(For English please scroll down) 一点光的亮度 吗哪手记 · 文/意义 “哈喽,陈大哥…我们来咯…“ 巴色会实邦嘉堂的志工叫喊着屋子里的人。话音刚落,孩子们就兴奋地从家里跑出来。孩子们热情打招呼,笑得见牙不见眼。志工们放下吗哪食物包后,取出袋中的食品来准备点算时,孩子们的父亲陈大哥就推着轮椅出来。 身上的一个小伤口,因患糖尿病恶化,面临截肢的风险。陈大哥原是家庭经济支柱,但因中风失去工作,加上伤口恶化,让他更是雪上加霜。不久后,又有一位老太太缓缓走出来,志工上前搀扶,让老太太坐在椅子上。老太太开口问:“你们是从教堂来的吗?”,志工回应:“是的,婆婆。”老太太握着志工的手说:“哎呦......真的谢谢你们,你们真的很好!很有心来送东西给我们。”又接着说:“去教堂好,我也是去教堂的。。。”虽然志工拜访她很多次了,但是婆婆总是像第一次见面那样不断的感谢志工们送上的关心和食物包。 看着陈家的人接二连三出来,让第一次到访的志工小雨心里疑惑,这小小的房子怎么能住下这么多人?陈大哥和外籍太太一共有十一名孩子,加上老母亲,家中共十四人住在同个屋檐下。面对目前的生活环境条件,家里住着多人,让我们内心莫名沉重。但让人更担忧的是这些孩子都没有身份证件,导致失去公民权。 其实,陈大哥也曾为孩子申请身份证件,但多次遭到工作人员拒绝。说到此事,陈大哥露出失望和忧愁的表情,并说着:“孩子不断长大,我也希望他们能够上学。”此时,小雨志工想到7979有与巴色会实邦嘉堂合作,为弱势家庭提供免费的法律咨询服务。故,向陈大哥建议并询问他申请的意愿。陈大哥听后眼睛犹如看见金子般发亮,就好像寻到了救命稻草,看见了一丝的希望。原本忧愁的脸孔瞬间转变,犹如绝望中看到盼望,黑暗中出现亮光;虽然只是一点光,却足以照亮案家失望已久的心。 The brightness of A Little Light Translated by Jacy “Halo, Bro Tan … Here we come …”the volunteers from Basel Christian Church Of Malaysia, Sepangarcalled out to the people in the house. Immediately after he said that, children were running out excitedly from the house. The children greeted us warmly, smiling from ear to ear. Their father, Bro Tan came out with his wheelchair as the volunteers put down the Manna Bag and took out the food from the bag to cross checked.
A small wound on the body, which was exacerbated by diabetes and was at risk of amputation. Bro Tan who has been the breadwinner of the family, but loss his job due to stroke. Now, the worsen wound added to his woes. Shortly afterward, an elderly lady walked out to the living room slowly. The volunteer moved forward to help and seated her on a chair.The elderly lady asked, “Are you from the church?” The volunteer responded, “Yes, granny.”She held the hands of the volunteers and said: “Aiyo … thank you so much, you all are really nice! So kind to come and send us something.” Then she continued, “It is a good thing to go to church, I go to church too …” Although the volunteers had visited her many times, granny still kept on thanking the volunteers for the care and food bags as if they were meeting her for the first time. Watching the Tan family members walked into the living room one-by-one, our first-time volunteer, Xiao Yu wondered how come so many people can stay in such a small house. Bro Tan and his foreign wife have eleven children, plus their elderly mother, making a total of fourteen members of their family living under the same roof. Looking at their current living condition with so many people living under one roof, our hearts were inexplicably heavy. But what makes it even more worrying is that none of these children have identity documents, resulting in the loss of citizenship. In fact, Bro Tan had applied for identity documents for his child, but was repeatedly rejected by the staff. Speaking of this, Bro Tan showed a disappointed and sad expression, and said: "The children are growing up, and I also hope that they can go to school." At this point, Xiao Yu thought of 7979's partnership with BCCM Sepangar to provide free legal advice to under privilege families. Therefore, we suggested to Bro Tan and asked him if he would like to have one. After hearing this, Bro Tan's eyes glowed as if he had seen gold, as if he had found a life saving straw and seen a glimmer of hope. A sad face was transformed in an instant, like hope in the midst of despair, a light in the darkness; although it was only a dim light, but it is enough to brighten the hearts of those who had been in despair for so long. Comments are closed.
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