民享受健康和美味。第一次参与灾后清理的志工说,已经从完全不晓得到大概了解,只需有颗愿意放下自己的心,勇敢走出去。 请为此事代祷,受灾严重的太子园部分地区还浸在水中,估计需要一至两天才能安全进入。将与沙亚南福音中心配搭,在该教堂设立赈灾基地,初步估计每日动员100人次志工长达两周。需要庞大,为着志工招募事宜记念我们。 东海岸再度陆续传出灾情,本周关注北部趋势。若需7979支援,欢迎联系,看看如何配搭应灾,甚至长远的重建工作。 欲成为赈灾志工请务必线上登记 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 [2021-12-22 2345 December Peninsular flood updates] The post-disaster condition of schools, is one of the key concerns of disaster relief operations. Without external assistance, schools may suffer greater loss if not clean up quickly. 50 volunteers from 7 churches in Kuantan came forward to clean up TAS Primary School. 300 KM away, Klang Presbyterian Church and Gereja Presbyterian Anointing Grace, also observed the needs of the school. They sweated and cleaned Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Pui Ying in Klang. Today, Subang Christian Fellowship dispatched 14 volunteers again to complete the cleaning of a residential house and another house of an elderly person who is living alone. When the affected households resume their lives, this team will temporarily cease their relief operations. The cleaning operation at The 11th Mile Lutheran Church Relief Base in Cheras, is coming to an end. Today, 18 volunteers cleaned up 8 houses and 1 shophouse. Thanks to Rainbows Bakery for their donation of 200 loaves of healthy grain breads, providing healthy and freshly baked breads to the residents in the disaster areas. New Volunteers who participated in this post-disaster clean-up said that, although they had no prior experience but were willing to follow their hearts and came out boldly to serve the community. Please continue to pray for the hard-hit Taman Sri Muda area which is still immersed in water. It is estimated to take another one or two days to be safe for entry. We will partner with Shah Alam Gospel Center to set up a disaster relief base in the church premise. As we target to mobilise 100 volunteers daily for two weeks, the need in volunteer recruitment is huge, we appreciate your prayers support. Disasters continue to rage the east coast as we also pay attention to the trend in the north. Please feel free to contact 7979, if you need our support, in respect of disaster response coordination or post disasters long-term reconstruction work. To be a disaster relief volunteer, please register online HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Tea |
【2021-12-21 2350 半岛十二月水灾汇报】
【2021-12-21 2350 Peninsula December Flood Updates】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-21 2350 半岛十二月水灾汇报】 把回忆,留在心底 今天,共16位志工回应了蕉赖11里信义会赈灾基地的需要。其中包括朋友结伴、父子兵和独自前行的。经过半天的忙碌,大伙清洗那些使用过的器材,吃着教会为志工准备的过节汤圆,一边分享今日的服务感受和学习。 “收了一辈子的东西,该放手的时候还是得放手。” 一名志工忽然开口说道。 “嗯?” 引起了其他志工们的好奇。 “今天我们帮忙的其中一个家庭,有一房间满满是她亡母的遗物” 志工沉重地说道。“这些,全部丢吧。她口虽那么说,手却扫一扫上面的泥浆,仿佛想再次看一看手中的物品。”志工接着说:“我看出她的不舍。所以就轻声地对她说“把回忆,留在心底”。 每位志工看似只在清理打扫,把破损的家具往屋外搬。但其实,他们都用心对待每个灾民,以行动陪伴灾民们度过这艰难的时期。**这支队伍今天共清洗了4间民宅和1间商店(未完成)。 今日,参与关丹赈灾队伍的教会有基督教赞美教会、关丹佳音浸信会中心 、沙仑团契和恩主中心一共动员26人清洗了30间民宅。明天将动员全关丹的教会清洗一间华小。 梳邦基督徒团契则在巴生清理了2间民宅。 明天将再度到沙亚南太子园勘察,欲成为赈灾志工请务必线上登记 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【2021-12-21 2350 Peninsula December Flood Updates】 “Keep all these memories, in your heart!” Today, a total of 16 volunteers responded to the needs of the Lutheran Church’s disaster relief base at 11th Mile, Cheras. Among them are friends, father and son team, and other individuals. After half a day of cleaning the used equipment, volunteers get to savour the Solstice rice balls soup prepared by the church, while sharing the experiences and learning they have encountered. "Having kept these things for a lifetime, let go when you should!” A volunteer suddenly said. "Huh?" Aroused the curiosity of another volunteer. "One of the families we helped had a room full of the relics of her deceased mother," the volunteer said with a heavy heart. "Throw away all these!” As she said that, she wiped away the mud with her hands, as if she still hope to retain them. The volunteer continued, "I saw her reluctance, and told her softly, "keep all these memories, in your heart". It may seems that volunteers are only cleaning, washing or removing the broken furniture etc, but they do empathise with each disaster victim, journeying with them through this difficult period with their actions. **This team cleaned 4 houses and 1 shophouse today (unfinished). In Kuantan, the churches participating in the disaster relief efforts include; Christian Praise Centre, Good News Baptist Center (Kuantan), Shalom Fellowship and Adonai Centre. A total of 26 volunteers were mobilised to clean 30 private houses. Tomorrow, all churches in Kuantan will be mobilised to clean a Chinese primary school together as a team. The Subang Christian Fellowship cleaned up two houses in Klang. Tomorrow, our team will go to Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam to recce and assess the situation again. If you wish to be a disaster relief volunteer, please register online HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Tea |
【2021-12-20 2230 半岛十二月水灾】
【20th Dec. 2021 22:30 Dec. Peninsular Flood】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-20 2230 半岛十二月水灾】 今天关丹赈灾队伍(关丹长老会荣恩堂、关丹佳音浸信会中心和沙仑团契)一共动员10人清洗了三间民宅。 在巴生,分别有巴生基督教长老会动员11人协助8个民宅清洗;基督教长老会沐恩堂则有5人协助清洗8个民宅。 目前有几个聚点的援助工作在进行中: 1)沙亚南太子园有两艘船只投入服务。等水退后会入驻进行清洗工作,会先从恩惠之家开始。 2)关丹队伍明天到达士华小协助清洗。 3) 支援蕉赖11里信义会回应新村的需要,明天开始清洗工作。 4) 支援梳邦基督徒团契在蒲种和巴生的清洗工作。 如果有需要欢迎联系我们看看如何配搭应灾,甚至长远的重建工作。 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【20th Dec. 2021 22:30 Dec. Peninsular Flood】 Today, Kuantan Disaster Relief Team (Gereja Presbyterian Glorious Grace, Good News Baptist Centre (Kuantan) and Shalom Fellowship) had mobilised 10 volunteers to clean up 3 houses. Whereas in Klang; - Klang Presbyterian Church managed to clean 8 houses by 11 volunteers - Gereja Presbyterian Anointing Grace cleaned 8 houses by 5 volunteers. At present, our relief operations are still ongoing in the following areas:- 1. Taman Sri Muda - 2 boats had been deployed for rescue operations. Once flood water recedes, house cleaning will commence immediately, with Rumah Charis as the first one in queue. 2. Kuantan team to clean up SRJK (C) Taman Tas tomorrow. 3. Assist Cheras 11th mile Lutheran Church to set up their disaster response operations, ready to start cleaning houses in Chinese New Village tomorrow. 4. Assist Subang Christian Fellowship to set up their team for house cleaning operations in Puchong and Klang. If you wish to assist, please contact us to explore how we can work together in disaster response, or even in long term rebuilding work. HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Tea |
【2021-12-19 2315 半岛十二月水灾】
【19th Dec. 2021 2315 December Peninsular Flood】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-19 2315 半岛十二月水灾】 气象局在中午时分解除紧急警告,热带低气压的云团离开巴生谷往近打谷去。 早前灾情告急的巴生与吉隆坡多地雨已停,唯水位仍在演变中。据悉救拯员和民防部队陆续把受困灾民载往安全处。 7979重灾回应管理处今晚与巴生基督教长老会和基督教长老会沐恩堂联合应灾小组完成培训,他们明天开始启动清洗工作。人手足够,暂无需外援。 关丹长老会荣恩堂赈灾经验丰富,今天也开始勘察灾区,正在密切关注数个受灾严重之地。虽加叻大道关闭,无法寻求外援。不过相信可以如以往一样,结合该区众教会服务受灾社区。 让我们以祷告记念三件事: 1. 巴生应灾小组可以顺利动员。 2. 关丹和东海岸众教会再次合一实现爱。 3. 灾区恢复生活次序,教会为灾民带来另类的“报佳音”。 【19th Dec. 2021 2315 December Peninsular Flood】 Meteorological Department had lifted the emergency alert this afternoon, when tropical depression cloud moved away from Klang Valley towards Kinta Valley. Rain had stopped in most part of Klang Valley that were earlier hit by incessant rain, however flood situations had not subsided. It is reported that rescue workers and military personnels had gradually evacuated victims to safety zones. Tonight, 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team, conducted a disaster relief briefing for members of Klang Presbyterian Church and Gereja Presbyterian Anointing Grace. They will form a combined disaster response team to start cleaning works tomorrow. Presently, they have sufficient man power, external support is not required. Meanwhile, Gereja Presbyterian Glorious Grace in Kuantan, an experienced disaster response team, had surveyed the disaster zone, focus specifically on few most severely hit areas. Despite not getting external assistance due to closure of Karak Highway, they were able to mobilise various churches in their areas to serve the disaster victims, similar to what they had done previously. Let us continue to keep these 3 items in our prayers:- 1. Klang Disaster Response Team to successfully mobilise volunteers. 2. Churches in Kuantan and East Coast to work in unity once again in their relief efforts to live out love. 3. Disaster zones to recover quickly to normal life routine, churches will deliver an extraordinary “Carolling" to the disaster victims |
【2021-12-18 2030 半岛十二月水灾】
【18th Dec. 2021 Dec. Peninsular Flood】 [Scroll down for English] 【2021-12-18 2030 半岛十二月水灾】 12月季候风时期,再遇热带低气压正中影响大马半岛中部,从周四16/12开始,多地连续下起大雨,水患处处,已有5州沦陷,其中雪州沿海沿河一带灾情严重,发生数十年来最严重的水灾。 7979已启动机制戒备中,以应付灾情延长而造成的负面影响。 三天后转眼冬至,再三天后是圣诞节。 让我们以祷告记念三件事: 1)天气好转,雨快停下。 2)正在受水围困的人民,身心灵的需求能尽早得到舒缓。 3)教会及信徒能挺身而出,为受灾的邻舍伸出援手。 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 【18th Dec. 2021 Dec. Peninsular Flood】 This December, the monsoon rain coincided with Tropical low pressure, bringing heavy rainfalls in the central region of Peninsular since 16th Dec., 5 states had fallen victims, with areas close to sea or river in coastal Selangor been the most severely affected, making this the worst floods in decades. 7979 disaster response team has activated the relief mechanism , ready to respond to assist areas severely affected by the prolonged rains. In 3 days time, we'll be celebrating Winter Solstice, another 3 days will be Christmas. Let's remember following 3 items in our prayers : 1. The sky will clear and rain will stop soon. 2. Disaster victims who are trapped, will receive holistic support and relief soonest. 3. Churches and Christians will rise up to extend assistance to their neighbours in need. HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Tea |
#灾后重建小故事 那水从傍晚7点多已经淹进来我家,我看大雨还在下,水位一定会继续上,我们只好击破屋顶,彻夜未眠地坐在屋梁上……
#灾后重建小故事 “你们猜,这个屋顶的大破洞怎么来的?” “那水从傍晚7点多已经淹进来我家,我看大雨还在下,水位一定会继续上,我们只好击破屋顶,彻夜未眠地坐在屋梁上” 志工吃着法蒂玛特意准备的咖哩角,一边听她诉说那夜水位高达九尺的惊心动魄。 Faithworks的志工团队在退水后,第一时间进入该区勘察,与村委配搭展开第一阶段的赈灾活动--清洗和消毒。随即在第二阶段,筛选出四家经济弱势的灾民,与7979配搭为他们重建家园。 法蒂玛与丈夫在甘榜经营着糕点摊位,赚取微薄收入,是其中一户受惠家庭。到访那天,志工熟练地穿过羊肠小道,来到法蒂玛一家四口的高脚屋,志工要来勘察需要和表达帮助法蒂玛重建家园的意愿。 法蒂玛一边拿出新鲜出炉的咖哩角,一边提醒志工, “小心!小心!那级的木梯松了,别踩,不然会滑倒” “来来来,你们站过来这里,那边下面的木桩损坏,缺角了。现在只是用砖头暂时塞着空位。我怕等下承重不了” 听闻屋子的安全问题可以随着重建工程得到改善,法蒂玛连声感谢志工,不止一起洗屋子现在也愿意帮助重建,为她家带来莫大的帮助。 很快,熟练的工人着手开始重建工程。屋顶的破洞,木梯、缺角的木桩都已经修好。志工还添加了书桌和双层床架给法蒂玛的两个孩子。孩子们开心地告诉志工,以后可以一边望向窗外,一边做功课实在太棒了。 种族差异没有阻止行善,也没有阻拦彼此成为朋友。志工与法蒂玛相约,如果疫情舒缓,开斋节务必要来吃她的拿手好菜。 |
#志工分享 #Throwback 【灾区里另一种了不起的工作】 连日大雨,水已快淹没一楼。一名五十多岁的妇女在淹水开始高涨时,只能爬往住家二楼避难。“二十年前,我们这里也有淹过,只是到小腿而已。这次淹水,只差4级阶梯就要淹到二楼了!”妇女对前来协助清洗救灾的志工分享。 清洗结束后,志工也将这段故事与基地人员分享。该名妇女有两位女儿已嫁去北马,还有一位女儿住在同个社区。当水灾水退后,家里门也坏了,所幸妇女还能暂住在女儿家。妇女说起当天的事发经过,心有余悸。“你看,这证明我有做工吧?”,志工开心地说。在协助清洗时,当灾民想要倾诉,耐心聆听与安慰,比起清洗墙壁,也是一项了不起的工作! |
#灾后重建小故事 连日大雨,2021年12月19日文冬发生有史以来最严重的大水灾。 其中阿兰与家人的木屋也躲不过此劫。 大水在午夜时分来得突然,代步的摩托来不及骑到高处。这紧急时刻,除了身上的衣物和手机、钱包,什么都顾不上了,此时逃命最重要。 水退后,阿兰告诉Gospel to the Poor的刘传道: “房间木板被水浸坏了,材料不便宜” “家里唯一的交通工具就只有那辆摩托,也坏了” “家里洗衣机也需要换” “整间家搞到这样,这个新年怎么过?” 仅有的家庭收入无法承担庞大的重建费用。 广集社会大众的爱心捐款,7979得以透过Gospel to the Poor帮助阿兰。 这天,刘传道把RM 500的7979水灾援助并可以额外为他们家添购洗衣机、摩托和装修木板的好消息带给阿兰。刘传道注意到阿兰有多处擦伤,一问之下才知道阿兰深度近视和散光的眼镜被冲走了。前几天,由于视觉模糊,所以失去平衡,人带摩托摔了下来。 刘传道再次联系7979告知阿兰的需要。很快,阿兰就可以获得她的新眼镜了。 |
2021年尾全马大水灾,彭亨州及雪隆一带最为严重。我家附近也是灾区,但蒙主保守,只是在厨房处入水2寸。 我家曾经在2013年被水淹,知道当中的苦楚。所以,我立即和团队启动赈灾机制。 知道当地居民连夜逃离家门,甚至在较高的大马路旁守候,煎熬地度过一夜。我们马上买了几百条面包及矿泉水,到邻近灾场送给灾民。灾难现场一片汪洋,居民满面愁容,不知所措。我们连忙送上食物及水。居民连连感谢让我有很深的感触:人在最需要的时候,一杯水也是温情。 过程中,我们结识了一位华小的家协主席,他也是灾民。他指着前面被水淹至10尺高的学校,告诉我们该校的困境,并请求我们帮助。我们互留联络号码,作为日后的联系。 ---- 第二天,我们依旧供应面包及食水。同时也到别区去勘察。过后,我们发出邀请招募志工,并发动为灾民筹款的信息。 感恩,许多志工前来一起赈灾。在12天内,清洗了约60间房屋,几间店屋,一间华小,一间幼儿园。 在灾区里走动,让我学习良多。除了亲眼目睹灾场的惨况,更多的是人心灵深处的需要。 有的灾民明明知道你是志工,却会要求你像个专业清洁工人。虽然志工(尤其是新手)百般的忍耐,心里嘀咕,但还是愿意尽力而为,为灾民做最好的服务。我很感动,也鼓励大家要生命成长,这才不枉此行。 关丹区各个不同宗派的教会愿意携手合作,一呼百应的回应这场灾难。每天清晨的简短交代及祷告是我最大的动力。教会能排除己见,愿意顺服的好行为实在令赈灾行动容易的多了。这都将荣耀归神! 志工们来自四面八方,但相处和睦,办事互相效力,真是美事一桩。我相信只有在灾场才能看见这幅美丽的图画。真的,耶稣就在灾难里显现!我们在灾区遇见活在人间的耶稣基督。 ---- 达士学校是我们锁定要援助的对象。校长信任我们,提供我们20个华裔赤贫家庭的资料。 几天下来,我们也一一家访,了解各人的困境。 这是神给我们机会去接触陌生人。当我们与学生家长见面时,我们刻意聆听他们的诉求,也鼓励安慰,并派发物资及大红包,给人留下良好的印象。这举动在我们第二次发放赈灾金时就看见成果。原来他们对我们第一次家访时所说的话烙印在心田里。我们仿佛似相识已久的好朋友。 我们也把一笔金钱奉献给达士华小,作为购买因水灾而损坏的工具。 救灾援助的工作还在进行中,希望可以帮助灾民们尽快恢复日常生活轨道。 ✍□关丹钟意红长老 #志工感想 |
washing two houses within a day was really very tiring, especially when one of the houses was filled with mud, but the joy that came with it made it worthwhile. [Scroll down for English] 【助人的同理心】 12月半岛大水灾,7979第一时间启动应灾机制,在勘察灾情拟定救灾计划后,开始招募志工团队前往灾区救灾。这次的志工动员以清洗灾区房屋为主。 Joyce姐妹(汪玉香)原已请假计划和家人回乡探望,但在雪隆区水灾后收到7979志工招募的消息,一直关注7979动向并向往参与其中,她便决定取消行程报名成为志工。 12月27日,Joyce在志工大队中,被安排到10人的清洗小组。“每一次我们都是在照片上,用我们的‘视觉’去看灾场。这一次亲自进入灾区,才发现和想象中的完全不一样……”Joyce分享到,亲身进入灾区,不止视觉,味觉、嗅觉、触觉都受到冲击。她更是表示,一进入灾区,扑面而来的气味让人作呕,她只好到外边呼吸一口新鲜空气后,再次鼓起勇气踏进灾区指定清洗的房屋。 5男5女10人一个清洗小组,虽然来自不同的教会,但是大家团结同心地去服事,真的很感动。Joyce更是对其中几位年轻人称赞不已,“我原以为年轻人会不适应这样的环境,或者喊累,但他们却让我备受鼓励!”当天整个清洗过程中,志工们都很主动并积极参与其中,用水枪冲洗过的墙壁,还会再用刷子洗刷一遍,直到干净、大家满意为止。 第一间清洗结束,大家用过午餐后,便到不远处另一家灾户协助清洗。相比第一家满屋的污泥与垃圾,第二家的屋子已经清洗过一趟,屋内的垃圾几乎清理干净。“我们第一次看到,5个男生都无法搬动一个沙发,因为浸水后的沙发,重量难以想象……”Joyce说到。清洗的第二间家,是屋主看见志工们在为第一间家清洗,便询问志工们能否帮忙。“若不是他们开口寻求帮助,我想他们真的会很辛苦。” 在清洗过程中,屋主看见志工们身上穿着7979背心,便询问起志工。志工介绍了7979,并表示这次清洗完全是志愿服务,并无收费,屋主们真的很感动。 “除了感觉到满足,其实我更感恩我能尽一份力,可以帮到他们”,Joyce表示,一天清洗两间房屋,有一间还是布满泥泞,但比起疲累,每个人都很喜乐,这就值得了。 “当事情不是发生在我们身上的时候,我们真的很难有那种同理心”, Joyce参加了这次的志工服务后有更深的深思。希望可以呼吁更多人愿意去帮助他人,不再是同情心,而是同理心。 最后,她还跟年轻人开玩笑说,“我这个50多岁的体力真的没办法跟你们比了……”在汗水、欢笑与感动中,一天的志工服务圆满落幕。 【Helping Others with Empathy】 In response to December Peninsular Flood, 7979 initiated Disaster Response Mechanism on the first instance, upon our recce team returned from the flood hit zone, immediately a disaster response plan was drafted, followed on was our volunteer recruitment activity. Our first stage of the flood relief was to mobilise volunteers for house cleaning. Joyce's original plan for applying leave was to go back to hometown and be with her family, but when she received notice from HISTEAM 7979 regarding volunteers recruitment for flood relief in Klang Valley, she immediately decided to cancel off her original plan and registered herself to be a volunteer instead, as she has always been following on 7979 news and wishing to be part of it. December 27, stood amidst the mass group of volunteers, she had been assigned to a group of 10 individuals. "In the past, we always use our 'visual sense' to look at the disaster zone, but this time, when I'm physically here, the feeling I sensed was totally different from what I imagined... " Joyce shared that this was her first time entering into a disaster zone, not only her visual sense, her other senses such as smell, taste and touch have all taken a full blast. She expressed further, once entering into the disaster zone, the odour that immediately greet them was so sickening, that she had to walk away to get some fresh air, only after a while she managed to put her guts together before entering again to clean up the house that was assigned to them. A cleaning team of 10 individuals with 5 male and 5 female, although they were all from different churches, but they work well together with one heart to serve the flood victims, this is so moving. Joyce also praised a few of the youngsters, "I thought the youngsters could not cope with such condition or will keep complaining of being too tired, but they turned out to be an encouragement to me!" In the whole process of cleaning, the volunteers had been very positive and took initiative in cleaning, they would brush the wall that had been washed by water jet until everyone was satisfied with the wall. When we were done with the first house, we moved on to clean a nearby house after our lunch. Compare to the first house which was full of mud and rubbish, the condition of this house was much better, the rubbish had been cleared and the house had been washed once. "This is the first time I witnessed how a sofa can be so heavy, even 5 men cannot move it. The reason simply is, after it was soaked with flood water, the weight of the sofa became unimaginable..." Joyce shared how they ended up washing the second house, it was actually requested by the house owner when he saw them helping out with the first house. "If he had not asked for our assistance, I believe it'll be a very toilsome task for him and his family." In the midst of cleaning, the house owner noticed the 7979 vests that they were wearing, so he asked the volunteers. Then the volunteer introduced 7979 to him, and explained that this cleaning effort was all volunteering service, it is free of charge. The house owner was so touched. "Other than having a sense of fulfilment, actually I'm very glad that I can help up and contribute physically," Joyce stated, washing two houses within a day was really very tiring, especially when one of the houses was filled with mud, but the joy that came with it made it worthwhile. "When bad things do not happen to us, it is really difficult for us to have empathy", Joyce had a deep reflection after this volunteering experience. Hope that more people will heed the call of helping others, not out of sympathy, but out of empathy. Lastly, she joked with those youngsters and said: "I am a lady of 50+ years old, my body and stamina are not as good as you all..." In toiling, laughter and moving moments, a day of volunteering work came to an end. |
#志工分享 感谢主,今天的赈灾服侍一切顺利,大家都平安! 今天有很深刻的感受…… 今天我们去的地方,属于中度受灾区。当我亲身去到灾区的时候,真的比平时在网络上看到的情况更加惨不忍睹。一进去灾区,就可以闻到那种很重的臭泥腥味。马路四周都是被水淹坏了的家具。路上都是大型罗里、伸手车、大型垃圾桶等等,马路窄得车辆都难以途径。 沿途走来,每一家都是在外面洗洗刷刷。从他们的眼神中可以感受到无奈和绝望。而且灾区里的情况脏乱到无从下手收拾。 有些家庭有男丁,至少还能清洗,但很多家庭家里只有老人家、残疾人士,和一些妇女幼童,真的没有办法可以收拾…… 很幸运,今天我被分到4人一组的清洗小组,当中有一位领导力超强的组长Dorcas Tan牧师、一位很温柔的教友Joanne Yap,还有一位很可爱的长辈“叻哥”。我们真的是一个很棒的组合! 今天我们收拾了2间屋子,里面的淹水和污泥超厚,根本看不到地砖。如果我是屋主,我真的看不见希望。 几个小时的太阳曝晒下,所有人的汗水不停滴落,全身湿透还满身泥巴的情况下,我们终于清洗干净。看到这么多小时的付出,屋子也变得干净了!那一刻,真的很满足!屋主还称赞我们“比我新年大扫除的时候,收拾得还要干净啊!”他们不停地说谢谢,脸上的笑容也让我觉得自己很棒,因为我为他们创造了价值! 一切都是神的恩典! @杨絜萓 Jade Yong(甲洞宣恩堂) |
【When you are willing to get involve in a disaster...】 [Scroll down for English] 【当你自愿加入这场灾难……】 志工分享 @Valerie Toh 杜慧沁 2021年12月25日这一天,是我此生最难忘的圣诞节。在多数人与家人朋友欢聚一堂,共享美食的这天,有一部分的人正在承受着流离失所、饥饿难耐,还需要努力地清洗家园,以望可以重新回到自己的家园。 所以我在看见HISTEAM 7979赈灾志工的招募时,决定加入救援队。 @25/12/2021 早上十点抵达教会集合,我们被分派成15人的清洗小组,然后带着清洗工具出发到指定的地点。首先,我们与屋主进行沟通,并了解需要清洗与帮助的部分。 一眼望去,水迹漫过一层楼,无论是客厅还是厨房,所有家具都沾染着污泥,可谓一片狼藉。许多木制家具皆已泡烂,无法再继续使用…… 这就是今天志工们要清洗的房屋。 因为人多,大家分工合作,男生负责搬大型家具、女生负责冲洗碗碟污泥等,齐心协力下房子很快就被清洗干净。 “水淹到一楼,我只能爬到一楼去逃生……”,在清洗的过程中,屋主除了时不时请志工帮忙 清洗东西,也和志工分享了水灾发生时的情况。志工们也帮屋主把最宝贝的孩子毕业照片拾起来清洗,有些还能清洗干净,而有些就像大水淹没的水灾痕迹,已然模糊不清。 “很开心你们能来帮忙”,这是在清洗结束后,屋主对志工们表达的感谢。 @26/12/2021 这一天我们被分排5人一组去附近另一个区域的屋子服务。 由于这区里,几乎家家户户门外都堆满了大型垃圾,垃圾车不停地进出该区,我们只能将车辆停放远处再步行进入,还未走进今日要清洗的房屋,就有一股股恶臭扑面而来,全是水灾灾民屋外的垃圾…… 之后,我们找到求助的屋主,随之映入眼帘的就是房屋前一袋袋堆积如山的垃圾,都是屋主这些天独自一人奋力清理出来的,可以感受屋主的难过与悲愤。 一进去屋里可以看到整间房屋的墙壁与天花板在水中浸泡几天后开始发霉,加上屋内屋外许许多多的垃圾堆积与积水,现场简直恶臭难堪。 今天志工们顶着恶臭,来到这里帮忙清洗。 由于很多木制家具已损坏,在清理丢弃时,志工们需要万般小心。但还是有位志工不慎割伤流血,所幸志工们有带着急救包,及时消毒并清理了伤口。除了安全隐患,卫生也是需要注意的事项。由于屋主有些废弃家具较大型,需要有体力的志工,其中三名志工在通知了总部后,留下帮忙屋主把垃圾丢进垃圾车里。 这两天前往灾区当志工,虽然感到很疲累,但是心里有很多感触。 当我在帮助屋主清洗打扫的时候,真的觉得,这就是一场灾难……如果事情发生在你我之中,这绝对不好受,也真的很感谢所有人愿意接力赛似地去帮助灾民。 【When you are willing to get involve in a disaster...】 Sharing from a volunteer, Valerie Toh 25th December of 2021 was my most memorable Christmas. When most of the people gathered together to feast with their family and friends on this day, some of the people are homeless and in constant hunger, yet they have to work hard to clean up their house, so that they can go back to their home as soon as possible. Therefore, when I saw the flood relief volunteer recruitment notice of HISTEAM 7979, I decided to register myself. @Dec 25, 2021 We gathered at the church at 10am. I was assigned to a group of 15 individuals and was put in charge of house cleaning. We picked up our cleaning tools and headed towards the house assigned to us. Firstly, we communicated with the house owner to understand which parts of the house that were needed to be cleaned. When I took a look at the house, I saw the flood water mark was higher than 1 storey, all furniture and everything in the living area or kitchen were covered with mud, it was a total mess, many wooden furniture became soggy and can't be use anymore. This was the house that we were assigned to clean. As there were many of us, we divided our tasks. The brothers were in charged of moving the big items, while the sisters were in charged of washing the dishes and mud collected in the house. When everyone obediently do their parts, the house was quickly being cleaned up. "The flood water had covered up till the first storey of my house, so I have to escape to the second storey...", in the process of cleaning the house, while the house owner instructing us what or where to wash, she also shared some of her story of the flood with us. The volunteers helped the house owner to clean her children's graduation photos, some can still be restored, yet some became blurry after soaking in flood water for too long. "I'm very happy that you all willing to come and help me up", this is an expression of gratitude from the house owner when we completed our cleaning work. @26th Dec. 2021 Today I was in a group of 5 volunteers and was assigned to clean a house in another area. As this area was full of garbage dumped outside of almost every houses, the garbage truck kept going in and out of the area clearing the piled up garbage, we ended up parked our car far away and walked into this area. Before we even get closed to the house we were supposed to clean, we could already smell the stingy foul smell from the rubbish along the road. Then, we found the house that requested for our help, the first thing came to our sight was the piled high rubbish which was cleared by the house owner all by himself. We can sense the sadness and grief in him. Once we entered the house, we saw the wall and the ceiling started to become moldy after few days of soaking under water, with the rubbish and stagnant water inside and outside of the house, the odor was extremely bad. The volunteers had to bear with the foul odor while cleaning up the house. As many of the wooden furniture already rotten, volunteers had to be very careful when moving it. Despite being careful, one volunteer still got injured and bled. Thankfully we were prepared with first aid kit, hence we quickly disinfected and cleaned the wound. Other than safety issue, hygiene is another matter that we need to pay attention to as well. Due to some of the disposed furniture were very bulky, the house owner needed strong volunteers to help out in moving the items into garbage truck, so 3 of the volunteers stayed behind to help out after informing the command base. Although these two days of volunteering at the disaster area were very tiring, but my emotion was overwhelming. When I was helping the two house owners in cleaning up their houses, I really felt that this was a disaster.... If this thing happens to you and me, we'll definitely feel terrible. I also wanted to thank all those people who are taking turns to help the flood victims like the 4 X 100 race. |
#志工分享 #关丹组 今天是我第一次去参加清洗水灾,原本还以为没有这么辛苦…… 当我去到现场的时候,看到那些地方我都感到恶心,尤其是看到他们无助的眼神,我都感到心累!尤其是他们的床、书本、橱和多么乱的地方,你都可以想象现场的环境。 第一次参加清洗水灾,给我的第一印象是我们现在住的地方是多么的好。在清洗时,看到他们不够人手是多么的累!尤其是长老忙前忙后都没有说过一句累,手都脱皮还在坚持把这份工作做完。 所以我们少年人哪里可以轻易的说累呢?明天就是清洗水灾最后一天了!希望少年人可以踊跃的来参与! 可能在这个圣诞节也能带给你们一个开心的回忆!大家一起加油 (关丹,彭立伟) . 赈灾志工招募 Relief Volunteers Recruitment 志工招募询问 For more enquiry about relief volunteers recruitment 016-331 0830 米利 Miriam 灾难回应热线 Disaster Relief Hotline 010-7979 919 |
新闻报导 NEWS
Flood-hit family says they've 'much to be grateful for' this Christmas
With the help of their church members and some neighbours, Chong has been spending the days leading up to Christmas cleaning both her home and her mum’s. “We’ve had so much help cleaning up, not just from our church members but also Christian NGO, Histeam (Team 7979) that provided all the cleaning olls for us to be able to clean efficiently…… Read Full Article: |
半岛多个州属去年底爆发毁灭性大水灾,尽管洪水已经消退,但是灾区满目疮痍,重建工作艰辛又漫长。志工团队也持续在灾区协助善后。 资深民间组织赈灾指挥官点出,这次洪涝罕见地出现在城市地区,志工在水退后,重返灾区支援时,发现大部分灾黎一开始对来访的志工有些抵触,需要多花时间和灾民沟通、建立信任,才能对症下药,提供支援。 |
灾后清洗工作暂告一段落,“全人关怀团队7979”将展开下一步行动:探访关怀、评估需求、发放物资等。郑百颂传道(全人关怀团队7979主任)说:“这次应灾的挑战,我称之为‘新皮袋应灾行动模式’,动员不是最难,但瘟疫尚在流行,如何确保志工安全服务,才是不容易。”所幸科技方便,他们可以事先沟通、登记、筛选,确保行动符合当局定制的防疫标准作业程序,以保护志工、灾民、社区和家人。 “其次,水灾在圣诞节前临到,教会活动、节目受影响,甚至取消。教会不能如常以歌声报佳音,却以劳苦汗水一户、一户见证基督道成肉身,这是难忘的经历,也是活出了圣诞真义。 “第三,我发现各教会之间的间隙变小、互助增加。参与的教会领袖不会问’我们会跟什么宗派教会合作?’反之,他们义无反顾投入,显出主里一家的精神。有的领袖听见某牧者受水灾影响,马上伸出援手,这也让我非常感动!” 顶着恶臭清洗房屋,志工有的割伤,有的疲累,有的为着灾民很难过;但大伙还是积极服事,直到清洗完毕。 然而, 这次水灾援助还未画上句点,受苦、损失财物、失去亲人的灾民,谁会陪伴他们继续前行?呼吁弟兄姐妹一起关怀身边受水灾影响的朋友,给予实际帮助、安慰与陪伴。 全文:《7979伙伴教会投入赈灾——吁陪伴灾民继续前行》 资料提供:全人关怀团队7979 |
这次负责雪州水灾赈灾行动的指挥官,全人7979部门主任郑百颂传道接受《亚视新闻东南亚》访问时说,物资分配不均的情况在过去很多场水灾都有发生。 他指出:“最关键原因,捐助物资的人,没做好评估,不知道当地灾情需要什么东西,就把物资贸贸然送去现场。” 他表示,未做好评估就捐赠物资会引发两种情况,一是某些物资太少,二则是某些物资太多泛滥,这两者都是不健康的情况,会引起很多不必要的误会。 链接报导: |
报道【从日常关怀到急难救助——东海岸及南马众教会同心赈灾】 ——小时生活清苦,钟意红更能体会怜悯和施恩惠的重要,后来全马长老大会推行无墙教会,关丹长老会荣恩堂更看重社区关怀事工,而钟意红——教会的福利社区关怀组主席、关丹7979全人关怀求助网络负责人——便带着一群弟兄姐妹,走进社区,从“心”关怀,至今十多年。 华人农历新年在即,以往弟兄姐妹会送礼给各个家庭,在门前唱诗。疫情爆发后,他们改为线上聚会,互相关怀问候。但钟意红说,这次情况更不同了,待赈灾行动结束,他们将策划送年饼、红包给他们——尤其是华人家庭。若当中有人需要其他援助,他们也会转介给辅导同工,或为他们申请7979急难救助金。家有弱势儿童的,也可以加入教会陪读班,免费课后辅导。他们会和灾民保持联系,提供实际帮助,同时也希望他们得到心理支援。 【从日常关怀到急难救助——东海岸及南马众教会同心赈灾】受访:钟意红 全文: |
注明: DR2021 全人关怀团队 7979重灾回应管理处 |
Donation - 7979 Major Disaster Response
Note: DR2021 HISTEAM 7979 Major Disaster Response Management Team |