(For English please scroll down) 雪中送碳的温暖文/7979同工 来自异国他乡的月儿(化名),曾经也像月亮那般透彻皎洁,是个对生活充满憧憬的女孩。远嫁马来西亚,原本可以建立幸福的家庭,却因种种问题陷入家庭困境。 月儿和丈夫育有3个女儿,但丈夫却借着各种理由离开了家,家婆更是无法接受月儿这位外籍新娘和3位孙女。无奈之下,月儿带着孩子搬出去住,开始了单亲妈妈的生活,坚强独立撑起这个家。由于月儿是外籍人士,人生地不熟,也无法承担外面的租金。幸而加基武吉是个人情味浓厚的地方,透过当地居民的帮助,她申请到了政府的资源,找到了落脚之处安顿下来。 纵使有了栖身之所,水电费和每日三餐仍旧是她们最大的挑战。月儿善用自己的一技之长,开始制作炸猪皮售卖。靠着这微博的收入,日子总算是能撑过去。然而大人可以省吃俭用,小孩却不然。正在成长的三个孩子,尤其是老幺还不到两岁,所需要的开销实在不小。加基武吉赞美中心7979全人关怀站当时介入了她们的需要,带着吗哪包,一点一滴地为她们挪开眼前的乌云。“我孩子的奶粉刚好喝完了,第二天你们就打来了。”有一次月儿对志工说到。 “如果没有吗哪包的介入,她们当然还能生活,只是会过得很辛苦。”志工感叹。即使吗哪包已经援助了一年,教会却仍然坚持关怀及继续派发吗哪包,只因期盼守得云开见月明的那天。如今月儿也走入教会参与聚会,她非常鼓励孩子到教会的“葡萄园地”,接受教会的教导与栽培。 Timely help TRANSLATED BY DAWN LIMMoon (pseudonym) was a bright girl from a foreign country who used to look forward to a wonderful life. She married a Malaysian and migrated to Malaysia with the hope of building a happy family. But due to various family problems, her hope was dashed.
Moon and her husband have three daughters, but her husband tried to find all sorts of reason to leave the house, abandoning her and their children. Her mother-in-law could not accept Moon and her three daughters. Consequently, Moon had no choice but to move out and began her life as a single mother and tried to provide and support herself and her children independently. As a foreigner living in a foreign country, Moon had no one to turn to for help and she also could not afford the rent of any houses. Luckily Kaki Bukit was a warm and welcoming place and the local residents helped her to look for government’s welfare aids and a place to stay. After having a place to stay and settling down, the biggest challenge for Moon and her three daughters were the utility bills and food expenses. Moon was very good in frying pork skin, thus she started selling fried pork skin to make a living. She barely managed to make ends meet with her meagre income. As an adult, Moon could live frugally, but her children need nutrients to grow up healthily and strong. It is a huge burden for Moon as the living expenses for her three daughters are very high, especially the youngest one who is not even two years old yet. Kaki Bukit Praise Centre 7979 Care Station came to know about her predicament and extended their help. The volunteers delivered Manna Food Bag to them regularly to reduce her burden in times of difficulties. Once Moon shared with the volunteers, “The milk formula for my daughter has just run out and the next day, you guys phoned me.” “Of course they could continue to survive without the aid of Manna Food Bag, but life will be very difficult for them,” one volunteer said. Although the church has been providing the Manna Food Bag to Moon and her children for a year, it still continues to care for them and delivers the Manna Food Bag to them consistently. The church hopes this could help them during their difficult times and that they will be self-sufficient one day. Nowadays, Moon attends the Sunday service in church and encourages her children to join the church’s Sunday school “Vineyard”, where her children can learn and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Comments are closed.
Please specify the ministry program that you wish to donate to: 7979 MFB - 吗哪食物银行 Manna Food Bank |