“They have many children, I am only alone, not need so much food, they need it more than me! ” In Kluang, there is two neighbor who are elderly man. They are member of Kluang Baptist Church 7979 Holistic Care Station, who live on welfare fund of RM300 every month, sometime even have to eat just oats for dinner, life is hard for them. After implementation of MCO, Ps Chang How Sai helps them to apply for 7979 Manna Food Bank special relief, hope to supply for their need. “Each time when I went to distribute food bag for uncle, the neighbors looks at me as if they asking when is our turn, I feel so bad.” Said Pastor. It is a small village, most of the family are poor orang Asli family, husband working outstation and left the wife and children at home. During MCO, they ahere unable to go out to buy food items as they have no transport. On that day, when Ps Chang send the second food bag to the two uncle, together they said:“I has not finish the food that you send to me last time, I am alone, don’t need so much. Please send the food bag to next door neighbor, they need these more than me.” Both of them don’t know the family that they want to help. They only knew that they had a need, they want to help them. So, Pastor helps to send the food bag to the designated family. One of the family is Orang Asli family with 4 children, the eldest one is in Primary School, the youngest one is just a small baby. The children were so happy when they received the food bag. They carried it into the house immediately. This had deeply touched the Pastor, he realized that there are so much need outside. “They have many children, I am only alone, not need so much food, they need it more than me !”A simple phrase, yet coming from the mouth of an uncle who also needs help. They see this as grace of God, felt that God blessed them, they want to share what they have. Ps Chang shared this touching story with church members, encourage them to walk out of the four wall of church, caring for those who are in need. Pastor hopes that by sharing this to more people, more will be encouraged. They are truly our example, we must learn from them. When God bless us, we must not only received, but also learn to share the blessing out! This time, Ps Chang and his wife, go out on separate car to distribute food bag. He reminded that we had to follow the rules when we caring for others, so we act separately. The church had started the social welfare ministry earlier, but due to financial constraint, they can only buy some rice and biscuits for the needy each time. Ps Chang said, “The 7979 Manna Food Bank Special Relief helps us to prepare enough food, enables us to help more families.” The holistic care station had helped 9 families to apply for this special relief, Pastor did a very thorough study before they send in the application. They only send in application for those family who really needs help, to prevent wastage of resources. Story from Kluang Baptist Church 7979 Holistic Care Station Comments are closed.