(For English please scroll down) 我在异乡不孤单 急难故事 · 文/蔡欣仪 “妈妈,今天我想吃快熟面!”女儿又开始对雪丽(化名)撒娇。 雪丽是一名单亲妈妈,带着女儿离乡背井到雪兰莪甲洞讨生活。雪丽对养育孩子没有特别要求,只要女儿能吃得饱就够了。所以当孩子吵着要吃快熟面时,雪丽都会很快答应。 因雪丽患有子宫肌瘤,导致身体容易疲劳,不能执行长时间的工作。所以只能寻找兼职,接一些打扫卫生的工作来维持家计。 这两年因疫情,雪丽的工作机会大幅度减少,目前只剩住家楼下的一份清洁工。收入微薄,雪丽和女儿苦撑着生活。终于在2021年12月的圣诞节前夕,雪丽从网上得知7979全人关怀救助网络,便尝试拨电寻求帮助。 很快地,甲洞基督教宣恩堂7979全人关怀站的志工就上门拜访。身在异乡的她,看到有人前来探访,便欣喜上门迎接。志工深一层了解她的处境后,就为她申请7979急难救助金。 之后的几次探访,陈牧师都会叫上几位姐妹一同前往。她们都有着与雪丽相似的经历,所以雪丽很快地就能融入大家。这样陪伴与连结,让雪丽感受到了久违的归属感。就在第二次探访中,雪丽决志相信,接受耶稣成为她的救主。 在陪伴雪丽的过程,教会除了为她申请7979急难救助金,教她如何读经祷告,也和雪丽分享让女儿获得营养即均衡饮食的知识。为此牧师特意买了有机小米,好让她们都能吃得健康。收到为期3个月的7979急难救助金后,教会的社会关怀部每个月还支助雪丽两百令吉,好让她们不会一下断了援助而感受到极大的落差。 教会志工也关心雪丽的女儿。每次见面都会和她玩小游戏,并一起手工制作首饰。这位爱吃快熟面的小女孩,因着志工姐姐的耐心教导而听话学习克制。从每星期吃四到五餐快熟面,减到每星期一次,再到后来农历新年期间完全没有再碰快熟面了。 身在异乡的单亲妈妈,因着教会的出现,找到了自己的归属感,再次建立属于自己的社会连结。盼望在接下来的日子里,雪丽能够更加敞开心怀,坦诚分享自己的故事,鼓励有相同经历的人,不要放弃。 NOT ALONE, EVEN AWAY FROM HOME STORY FROM FAMILY CRISIS INTERVENTION PROGRAMME · WRITTEN BY CSG “Mummy, I want to eat Maggi!” Shirley’s daughter requested in pampering manner .
Shirley, a single mother, left her hometown for a living in Kepong, Selangor with her daughter. Her main concern in raising her daughter is to ensure she has enough food to eat. Whenever her daughter ask for Maggi, she will not hesitate to provide. Shirley suffers from uterine fibroids causing her prone to fatigue and unable to work for long hours. Hence, she could only do some part time cleaning job to sustain the family. Two years of pandemic greatly impacted her, as she was left with only one job as a part-time cleaner with little income, they struggle to survive. Finally, on Christmas eve last year, Shirley came to know about 7979 Holistic Network via the website and she called up for help. Very soon, volunteers from 7979 Holistic Station, Gereja Christian Grace Kepong visited her. Having been away from home, she hardly has anyone visiting her here, she was really happy to welcome them. After a brief interview, the volunteers decided to assist her to apply for the 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund. During the subsequent follow-up visits, Rev Tan brought along a few church sisters. They have similar experience like Shirley, so she gets along with them easily. This new acquaintance and companionship brings much comfort to Shirley. Shirley decided to accept Jesus as her personal saviour during the second visitation. Apart from helping her to apply for 7979 assistance, the church volunteers also teach her how to pray and read the Bible, and also share with her the importance of balanced diet for her daughter. Rev Tan even bought her organic millets, so that they can eat healthily. After 3 months of assistance via the 7979 Crisis Intervention fund, the church continued to help this family using the church fund, so that they can carry on with their life without hardships. 7979 volunteers also show concerns to Shirley’s daughter during the home visitations. Spending time to play simple games and doing DIY jewellery with her. They also educate and guide her on the side effects of frequent consumption of instant noodle. She heeded the advice and reduce her consumption of Maggi from 4 to 5 times a week to once a week. Until the recent Chinese New Year, she has stopped eating Maggi noodles! Because of the care from the church, this single mother began to feel the warmth and start to connect with others in the community. We hope that in time to come, she will be more open, stronger and willing to share her experience to encourage those who suffers the same fate. Shirley, don’t give up ! Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 CIF - 急难家庭救助 Crisis Family Intervention Fund |