(For English please scroll down) 老师再次相信你 爱陪读 · 文/秀仪 “妈妈,你要去哪里?我也要去!” 半梦半醒之间,明威(化名)仿佛看见妈妈关上门的身影,在午睡中惊出一身冷汗,紧闭的双眼留下眼泪划过一道泪痕。他惊醒,睁开双眼慢慢从沙发上坐起。厨房传来有节奏的切菜声,头发花白的婆婆在厨房忙活,嘴里还在不断念叨“婆婆在,婆婆有在”,明威拍拍胸口安抚自己。 妈妈的样子对明威来说,是最模糊的记忆,但明威一颗受伤的心却时不时隐隐作痛。爸爸入狱,印度籍妈妈带着另外三个孩子一走了之,留下最年长的明威让年迈的婆婆照顾。虽然爸爸已经出狱,却很少在家,常年在外地工作赚取微薄的薪资。每一次爸爸回来,都只逗留短暂几天,只来得及看到爸爸匆匆回家又再度出发去工作的背影。年过半百的婆婆靠拣路边废弃纸皮变卖,姑姑偶尔也会帮忙照顾明威。 明威一年级时,家境开始面临经济拮据,学校老师便转介他去芙蓉爱恩社区教会7979全人关怀站的陪读班。明威深麦色的皮肤常常令他受到其他小朋友的嘲笑,“黑鬼黑鬼!黑鬼来了!”走廊上黑压压的人头,大小声的舆论,明威从厕所方向走来,下意识地低头走过。“我到底做错了什么?为什么别人要这样说我?” 夹带着家人与他人对他的长期恶意批评,自卑受伤的心幻化成愤怒野兽挣脱牢笼,让他常常带着愤怒的情绪与别人相处,伤害了朋友间的友谊,也将人越推越远。 参与陪读班一段日子,明威的态度慢慢有改善,懂得与别人相处,也知道如何与别人好好沟通。四年级,因为需要参加学校课外活动,明威与陪读班暂时说了再见,老师与他也渐行渐远。“牧师,我是明威的姑姑。明威最近一直在学校跟同学打架,我刚刚还去见了校长,他连婆婆都想打。牧师,怎么办?以前他在陪读班很乖的。我们很怕。”牧师接通电话后, 心中非常震惊。 尽管忙碌得不可开交,但是牧师二话不说第二天就去探访他们,亲自询问明威的事发经过。“下个月,我们让明威回来陪读班。”,老师们在欢笑的交谈中突然静默,齐齐望向了牧师。主责同工担心明威来到陪读班会搞事,但怜悯的牧师依然决定让他重回陪读班。陪读班里的大家看到身材高大,脾气和态度都不好的明威,一时难以接受,明威也喜欢和其他小朋友打闹和吵架。老师每每带着惧怕的心去劝阻明威,担心自己何时遭殃。 经过两个月在陪读班的学习,大家看到了明威180度的转变,脾气收敛,性格也变得比较谦卑了,可以很好地和大家相处,融入在一起。老师对他的爱和包容,让他受伤的心重新活了过来,他也想着可以做些什么来报答老师。 最近明威脚踝受伤肿了起来,走路一瘸一拐,非常痛苦。但是,他仍然坚持每天去上学和参与陪读班。有一天,老师因腰伤不能搬重物,随口叫了明威帮忙。他即使脚痛,不能正常走路,仍然以他最快的速度,冲去把那沉重的箱子搬到老师指定的位子上,嘴巴还不断念叨着, “老师不要紧,我可以的。” 看到一个鲁莽的小生命因着耶稣的爱,慢慢地改变自己,老师的心中流出一股暖流。 看着明威早熟的脸庞,老师娓娓道出:“老师知道你从小受尽委屈,但是不要难过,陪读班的牧师和老师们都非常爱你,还有我们在天上的天父爸爸也是非常地爱你唷!老师知道你比其他孩子来得坚强和勇敢!希望你能够勤劳读书,做个听话的好孩子;在家可以照顾婆婆,在学校、陪读班或是主日学可以帮忙老师照顾年纪比较小的孩子。加油哦!” Teacher Believes in You Again 7979 Guide & Care · Written by Sow Yee “Mummy, where are you going? I want to follow too!” In between half dream and half awake, Meng Wei seemed to see his mother closing the door and going away. Awake from his nap with cold sweat, his tears streaked out from his closed eyes. He woke up, opened his eyes, and slowly sat up from the sofa. A rhythmic sound of chopping vegetables came from the kitchen, the grey-haired grandma was busy in the kitchen, and murmured to himself, "Grandma is here, grandma is here". He patted his chest and comforted himself.
To Meng Wei, his mother was the vaguest memory, nonetheless, his wounded heart aches ever so often. His dad was in prison, and his Indian mum left with three other kids, leaving only Meng Wei in his aged grandma’s care. Even though his father had already been released from prison, he seldom came home and worked outstation all year long for a small wage. He stayed only for a few days every time he was home, and most of the time Meng Wei can only see him come home in haste and leave the house again. His old-aged grandma sustained the household expenses by selling off the wasted paper she picked up on the roadside. His auntie would occasionally help to take care of Meng Wei as well. When Meng Wei was in Standard One, the family was in financial difficulty, so the teacher referred him to Companion Class of Agape Community Church 7979 Holistic Station Seremban. Meng Wei’s dark-coloured skin often made him a laughing stock among the children, “Nigger, nigger! Here comes the nigger.” The crowd in the corridor, the loud and clear public opinion, Meng Wei lowered his head unconsciously as he walked out from the toilet. “What have I done wrong? Why would people call me in such?” With the long-term malicious criticism of him by his family and others, his inferior heart had turned him into an angry beast who wanted to break free from the cage, which made him often get along with others with anger, hurt the friendship between friends, and pushed people further and further away. There was a change in attitude as time went on after Meng Wei joined the Companion Class. He began to know how to get along with people and communicate with others. As he entered Standard 4, due to extra-curricular activities in school, he had to leave the Companion Class. Slowly, the teacher also drifted away with him. “Pastor, I am Meng Wei’s auntie. Lately, he has been fighting with others in school, and I just met the principal. Now, he even wants to beat his grandma. Pastor, what should I do? He was a good boy when he was in the Companion Class. We are very scared.” The pastor was left in shock after answering the call. Although he was occupied, the pastor still visited them the next day and asked them about what had happened so far. “Next month, we will let Meng Wei come back to Companion Class.” All the teachers went into sudden silence and looked at the pastor. The person in charge worried that Meng Wei will disturb the class, yet out of mercy, the pastor still decided to let him come back. Looking at Meng Wei, who is big in size, hot-tempered and bad attitude, no one in the class was willing to accept him. He also always likes to fight and disturb others in class. The teacher was afraid to stop him, worried to be hurt one day. After two months in the Companion Class, everyone sees a great change in him. He became humble and temper restrained. He could get along well and mixed with others. The teacher's love and tolerance for him made his wounded heart come alive again, and he also thought about what he could do to repay the teacher. Recently, Meng Wei’s ankle was injured and swollen. He had to limp when he walked, it was very painful. However, he still insisted on going to school and coming to companion class. One day, the teacher was unable to lift heavy objects due to a back injury and called Meng Wei unconsciously for help. Even if his leg was in pain as he could not walk properly, he still came to help at the fastest speed possible and moved the heavy box to the place appointed and keep saying, “Never mind, teacher. I can do it.” Seeing a reckless little life slowly transforming because of the love of Jesus, the teacher felt so warm in her heart. Looking at Meng Wei's precocious face, the teacher said, “I know that you had been aggrieved since childhood, but do not be upset, the pastors and teachers in the Companion Class love you very much. Our father in heaven also loves you very much! I know you are stronger and braver than other children! Hope that you can study hard and be an obedient child, take care of grandma at home, and help the teacher to take care of the younger one in school, in the Companion Class, and in Sunday School. Keep it up!” Comments are closed.
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