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Jerantut is Johor state’s biggest district, covering an area of 7,207.6 k㎡. It has many natural tourist spots, among them are: Gunung Tahan National Park, the highest peak in Peninsular Malaysia, Bukit Buloh mangrove forest, Bukit Seladang and Lata Berembuan (lake and waterfall). Jerantut became popular because of all these nature spots that became tourist attractions.
Other than natural sights, Jerantut has a shelter set up for the homeless, it is one of the five shelters set up by the Malaysian government. Since there is a shelter for the homeless, retired pastor Rev.Wok Mee hopes that the church can provide the elderly a platform to fellowship and relax. 7979 Holistic Care Station of Gereja Kristian Jerantut which she had been pastoring a few years ago, has always been involved in elderly ministry through Senior Citizen Fellowship, Praise Dance, etc. In the past, they had also applied for aid under the Crisis Intervention Fund for a few elderlies, to ease their financial burden. “Compared to those elderly living in the urban setting, the elderly in rural areas are less likely to be noticed by outsiders, unless we seek them out, or else they are not easily noticeable. So, we do not know where to find them. Besides, due to the “face” (dignity) factor, their family members may feel reluctant to send them to relevant organizations to seek assistance.” Retired Rev.Wok Mee expressed her view on the elderly in rural areas. She knows that Jerantut has many elderly who lack attention and care, they are being neglected by their family members who are so busy with their matters that they don’t have time to talk with the elderly. These would only cause the elderly to feel more lonely and unbearable. “The Republic of China has ‘Unattended Children’, in Jerantut we have ‘Unattended Elderly’’. Knowledgeable Rev.Wok Mee has phrased the unattended elderly stranded at home perfectly.
This year, “7979 Bas Bahagia - Warmed up Your Heart” had a trial run across 4 states, and Jerantut Christian Church participated. Rev. XXX expressed that under the promotion of 7979 Bas Bahagia, the church was motivated to seek out those elderly that are longing for assistance and physical, emotional and spiritual care. “We saw it ourselves, those elderly were so happy, willing and joyful when they were enjoying the range of services provided by 7979 Bas Bahagia I hope, in future, we can pay a visit to them. I also hope that with the cooperation of brothers and sisters, we can serve more underprivileged.” The church chairman’s Brother hoped when the 7979 Bas Bahagia project ended, the church will try its best to help more underprivileged - not limited to the elderly only.
However, Jerantut Christian Church which is located in a rural area has limited manpower and resources. Henceforth, Rev.Wok Mee hopes through networking with 7979 Bas Bahagia, they as 7979 Care Station will be able to receive more resources to enable them to serve the elderly more effectively. “7979 Bas Bahagia is like a bridge, the church can walk into the community when they take the bridge and get connected with the elderly.” Rev.Wok Mee phrased 7979 Bas Bahagia ministry beautifully. 而连突是彭亨州最大的县,面积为7,207.6平方公里。这里有许多大自然的旅游景点,有瓜拉大汉国家公园、马来半岛最高峰的大汉山、红树林、而连突神山和蓝湖瀑布等。这些旅游景点常年吸引许多人到访而连突,而连突也以此闻名。 除了旅游景点,而连突有流浪汉的收容机构,这是其中一间由政府设立的收容机构之一,在全国仅有五间。既然有机构收留流浪汉,已退休的和美牧师希望为偏乡的年长者提供一个可以交流、舒缓心灵的平台。而她之前牧会的而连突基督教会7979全人关怀站多年来,透过乐龄团契,例如赞美操,积极推动关怀年长者的事工。关怀站也为有需要的年长者申请7979急难救助金,以解决年长者遇到的燃眉之急的危机。 “比起住在城市,偏乡的年长者比较不容易受到外界的注意。除非我们找到他们,不然他们是不容易被发现。我们不知道要去哪里找他们。此外,基于面子问题,年长者的家人可能不愿送他们到相关机构,寻求更多的帮助。”已退休的和美牧师表达她对住在偏乡年长者的看法。她知道而连突有很多年长者,因没有受到关注和关怀,即时家人陪在身边,也因忙于自个儿的事,无暇与他们交谈。这些都令他们的心灵很孤独难耐。“中国有‘留守儿童’,那么而连突有‘留守老人’。”知识渊博的和美牧师用恰当的词汇来形容留守在家的老人。 今年,“7979幸福巴士-送暖到你心”在半岛四个州属展开试跑,而连突基督教会7979全人关怀站也参与在当中。和美牧师表示,7979幸福巴士能推动全教会的弟兄姐妹努力寻找在生活和身、心、灵上需要获得帮助和关怀的年长者。“从7979幸福巴士进行一系列的服务里面,我们看到这群的老人很开心,很愿意,很喜乐地接受每项服务。希望日后,我们有机会做探访的工作,以及在所有弟兄姐妹配合下,有机会接触更多弱势群体。”和秀清主席希望7979幸福巴士结束后,教会能尽力帮助许多弱势群体,不仅限于年长者。 另外,处于偏乡的而连突基督教会在人力和资源上始终有限;和美牧师希望透过7979幸福巴士,为关怀站连结更多资源,以更有效地帮助年长者。 “7979幸福巴士如一座桥,教会踏上这座桥,
走入社区,接触年长者。” 和美牧师为7979幸福巴士,留下优美、动人的文字。 希望教会能成为社区的桥梁,一座可以把温暖送到每个人内心的桥梁。 这是和美牧师和7979的心愿。 Comments are closed.