(For English please scroll down) 掰掰我的霸王 7979爱陪读 · 文/秀仪 “外婆、舅舅、妈妈吃饭,大哥、二哥,大家吃饭!” 饭桌前,酷宝(化名)挨个称呼家中长辈后,开饭啦! 酷宝的父母离异,妈妈带着3个孩子,与外婆和舅舅租了间小屋子,一大家庭就在柔佛峇株吧辖落脚。酷宝的学校老师将酷宝家庭的缺乏与需要告知了峇株吧辖恩典堂(7979全人关怀站)爱加倍陪读班,陪读班老师就主动联系了酷宝妈妈,酷宝就开始了陪读班旅程! 因着老幺的身份,酷宝就像是外婆手中捧着的宝贝,但凡是他开口,外婆立马排除万难,凡事以他为主。酷宝仗着家人对他的宠爱变得越加任性。曾经就因为一张椅子,和哥哥差点上演“摔跤”戏码,吵闹不休。酷宝这样的戏码,也延续到陪读班。 陪读班老师亲眼目睹两兄弟的抢夺,经过了解,老师对酷宝说起了《筷子故事》,提醒酷宝兄弟之间应该彼此照顾、关心,也要学会爱家人。“如果你的东西一直被抢,你会喜欢吗?”老师轻声的询问,对酷宝而言就像是当头的冷水,“滋”地一声浇熄了他任性的怒火。愣了几秒,他眼帘低垂,呐吶说道:“不喜欢”。老师透过这件事引导酷宝正视哥哥一直被忽略的感受。经过几个月反复劝导,酷宝开始学会礼让与尊重,大大减少了与哥哥间的摩擦。 品格建立的同时,酷宝的课业也逐渐起色。 “有什么不会做吗?” “老师我教他做功课啊!” “把数目加起来就可以了,记得要放在对的数位上哦!” 酷宝在完成功课后,常热心协助其他同学,解答他们的难题。有时兴致勃勃帮助同学,自己的功课都来不及看两眼,誓要把难题都一一打败。刚来陪读班的酷宝,功课对他而言简直是“天书”,生字认得他,他不认得那些生字,老师往往需要耐心一题题讲解。相比以往,酷宝就像脱胎换骨,成为了班上勤力的小帮手。 转眼,酷宝已是高年级学生,即将升上中学,迈向新的旅途。有次酷宝在陪读班橱柜寻找课业资料,偶然发现了一本圣经,“老师,我可以要这本圣经嘛?”就这样,酷宝拥有了人生中第一本圣经。某次,陪读班老师与同学们分享圣经故事,酷宝的一句“老师,你讲的是哪一章节,哪一本书?”,才让老师知道,原来酷宝会翻阅圣经,并没有让圣经在家中封尘。 老师唯有继续为他祝福与祷告,盼望他跟上帝的关系持续不断,让耶稣成为他生命中的引导。 BYE BYE MY LITTLE OVERLORD 7979 Guide & Care · Written by Sow Yee “Grandma, uncle, mummy, brothers, let’s have our meal!”
Ku Bao addresses all the elders at home before having their meal. Ku Bao’s parents have divorced. His mother, bringing 3 children, rented small house together with his grandma and uncle in Batu Pahat. Ku Bao’s school teacher noticed the lack and need of his family and informed the Agape Companion Class at Gereja Erntian Batu Pahat (7979 Holistic Care Station); the teacher from the Companion Class contacted the family and Ku Bao started his journey with us. As the youngest in the family, Ku Bao is grandma’s dearest. Whatever he wants, grandma will give it to him immediately, treating him as a priority. Because of their love for him, Ku Bao become very obstinate and capricious. There was once where he fought with his brother simply because of a chair, and he almost wrestled with his brother. This behavior continued to manifest during Companion Class. The teacher in Companion Class say the siblings fight. After understanding the situation, the teacher shared the “Chopstick Story” with Ku Bao, reminding him that, as brothers, they should care for each other, and he must learn to love his family. “Would you like it if someone kept taking away your things?”, the teacher asked Ku Bao gently. The question was like cool water poured down his head, putting out his anger. After a few seconds, Ku Bao looked down, and he answered, “No, I wouldn’t like it”. Through this, the teacher guided Ku Bao to understand the feelings of neglect his brother experienced. After a few months of coaching, Ku Bao learns to respect and be courteous to others, hence reducing the fights between the brothers. As his character builds, his studies also begin to improve. “Is there anything you don’t know?” “Teacher, I help him with his homework!” “Just add up these few numbers, and remember to put it on the right positions!” When he finishes his homework, Ku Bao starts helping his classmates with theirs. Sometimes, he get too excited helping others that he doesn’t even look at his own homework. When he first came to the class, homework is “abstruse” to him, the words recognize him, yet he doesn’t recognize them, and teacher had to explain them to him one by one. Now, Ku Bao has changed, and he has become the diligent little helper in class. Time flies, and Ku Bao is now an upper primary student. Very soon, he will enter secondary school and start a new learning journey. One day, as he searches for sources on the shelf, he found a Bible and asked, “Teacher, can I have this Bible?” With this, he gets his first Bible. One day, when the teacher shared about a bible story in the class, Ku Bao asked, “Teacher, which book of Bible and which chapter you are talking about?” Only then, teacher realized that he read the Bible; the book is not just kept for dust. The only thing the teacher can do is to continue praying for him, hoping that his relationship with God will continue, and that Jesus will become the leader of his life. Comments are closed.
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