Heavy downpour continuously for few days, Grandma Hua’s (pseudonym) house was again drenched by rain water. The living hall’s wall which was built out of thin wooden plank collapsed one year ago due to lack of maintenance, it was then replaced with a sheet of canvas. Since then, Grandma Hua’ s house will surely be affected in every downpour.
One day, a volunteer came to deliver some bread to Grandma Hua, they were surprised to see that there was no wall. “Grandma, how long has this wall collapsed?” A volunteer asked. “It had been a long time already…” Grandma answered with a smile. “Why didn’t you inform me about this?” the volunteer asked with a hint of heartache. “Oh! It’s nothing.” Grandma Hua still answered with a smile. The volunteer didn’t waste any time, she contacted her team immediately upon returning. They brought few sheets of Zink sheet over to Grandma Hua’s house on that day itself, preparing to reconstruct a wall for Grandma Hua’s house two days later. Grandma Hua is 69 of age, the smile she carries with her is her best cosmetic. She married Grandpa Zhang (pseudonym) at the age of 18, now she is taking care of her grandchild who was left behind by her deceased son. The three of them living in a wooden water house. Although the wooden house is not spacious, 3 of them living together with a lot of stuff and never felt lacking in anything.
Grandpa Zhang was a fisherman; he used to wake up at 5 am to go out to the sea to fish. He would be back around 3pm, Grandma Hua would wait for Grandpa Zhang return and together they will go to market to sell their catch of the day. The income received from the sale of their catch was sufficient for them, however as Grandpa Zhang getting older by the day, fishing had turned out to be a job that was too tough for him, coincide with year 2020 MCO, he decided to quit fishing and thus lost their income source. Living on monthly meager monetary supports from their married children living outside, and some government subsidies for the elderly, it was merely sufficient for the three of them who live simple lifestyle. When Grandpa Zhang’s relatives came to know of their condition, and they happened to be the church member of Malaysia Basel Church Penampang branch which has 7979 Holistic Care Station, they requested the church to send volunteers to visit and care for Grandpa Zhang’s family. Not long after that, Esther, a volunteer contacted Grandma Hua for permission to visit them. “I have not seen a living environment which is worse than this.” This was Esther’s first impression when she stepped into Grandma Hua’s house for the first time, she was shocked by what appeared before her eyes. From then on, the church started to care for Grandma Hua and her family through 7979 Manna Food Bank program. Grandma Hua is very cute, even though at the age of close to 70, she still catches up with the latest news by following on Facebook. Hence, she became friend to Esther in Facebook. Whenever she sees Esther is out in the rain, she would call Esther to hurry her to get home. Occasionally, when people gave some fresh fish to Grandpa Zhang’s family, they would immediately call Esther and request her to go over to their house to pick up the fish. “We wanted them to be happy and don’t feel offended, so we’ll take whenever they are willing to give.” Esther also shared that, it is a joy for being able to share. In July, 2022, when Esther delivered some bread to Grandma Hua and discovered that their house’s wall had collapsed, she shared: “My heart was aching badly, if I just got to know them, maybe I would not felt so strongly; but now whenever it is raining, I’ll be worried sick for them.” She added, on the length of time she spent with each aid recipients, it will determine how strong her feeling towards them. As for Grandma Hua and her family, Esther cares for them like her own family. Not long ago, Esther found out that Grandma Hua’s birthday was approaching, she bought a bouquet of flower, KFC and a cake secretly and headed to their house. Upon reaching there, Esther demanded RM1 from Grandpa Zhang, as a symbolic meaning that the flowers were given by Grandpa Zhang to his wife, after much searching and digging, he only managed to come out with 20cents, he said: “No RM1, is 20 cents ok?” Esther took the money and passed the bouquet to Grandpa Zhang and said: “Make sure you kiss Grandma Hua …” “Catcha!” When the precious moment was captured, everyone in the house bursts into cheerful laughter. Later, when Esther shared the pictures with Grandpa Zhang’s relatives, they feedback that “they have never celebrated their birthdays before …”
Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Hua being able to live a simple life together up to their old age and remain loving is precious. Sometimes, even the wealthy could not enjoy this kind of love. “Of course we still quarrel, but we forget easily and do not keep it in our hearts.” This was what Grandpa Zhang told us. The relationship between individuals should base more on giving rather than taking. 接连几天刮风下雨,花奶奶(化名)家里再次被溅湿。单薄木板搭建的客厅墙壁因年久失修,早在一年前坍塌,只好用帆布稍微遮挡。这一年来,但凡刮风下雨,花奶奶家里不免遭殃。 某天,志工送来面包,顺道进屋探望花奶奶,才发现墙壁已然不在了。 “婆婆,这墙塌下来多久了?”志工询问。 “很久了咯……”奶奶笑笑地回答。 “那为什么不跟我说?”志工心疼再询问。 “没事的。”奶奶依然笑着。 志工没有等待,回去后马上联系了团队,为奶奶家搬来白锌片,过两天将为奶奶家重新装上墙壁,继续挡风遮雨。 花奶奶年已69,笑容是她脸上最好的妆容。18岁便嫁于张爷爷(化名)的她,现带着因病逝世儿子留下的遗孤,三人住在沙巴某个水上木屋。木屋里空间狭小,一家三口伴随着满屋的杂物生活,却也从不觉得缺乏。 张爷爷曾是名渔夫,凌晨5点起床,起早贪黑地出海捕鱼。一直到下午3点半左右,花奶奶等着张爷爷回来,一同把鲜鱼送往市集上卖。一天下来,生意尚可。奈何爷爷年事已高,捕鱼已不堪负荷,2020年逢行动管制,索性不再捕鱼,也断了收入。 靠着已成家在外的儿女每个月不多的供应,加上政府的老人辅助金,需求不多的三人也能勉强度日。张爷爷亲戚知晓他们的情况后,因恰巧是马来西亚基督教巴色会兵南邦堂7979全人关怀站的会友,便请求教会志工前去关心张爷爷一家。 不久,志工Esther联系了花奶奶,前去探访他们。“我从来没有看过这样糟糕的环境。”这是Esther第一次踏进花奶奶家中的感触,被映入眼帘的情景感到无比惊讶。就这样,教会借着7979吗哪食物银行开始关怀花奶奶一家。 花奶奶十分可爱,别看年近70,她可是会上网看脸书呢!因已和Esther加为好友,当看到Esther在下雨天外出时,还会致电关心让她快点回家。时不时,当有人把新鲜的鱼送给张爷爷一家,转头他们就会致电让Esther来拿鱼。“为了照顾他们的感受,也让他们开心,当他们希望给予时,我们便接受。”Esther说到,能够分享也是一种喜乐。 2022年7月初,Esther送面包去探访花奶奶时,发现他们客厅墙塌。“我感到很心疼,若我刚认识花奶奶,或许感受还不至于那么强烈。但现在只要刮风下雨,我就会担心他们是否安然。”Esther分享,服事陪伴个案的时间长短,也会让她心理感受大不相同。对于花奶奶,Esther已经把他们当作家人一般地关心了。 前不久,Esther发现花奶奶生日要到了,悄悄买了一束花、肯德基和蛋糕去找他们。到了花奶奶家里,Esther先是向张爷爷要一块钱,当作这花是张爷爷送花奶奶的,张爷爷找了一圈,掏出了20仙说“没有一块,2毛钱可以吗?”志工收下后,把花递给张爷爷,跟爷爷说,“要去亲花奶奶哦……”,“咔嚓!”留下一张弥足珍贵照片的同时,屋里欢声一片。后来,Esther将照片分享给张爷爷的亲戚,得到一句回复:“他们一辈子没有庆祝过生日……” 张爷爷和花奶奶一辈子平平淡淡生活,亦能彼此相守白头偕老,感情深厚难能可贵。有时候生活富裕的人家也难得此情。“吵架还是会吵的,过后就忘了,不必放在心上。”这是张爷爷说的。人与人之间的关系,重在懂得付出,而非一味索取。 Comments are closed.