人在,家就在 急难故事 · 文/慧欣 阿凯回想住在车里的那段日子,他感恩现在所拥有的安稳日子...... 阿凯,年纪轻轻就离开父母,离开家乡柔佛新山,寻找生计。在这里,他遇见了心爱的外籍姑娘,婚后两人育有两个孩子,组织起幸福的小家庭。勤劳的阿凯,原本在新山做货车送货员。为了争取更好的收入,给家人更好的生活品质,阿凯毅然决然辞职,举家到吉隆坡寻求新的工作机会。 疫情让安稳的生活陷入急难 但,就在阿凯离开工作岗位没几天,新冠病毒大规模蔓延,一夕之间全国封城。阿凯和家人进退两难,只好暂时落脚在生活水平较为缓慢的乡镇马六甲野新。但是过去的储蓄随着第三个孩子的出世也随之耗尽,阿凯和家人只好带上重要物品,坐上老旧的车子前往吉隆坡寻找工作机会,即使他们只能以车子为“家”。 求职篇 阿凯不敢怠慢,积极应征,甚至愿意立刻上班。他向潜在雇主提出条件,提供可以容纳一家5口的员工宿舍,让他预支部分薪金。毫不意外,这条件吓退了好一些原本愿意聘请他的雇主,唯独引起了一位人资经理的注意,得知阿凯入职条件背后的故事。虽然公司无意聘请阿凯,但是,她可以让自己教会介入这个家庭。 于是,博特拉基督教会7979全人关怀站在人资经理-李如秀的转介下开始介入阿凯和家人的急难,尤其是住宿和现金流的需要。教会为阿凯申请7979急难救助金,RM 1200分两期作为现金流。不出两日,教会志管人孙才雄联系了非营利机构 Faithworks 的负责人邱思恩(David Khoo),在他安排下阿凯和家人抵达甲洞,入住捐款人闲置的物业。 7979救助网络接力把爱传下去 这时,闲置的物业空空如也,甲洞颂恩堂神召会7979全人关怀站的志工接棒救助行动,急忙采购寝具、打扫工具和食物,特别是送儿童奶粉阿凯。进行采购中,志工得知他们没有烹饪工具,于是赶紧赠送电饭煲和煤气炉给阿凯。 获得各单位的救助,让阿凯和妻子不敢置信,连忙确认这些花费不会事后追讨。孩子们在空房子蹦蹦跳跳,他们一家五口不用再屈身在车子内留宿,不需要担心车子抛锚、故障、没汽油,不需要天气闷热的时候站在树荫,而且随时有卫浴间可用。 尔后,甲洞颂恩堂神召会7979全人关怀站志工多次到访,持续关心他们的需要。阿凯透露,一家人在哪里,家就在那里。解决了最棘手的住宿问题,他有信心和毅力很快可以自力更生。 后记: 阿凯如今成为电子召车服务平台的司机,平台帮助他更换了一辆新车。勤快的他已经脱离急难的困境。他谢谢各路单位曾经给予的帮助。阿凯回想住在车里的那段日子,他感恩现在所拥有的安稳。 Where there's a man, there's a home A Story of Crisis Intervention · Written by Tang Whenever Ah Kai recalled those days when he lived in his car, he would always be grateful for the stable life he enjoys now ... Ah Kai, at a young age, left his parents and hometown for a better livelihood and went to Johor Bahru. There, he met his beloved foreign girl, they got married and formed a happy little family with two children. Ah Kai’s initial job was lorry delivery boy. However, as a hardworking person, he was hoping to earn more for his family so they could have a better quality of life, therefore he resigned from his job and decided to move his family to Kuala Lumpur in search of new job opportunities! The pandemic puts peaceful life in jeopardy
However, just a few days after Ah Kai left his job, the coronavirus spread on a large scale and the whole country was forced to lock down. Ah Kai and his family were caught in a dilemma, they had to settle down temporarily in Jasin, a small town in Malacca where living standards were relatively low. However, their savings were depleted with the birth of their third child. Ah Kai and his family had no choice but to pack their important belongings and get in an old car to look for job opportunities in Kuala Lumpur. They had to move on even though they ended up with a car as their "home". Job Searching Episode Ah Kai dared not slow down, he quickly went on for job searching and hoped to start working immediately. He requested all those potential employers to provide him with accommodation for 5 and allowed him to advance part of his salary. Unsurprisingly, the request scared off all those potential employers. However, it caught the attention of a human resources manager who learnt the story behind Ah Kai's request. Although her company had no intention of hiring Ah Kai, she could still let her church intervene in the family. As a result, the 7979 Holistic Care Station of Putra Christian Church began to intervene in the urgent needs of Ah Kai and his family, especially the needs of accommodation and cash flow, following the referral of the human resource manager Eunice Lee. The church applied for 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund for Ah Kai, and RM 1200 was issued to him which was divided into two installments as cash flow. Within two days, the church’s volunteer manager Bro Jeffy Sooncontacted David Khoo, the director of the non-profit organization Faithworks, and he made arrangements for Ah Kai and his family to move to Kepong to stay in a donor’s unused property. 7979 Holistic Care Stations Relayed the Love of Christ At this point, the unused property was empty. Volunteers from the 7979 Holistic Care Station of Abundant Grace Assembly of God, Kepong took over the rescue operation and rushed to purchase bedding, cleaning tools and food, especially to deliver the children's milk powder to Ah Kai. During the procurement process, the volunteers learnt they did not have any cooking tools, so they rushed to get Ah Kai a rice cooker and a gas stove. Ah Kai and his wife were shocked and couldn’t believe when people from different organisations offered assistance and helped them, they quickly ascertained and got confirmation that all services and goods were free of charge. The children jumped joyously around the empty house. The family of five no longer had to spend their days in the car. There is no need to worry about the car breaking down, or running out of fuel. There is no need to stand under the shade of a tree when the weather is too hot, and there is a bathroom available at any time. Since then, volunteers from the 7979 Holistic Care Station of Abundant Grace Assembly of God, Kepong continued to pay visits and care for their needs. Ah Kai expressed that home is where the family is. Having solved the most difficult accommodation problem, he has the confidence and perseverance to be self-reliant soon. Epilogue: Ah Kai is now a driver on an e-hailing service platform, and the platform helped him to buy a new car. Due to his diligence, he has managed to come out of crisis. He thanked various units for their help. Ah Kai recalled the days when he lived in his car, and he was grateful for the stability he now had. Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 CIF - 急难家庭救助 Crisis Family Intervention Fund |