(For English please scroll down) 爱能带来改变 文/7979同工 阿芯从小肾脏功能欠佳,近年来也发现子宫有肿瘤。病痛的折磨伴随她过了五十余载。然而,身体上的痛苦,还不及她生命中的心酸。 无意间看到新闻报导,全备福音堂(神召会)7979全人关怀站发现了阿芯的存在。经过上门探访后,志工Candy了解到阿芯是一名独居的肾病患者。基于长期洗肾,阿芯很难找到稳定的工作。阿芯常常腹泻,但病因不详。志工唯有透过吗哪食物包帮助她,其中成人纸尿片是她最大的需要。 纵使阿芯疾病缠身,却始终坚强生活。阿沁曾经去过教会,后来因为不好的经历,与教会产生嫌隙。Candy了解情况后,尝试在心理上帮助阿芯,尽管阿芯不排斥谈及信仰,但对重返教会的意愿却不大。 “阿芯经常出入医院,每次都会要求我们为她祷告。” 志工分享。去年六月,阿芯需要动手术。手术前一天,护士阴差阳错地把一名确诊冠病的患者推进她的病房,结果隔天她非但不能动手术,还需要戴手环隔离两个星期。当时,教会志工团总动员为她祷告。也因着她不能出门,Candy帮她买了一些食材。隔离结束,阿沁没有被传染,后来也顺利完成手术。 除了每两个月派发的吗哪包,Candy偶尔也拿一些自家种的新鲜蔬菜给她,并在阿芯不方便出门购物时,帮她购买一些食材。一段日子后,Candy发现阿芯对教会与信仰的态度转变了,并也在身体状况许可时,跟Candy去教会聚会。 教会原本期待透过持续的关怀,能让阿芯重新感受到主里的爱,并重返主的大家庭。不料生命无常,阿芯在一场意外中去世了。慕然回首,在阿芯最后的时日中,志工以智慧与阿芯建立关系,不仅了解阿芯身体上的需要为她祷告,也认识到她心灵中的需要并加以扶持。感恩,阿沁在生命中的最后阶段,感受到了上帝伟大的爱。 LOVE BRINGS CHANGE TRANSLATED BY DAWN LIM Ah Xin’s kidney had not been functioning well since she was young. In addition to that, the doctor discovered that there was a tumour in her uterus. It was a painful journey for her over the past fifty years, but her physical pain was incomparable to her hard live.
Full Gospel Church (AOG) came to know about Ah Xin from a news report. One day, they paid her a visit. A volunteer named Candy found out that Ah Xin was a kidney patient who was staying alone. As she had to undergo a few hours of dialysis regularly, Ah Xin could neither find a stable job nor earn a stable income. She had diarrhea constantly but the reason was unknown. Volunteers could only help her through the provision of Manna Food Bag which included an item that she needed most i.e adult diapers. Although Ah Xin was afflicted with kidney disease, she stayed strong and kept her faith. She attended church before but due to some misunderstandings and bad experiences, she stopped going. Candy tried to untie the knot in her, but although Ah Xin did not avoid talking about her faith, she was still unwilling to return to the church. “Ah Xin had to visit the hospital regularly for check-ups and she asked for our prayers every time she was going,” the volunteer said. In June last year, Ah Xin had to go through an operation. The nurse made a mistake and moved a COVID patient into her room a day before the operation, thus, she could not be operated the next day. To make matter worse, she had to be quarantined for two weeks due to close contact with that COVID patient. When the church volunteers knew about that incident, they gathered together and prayed for her. During the quarantine period, Candy helped her on the purchase of food too. After the quarantine, Ah Xin was healthy and was not infected by COVID and her operation was successfully carried out. Other than the Manna Food Bag which was delivered once every two months, Candy sometimes brought some self-grown vegetables to Ah Xin. Candy also helped her to buy daily necessities when she felt unwell or unable to go out. After some time, Candy realised that Ah Xin’s perceptions of church and religion had changed, and she would even go to church with Candy to worship whenever her physical condition allowed. The Church was planning to provide continuous care for Ah Xin and hoped she could feel the love of God again and return to the big family of Christ. Unfortunately, Ah Xin passed away in an accident. Looking back, the volunteers managed to build a good relationship with Ah Xin with wisdom in the last days of Ah Xin’s life. They not only understood Ah Xin’s physical needs and prayed for her, but also recognised and supported her spiritual needs. The volunteers were thankful to God that Ah Xin could feel the great love of God once again in the final days of her life. Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 MFB - 吗哪食物银行 Manna Food Bank |