迎接大风大浪 急难故事 · 文/慧欣 伟杰的双脚浮肿了好一阵,他的身子容易疲惫。本以为休息一会儿就没事,也不曾想过就医。但妻子始终放不下心,坚持要伟杰看医生。经过一番劝说,伟杰终于肯拿假,到医院去做检查。 完成多项身体检验后,医生诊断伟杰的肾脏和心脏均出现问题,唯有透过手术,才能挽救他的性命。当伟杰知道自己健康的问题,加上需要缴付庞大的手术费用后,他感到忧愁和焦虑。伟杰只是一名在工厂打工的蓝领工人。除了医疗费用,他还需要承担全家人的生活开销。 由于手术前,必须进行密集复诊和治疗,伟杰收到工厂劝告主动离职。这晴天霹雳的消息,使伟杰一家六口的生活雪上加霜。平安浸信会社区中心7979全人关怀站的王爱善弟兄,也是伟杰的朋友,便将伟杰的需要告诉教会。 经过家访,教会鉴定了伟杰一家的需要,决定为伟杰申请四期的7979急难救助金为日常生活津贴。教会弟兄姐妹时常以行动关怀和陪伴伟杰一家渡过这时期,例如透过电话联系、登门拜访,以及自费赠送烘焙健康的谷粮面包或干粮给他们全家。 纵然,健康出状况和失业,是伟杰无法改变的事实;但,他们在困境中找到新的出路。妻子在面档做兼职,家中年纪较长的两名女儿负责照顾弟弟妹妹。这次的家庭危机使夫妻、亲子和手足关系变得比以前更紧密。 手术后,伟杰的身体慢慢康复,能正常生活。为了找到新工作,积极向上的他,学习冲泡咖啡的新技能。每天早餐,他在咖啡店负责为顾客泡一杯杯的咖啡。由于他的收入大不如前,家中有点中度缺粮的迹象。教会知道他们全家面对的问题,决定继续介入,并帮他们申请7979吗哪食物包。 在困境中,伟杰与家人展现坚韧的品格。他们感恩,有平安浸信会社区中心向他们伸出援手,伴他们渡过最困难的时期。他感谢教会各肢体的探访、帮忙和祷告,使全家人备受关心、爱待和接纳。 “这场病,让没有血缘关系的我们能认识彼此。谢谢你们。”伟杰感谢前来探访的志工。志工探访他们时,使用《福气临门:新态度》小册子,与伟杰一家分享如何以正确的心态,面对艰难生活。志工透过小册子教导他们:对于无法改变的事情,要平静的接受;对于一些可以改变的事情,要勇敢的改变。 只要懂得更新态度,即使风浪再大,福气也会临到你。 Embracing Storm and Tidal Waves A Story of Crisis Intervention · Written by Tang Wei Kiat’s feet had been swollen for quite a while, and he felt tired easily. He thought he would be well after resting and did not think of seeing a doctor. But his wife was worried and insisted him to see a doctor. Only after much persuasion, he'd finally willing to take a day off and went to the hospital for a check-up.
After running a series of tests, the doctor’s diagnosis was Wei Kiat had kidney and heart problems and only surgery can save his life. When he learnt about his health condition and the huge operation cost, he felt worried and anxious. He was just a blue-collar worker working in a factory. Furthermore, he was the only breadwinner of the family. Due to frequent follow-ups and pre-surgery treatments, Wei Kiat was summoned by the factory’s management to resign voluntarily. The news was a bolt from the blue, adding to the hardship of the family of six. Bro. Heng Ai Siang from Pusat Baptis Shalom 7979 Holistic Care Station, a friend of Wei Kiat, told the church about Wei Kiat’s need. After the first house visitation, the church confirmed it was a genuine case, and decided to apply for 4 issuances of 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund’s aid on behalf of Wei Kiat as living allowance. During this period of difficult times, the church’s brothers and sisters accompanied them and showed their concern by their action. They called and visited them frequently. Some even baked healthy grain bread or bought non-perishable food for them at their own expense. Even though Wei Kiat’s health was deteriorating and in an unemployed state were undeniable facts, yet they found a new way out. His wife worked part-time at a noodle stall and his two elder daughters take care of their younger siblings. The family crisis has brought their relationship closer, be it husband and wife relationship, parent-children relationship or siblings relationship. After the operation, he slowly recovered and was able to live a normal life. In order to get a new job, Wei Kiat, who was a keen learner, took up the challenge and learned to brew coffee. Now every morning, he is in charge of brewing coffee for customers at the coffee shop. As his income has dropped considerably, the family is showing signs of a moderate food shortage. Knowing the problems of this family, the church decided to continue to help this family by applying the 7979 Manna Food Bank’s aid. In the midst of hardship, Wei Kiat and his family showed resilience. They are thankful that this church, Pusat Baptis Shalom, had reached out to them and helped them through the most difficult time. He thanked them for their prayers, assistance and visitations, which had made them feel being cared for, loved and accepted. “This illness has led us, who are not related by blood, to come to know each other. Thank you.” He thanked all the volunteers who came to visit him. During one of those visits, they shared with him and his family the booklet “Blessing at Your Door Steps: A New Attitude”, on how to face difficulties with the right mindset. Through the booklet, the volunteers taught them to calmly accept things that cannot be changed, and boldly change things that can be changed. As long as you know how to renew your mind, blessings will come to you even if the storm is strong. Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 CIF - 急难家庭救助 Crisis Family Intervention Fund |