(For English please scroll down) 为母则强 急难故事 · 文/慧欣 那是阿琴(化名)生活崩塌的一天。枕边人卷款、欠债后逃之夭夭,失去踪影,留下烂摊子让阿琴和三个孩子来承担。 每一次电话响起,都给阿琴和三个孩子带来巨大的心理压力,恐怕又是讨债,讨交代的电话。无辜牵连的阿琴只能一声一声地流泪道歉。 但生活的波涛汹涌没有因为阿琴找到工作而止息。数月来欠下的屋租不再得到房东的怜悯,需要尽快搬离。这时,丈夫已经失联三周了。这是怡保以琳福音堂7979全人关怀站跟进中的案家之一。 教会志工陪伴并安抚阿琴惊魂未定的心,经过多方考量,阿琴带着孩子们搬到租金便宜许多的屋子。新住处空空如也,不过阿琴下定决心勤劳地接下更多打扫工作,虽然收入单薄,不过阿琴将努力平衡家庭收支,让孩子们的生活可以再次安稳并看见曙光。 教会志工从空旷的新住处看见服侍的契机,在教会内发动起筹募电器家具的需要,很快地,冰箱、沙发、床、枕头、风扇、桌子、椅子、厨具、柜子等等陆续送到。这段过渡期间,教会志工也为阿琴申请急难救助金,每个月RM300帮助阿琴解燃眉之急,一共四期。 阿琴手握急难救助金向教会志工表达感激,也承诺会更勤劳工作。阿琴说,为了三个孩子她不会放弃,生活将继续往前。志工向阿琴和孩子们分享《福气临门》,他们也很乐意地在生活中做出改变和调整。其实,期间依然有大小风浪,如阿琴发现丈夫对婚姻不忠、孩子细菌感染常需要就医、甚至丈夫回来讨钱,搞得全家鸡犬不宁等等风波。教会志工不但陪伴和引导以神的话语鼓励他们,并和阿琴和孩子们一起祷告,也邀请他们参加教会的小组及不同的聚会。如今,他们开始愿意靠着神刚强面对生活的困境。阿琴接到的打扫邀约也越来越多并且固定。 为母则强。适当的辅助下,小女人也可以带着三个孩子乘风破浪,独立生活。 Motherhood made her strong A Story of Crisis Intervention · Written by Tang That was the day when Ah Oin’s (pseudonym) life collapsed. Her husband left her and their 3 children with unsettled debts while he fled with their money. Each time when the phone rang, it would trigger a huge psychological pressure to Ah Qin and her three children, fearing that it would be another call to collect debts and demand for an explanation. She could only apologise in tears again and again as she had no idea what had happen.
But the turbulent waves of life did not stop, even after Ah Qin found a job. Her landlord no longer had mercy for her, she owed too many months of rental. She was ordered to move out as soon as possible. That was three weeks after she lost contact with her husband. This is one of the families being followed up by Ipoh Elim Gospel Hall 7979 Holistic Care Station. Church’s volunteers accompanied and calmed Ah Qin's frightened heart. After much thoughts, Ah Qin moved to another house with much cheaper rental. The new house is empty, but Ah Qin determined to work hard and hence she took up more cleaning jobs. Despite the low income, she tried her very best to cover their family’s expenses, so that her children’s lives will be stable once again, and come out of the pit of darkness. Looking at the empty house, the volunteers saw the opportunity to serve. They started a fundraising project in church to furnish the house with necessary electrical appliances and furniture. In very short time, fridge, sofa, beds, pillows, fans, tables, chairs, cooking utensils, cabinets were sent to the house one after another. At the meantime, the church’s volunteers also helped her to apply for Family Crisis Intervention Fund, an aid of RM300 per month over four months, to meet her urgent need. Ah Qin was truly grateful to the church’s volunteers when she held the money in her hand, she promised to work harder. She said she would not give up for the sake of her three children and would continue to move on with her life. The volunteers shared with them the “Blessing at Your Doorstep”, they were very willing to make changes and adjustments in their lives. In fact, there are still ups and downs in their lives, such as Ah Qin later found her husband was being unfaithful to their marriage, her child was admitted to hospital due to virus infection, and when her husband came back to ask for money, which brought havocs to the family. The church’s volunteers not only stand by them and guided them through with God’s word, but also prayed together with them. They were being invited to cell group meeting and different activities too. Now, they are willing to face the difficulties of life with strength from God. Meanwhile, Ah Qin cleaning jobs was also increased in demand. Motherhood makes her strong, with proper guidance, even this little woman is able to ride the wave of life, and live independently with her three children. Comments are closed.
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