(For English please scroll down) 一袋奶粉的重量 吗哪手记 · 文/7979同工 年过70,还需要工作维持家计的老人有几位?老赵(化名)就是其中一位。 受到疫情打击,儿子失业,家中还有三名孙子。虽然大孙子已经开始工作,然而面对家里的需要,老赵无法独善其身。年迈的他如今还需要工作,为的就是确保家人三餐温饱。老赵在树桐厂工作已经逾20年,老板依然信任他。虽然老板也希望老赵退休,但深知他需要这份工作来维持家庭开销,所以心生怜悯并不辞退他。 麦片,是他们一家每天生活的开始。吗哪包的供应来得贴切,他们每一天需要喝麦片,也是孙子们的早餐。而照顾一家三餐的赵太太,最开心能得到吗哪包里的食油,因为每天煮食都要用到。老赵夫妇因年事已高,但他们非常照顾自己的健康,特意喝奶粉来补充营养。然而能力有限只能买到比较便宜的奶粉。赵太太买的是散装奶粉,需要多少分量,老板就称重多少分量售卖。“我还是第一次听过散装奶粉。赵太太用三块多钱就可以买到了。”柔佛彼咯长老会7979全人关怀站的志工诧异说到。 当志工把吗哪包送上府时,老赵看到那么多粮食和Ensure奶粉,无比激动与开心。在离开之前,志工为他们祷告,并告诉他:“耶稣非常爱你,而且是无条件地爱你。”老赵一瞬间就红了眼眶,眼泪在他眼眶里默默打转。 老赵一家在彼咯这个小镇生活多年,日子平静却充斥着酸甜苦辣。三代同堂,想必就是老赵夫妇最大的幸福。得到教会以行动来关爱,想必就是他们最深的感动。 The worth of milk powder How many people still need to work in their seventies? Uncle Zhou (pseudonym) is one of them.
Uncle Zhou’s son lost his job due to the pandemic. They have three grandchildren in the family and the eldest has started working. To meet the needs of the family, Uncle Zhou could not stop working even at this old age. He has been working in the timber factory for more than 20 years, and is grateful that he can still gain the trust of his boss. Although Uncle Zhou has way past his retirement age, his boss continue to hire him knowing he needs the job to support the family. Oatmeal is how they begin their daily life and our supply of Manna food bag (with oatmeal inside) is most welcomed by the family. As for uncle Zhou’s wife, she is happy to receive the cooking oil which is essential in her preparation of daily meals for the family. . Both Uncle Zhou and his wife are health conscious and would drink milk to get the nutritional support. However, due to financial constraints, they can only afford to buy cheap milk powder in loose packaging sold by the shop based on amount she needs. “This is the first time I heard of milk powder been sold in such manner. Zhou’s wife can buy milk powder for just RM3” , said a volunteer from the Bekok Presbyterian Church 7979 Holistic Care Station. When the 7979 volunteer delivered the Manna Food Bag to his house, Uncle Zhou was very excited and happy to find so many essential food items and Ensure milk powder in the Manna bag. Before leaving, the volunteer prayed for them and told them, "Jesus loves you, and He loves you unconditionally." Uncle Zhou’s eyes welled up in tears. Uncle Zhou’s family has lived in Bekok for many years. Despite some hardships, 3 generations living together brings great joy to Uncle Zhou and his wife, and the loving care of the 7979 church, brings much warmth to their hearts. Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 MFB - 吗哪食物银行 Manna Food Bank |