(For English please scroll down) 家里需要我 急难故事 · 文/慧欣 “医生,我不能停也不敢停,家里需要我” 当萍姐按下山打根浸信教会7979全人关怀站门铃的那刻,她并不晓得教会可以如何帮助她。因为她的需要太大了。 自从同居男友患上癌症,她以单薄的身子支撑着这个家。 否则,年老的母亲和正在就读中学的侄儿,就要一起喝西北风了。 所以,当长期累积的胃疾让她直不起腰,她得去工作; 所以,当心脏疾病让她几度晕眩,她还得工作。 萍姐甚至对医生说“我不能停也不敢停,家里需要我。” 断断续续付的水电费,房东的催租,家里的吃穿用度和医药费,她手停口停。这担子实在太大了。她听闻山打根浸信教会乐意帮助贫穷人,她想去试试运气。 “我愿意” 邱牧师和罗姐妹听毕萍姐的诉说,再经过初步家访和表明服务意愿后,短短两周就把萍姐第一期的急难救助金送到。 每次的急难救助金发放不但为萍姐紧绷的财务状况稍微解困。而且,配合《福气临门》,萍姐与罗姐妹有各种话题可谈。新冠防疫期间不能见面的日子,罗姐妹也常常电联萍姐,萍姐深深感受教会的善意。 即使四期的急难救助金发放完毕后,罗姐妹继续与萍姐分享《福气临门》,罗姐妹问到“上帝要将最好的礼物送给我们,你愿意接受主耶稣做你的救主吗?” 萍姐坚定地回复“我愿意。” 生活中,萍姐的需要未获得戏剧性的大改善。身体的病痛持续着,薪水依然不足支撑全家的基本需要。但,这一次,她不再一个人,她有教会肢体的陪伴,她有全知全能的神做她随时的帮助。 My family needs me A Story of Crisis Intervention · Written by Tang “Doctor, I can’t stop and dare not stop. My family needs me.”
When Ping Jie pressed on Sandakan Baptist Church 7979 Holistic Care Station’s door bell, she had no clue how the church could help her, for her needs are plentiful. Ever since her boyfriend was diagnosed with cancer, she had to single-handedly support the whole family, including her old aged mother and a nephew who is in secondary school, despite her own physical illness. When in severe gastric pain, she still has to work. When her heart disease makes her dizzy, she must still work. She told the doctor, “I can’t stop and dare not stop. My family needs me.” Staring at the utility bills, rental, household daily expenses and medical bills, she simply cannot stop working. The financial burden is too overwhelming. When she heard that Sandakan Baptist Church is helping people in need, she decided to give it a try. “I DO” After Ping Jie shared her predicament with Pastor Khoo and Sister Loh, they visited her and decided to offer assistance. Within two weeks, the 1st emergency crisis intervention fund was released to Ping Jie. Each time she received the financial aids, she signs a great relief. Furthermore, with the “Blessing at Your Doorstep” booklet, sister Loh and Ping Jie, can talk and share about many different things. During the pandemic, when they can’t meet each other, sister Loh continues to call and chat with her. Ping Jie felt the care and warmth of the church. When the 4 months of emergency crisis funding support ended, sister Loh continues to visit her and asked her, “God gave us His best gift, do you want to accept Lord Jesus as your personal saviour?” Ping Jie said “Yes, I do.”, without hesitation. Although, Ping Jie’s life has not changed dramatically, her needs , sickness and pain remains, but she is no longer alone. She now has bothers and sisters by her side, and our Almighty God as her ever-present Help. Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 CIF - 急难家庭救助 Crisis Family Intervention Fund |