“Many youths are rebellious ….”, “Many children became delinquent when they enter secondary school …”
Have you heard of these kind of comments before, or spoke of such statements too, or you are the “rebellious child” that others were referring to? Children ranging from 13 to 18 years old, in their secondary school years, are in the stage of exploring themselves and the outside world. Although, they have their own thinking, but still not completely mature and independent, they are curious of the world, like to go out and explore. This is the moment, that the parents think that their children become “disobedient” or “delinquent and rebellious”. 【When A Child Grew Up】
Ipoh Elim Gospel Hall 7979 Holistic Care Station has been running primary school children Companionship Class for nine years, they had accompanied many under privilege children completed their primary school education. The teachers worked hard not only in teaching but also in preparing good foundation for character building. After they graduated from primary schools, they have less contact with each other. In order to prevent this precious relationship from fading away, the teachers will gather these children to meet once a month to catch-up with each other. Then, the teachers discovered that most of them do not have proper learning environment at home, there were too many temptations that distract them from focusing in their studies. In year 2021, Elim Companionship Class decided to open a secondary school Companionship Class, give them a proper learning space to do their homework and revision.
“Whenever the children graduated from primary school, we always felt what a pity it is that we can’t accompany them in their secondary school years, we were worried that they will go astray and led into wrong path …” Teacher Qian Wen of Elim Companionship Class shared. Other than to provide a proper learning space, more importantly, they started this Companionship Class in hoping that the children in their process of exploring themselves and the world, the teachers can accompany and guide them so that they will be a better person. Accompany According to the Needs of Their Age
“Secondary school students are different from primary school students, they have developed their own thinking and mind set.” Elim Gospel Hall’s Volunteer Manager Jie Zhi shared that secondary school children are in an awkward stage of their lives, where they are no more a child, yet they are also not a complete adult too. Although they perceived themselves as an adult, but they are yet to be fully mature. Thus, children at this stage, their relationship with family’s members are usually strain. But when they come to Companionship Class, they’ll pour out their heart to the teachers as these teachers had been accompanying them since young, a deep and trusting relationship had already developed. They can talk about anything from their studies to family and even love relationship. The teachers do not only teach them homework, but also guide them to think and lead them to correct values. Thankfully the children are willing to share their hearts with these teachers, hence the teachers are able to correct any mistakes in time.
“We only hope that they will have good characters, cultivate them to be responsible, as long as they are hardworking, honest, responsible in future they will not become a parasite in our society.” The last sentence spoken by Teacher Jie Zhi had been ringing in my ears. 【Let the Children Learn to Face Their Future】
In our younger days, all of us must have written essay entitled “My Ambition”, irrespective of the occupation, be it “teacher”, “doctor”, “scientist”, “astronauts” etc., these are all direction for our growing years, it points us to the goal that we should work hard on. No matter, later did we achieve our goal, we still had a beautiful dream.
Looking at present days, many children’ dreams are “snatch” by technology. Advance technologies and over flowing of information become hindrance for children to think about their future, instead they become indulge in entertainment. Besides this, they are usually being pressurised by their studies and grades, study for the sake of pursuing excellent result. The children gradually losing their curiosity in learning, “sense of direction” and “sense of urgency”. In 2021, Malaysia Education Ministry announced the abolishment of Std. Six Student Verification Examination (UPSR), in order to let children to learn and develop in a more diversify and balance manner, not emphasising on grades alone. In the long run, the abolishment of UPSR brings more benefits than harms. However, it is not fair for those students that are facing examination. An assistant principal who has been in education field for 18 years shared with us: “When UPSR was abolished, the school has to assess the student based on their daily learning performance, but these two years of frequent online classes had made the assessment became a tough challenge.” What About Our Future
Apart from this, assistant principal also mentioned, that the school will conduct a counselling survey for the student before they move to secondary school to understand their emotional status. “Children nowadays are too ‘happy go lucky’, they are unable to handle challenges they encounter and lack of sense of urgency. They never think and don’t know what they want to be in the future. For these children who do not have any direction in life, teachers can guide them and prevent them from mixing with bad companies.
At the same time, Teacher C shared openly, that she worries that children will choose to quit secondary school because of unfamiliar language environment. “Many teachers’ feedback, they are worry that many secondary students from Chinese primary school will quit school due to they are unable to grasp BM language or bad character due to poor learning”. Under privilege children are more likely to be so, the resources and information that they received are already lacking, if they engage with bad companies then they can easily stray into the wrong path. Youth’s perception of black and white boundaries is still not very clear, in their journey of exploring this world, they need someone to guide them. Elim Secondary School Companionship Class’s student Wei Choong (pseudonym) did shared with Companionship Class’s teachers, that during their online class, only a few students attended classes, and he is the only one hand in homework. “Wei Choong attends Companionship Class since young, he has built up a good character, he is aware of his responsibility as a student to attend classes and complete his homework, even when others did not do their homework, he finished his homework whole heartedly.” Teacher Jie Zhi shared, hopefully their character can be shaped during secondary school years and guide them when they are lost. Grades are not the priority, but good character determines their future. 【Are they considered as good students, when they fail to catch-up in their studies?】
If you do not study hard in Standard 6, how would you go through secondary school?”, or “Until now, you still cannot memorise the multiplication table, what can you do in the future?” Companionship Class Teacher Lim advises Xiao Kang (pseudonym) unremittingly.
Xiao Kang stood and listened quietly over there while shedding his tears. From that moment on, Xiao Kang’s attitude started to change. Xiao Kang started to study hard, he used one week to memorised multiplication table, he watched intensely and put in effort to learn those videos that send to him by Teacher Lim, his BM spelling had also improved tremendously from 0 points to 60 -70 points. Xiao Kang’s improvement gained teacher’s praise, and without his notice his hunger for knowledge has increased gradually. This year Xiao Kang enter secondary school, although he failed in his BM subject so has to attend remove (transition) class, yet he no longer run away from learning, instead he takes initiative in asking questions and seeking assistance, these really comforted Companionship Class teachers. Xiao Kang is Gereja Ern Tian Batu Pahat’s Agape Companionship Class’s student, this year he has just entered secondary school. He joined Companionship Class when he was in his standard 4, after graduated from primary school, the Companionship Class teachers still care for him. During the school holidays before he entered secondary school, he joined homework guidance classes organised by Companionship Class, the teachers also helped him with his secondary school applications. Teacher Hannah of Agape Companionship Class shared frankly, that she herself was a remove (transition) class’s student as well, thus she naturally inclined to help them. She expressed that secondary school’s teachers always send messages in BM, she finds it not easy to understand those messages, it is definitely more difficult for Xiao Kang who just entered secondary school. Struggle in between Two Polar of Surviving and Learning
Compare with others, journey of pursuing education for children of under privilege families is always full of obstacles. Students who are poorer in studies cannot catch-up with their studies due to factors such as no proper learning environment and parents’ negligent. Collided with pandemic, the whole nation entered into an era of “Online Lesson” mode, they ended up caught in between two polar. “We don’t even have enough money for food, how can we spend extra for online lesson facilities!” Parent of one of the Companionship Class student told the teacher, when the issue of surviving appears before learning, they can only choose the option to survive.
Actually all the children wish to study well, but due to lacking of proper learning environment, they failed to catch-up with other students. Elim Gospel Hall’s Teacher Jie Zhi shared that the children of secondary school Companionship Class returned and joined Companionship Class on their own initiatives, because at home alone, they can’t find the motivation to study. Children usually have the desire to learn, but if they can’t find a proper environment to learn, it does not only affect their learning progress, it can also cause them to forgo their education. Secondary school Companionship Class can provide them with a learning environment, where a class of students gather together to complete their homework and do their revision, this is much better than studying hard alone. “很多青少年都很叛逆……”、“孩子上了中学就会学坏……” 你是否曾听过以上言论,或曾说过这些话,亦或是自己本身就是别人口中的“叛逆孩子”? 年龄介于13到18岁的孩子,正处于中学时期,在这个阶段往往想要探索世界与认识自己。他们虽有自己的想法,但却还未完全成熟独立;他们对外面的世界充满好奇,想要一探究竟,开始出外寻找。这时候,家长便觉得孩子们变得“不听话”、“叛逆学坏”了。 【当孩子长大时】 怡保以琳福音堂7979全人关怀站开办小学陪读班已长达9年,陪伴了许多弱势贫穷家庭的孩子完成小学。老师们用心教导,不仅是学业,更是为孩子的品格打好基础。小学毕业后,师生聚少离多,为了不让这份珍贵的感情消散,老师每个月都会聚集孩子们一起团契,分享彼此的生活。老师发现孩子们家中大多没有理想的学习环境,有很多诱惑导致孩子们无法专心学习。2021年,以琳陪读班决定开办中学陪读班,为孩子们营造一个良好的学习空间,让他们做功课与复习。 “当孩子小学毕业后,我们常觉得可惜,为什么不能陪着他们上中学,担心他们会误入歧途……” 以琳陪读班何倩雯老师说到。开办中学陪读班,除了提供学习环境,更重要的是在他们探索世界与认识自己的过程中,陪伴与教导他们分辨是非对错,从而建立他们。 不同的年龄不同的陪伴 “中学生跟小学生不一样,他们开始有自己的想法,有自己的一片天空。” 以琳福音堂志管人洁芝分享,中学生处于不大不小的年龄阶段,他们以为自己是大人,但又未完全成熟,这阶段的孩子往往跟家人的关系不好。但来到中学陪读班,孩子们从小和老师培养关系,本着对老师的信任与安心,孩子们对老师无所不谈,从学业、家庭、甚至爱情。老师不单教导他们功课,也引导他们去思考,引领他们正确的价值观。也正是因为孩子们愿意分享,老师才能及时纠正错误的观念。 “我只希望他们能建立良好品格,培养他们的责任感,只要他们勤力、诚实、负责任,以后就不会是社会上的寄生虫。”洁芝最后说的这句话声犹在耳。 【让孩子学习面对未来】 小时候写作文,我们都写过“我的志愿”,无论是“老师”、“医生”、“科学家”、“太空人”等,都是成长路上的方向,指引着我们努力的目标。无论长大后是否如愿,我们都曾有过美丽的梦想。 场景转换到现今,许多孩子的梦想被科技“扼杀”。先进设备与过多资讯导致孩子们不再思考自己的未来,而是沉迷于当下的玩乐。不仅如此,21世纪的孩子常常被学业成绩“压垮”,读书是为了追逐优异成绩。孩子们渐渐失去学习好奇心的同时,也失去了“方向感”与“危机感”。 2021年,大马教育部宣布全面废除小六检定考试(UPSR),为了让孩子全方位均衡地学习与发展,不再为成绩而活。长远而言,取消UPSR利大于弊。但对应届考生却有所不公。“取消UPSR后,校方需要以孩子平日里学习的表现来评估,但两年来频密的网课,执行这项评估本就是一项挑战。”一位在教育界18年的学校副校长与我们分享道。 我们的未来怎么办 此外,副校长也表示,学校会在孩子升中学前,进行一项辅导问卷,以了解孩子的心理状态。“现在的孩子太乐天知命了,遇到事情往往不知道如何处理,丝毫没有危机感。孩子们对于未来也没思考,不知道自己以后要做些什么。”对于没有目标的孩子,老师能透过引导,避免他们上了中学误交损友。 同一时间,另一位C老师也向我们坦言,担心孩子因为语言环境而排斥不去学校。“中学老师常反馈说,华小的学生上了中学无法掌握国语。我担心他们会因此辍学,或因学习不好而品行学坏。”弱势贫穷家庭的孩子更是如此,他们获得的资源与资讯本就不多,若遇上 “坏朋友” 将很容易误入歧途。 青少年对于是非黑白的界限依然不清晰,当他们在探索世界时,需要有人在旁引导。以琳中学陪读班的学生伟聪(化名)曾对陪读班老师说,上网课时,全班只有寥寥数位同学出席;当老师收作业时,全班就只有他一个人交功课。“从小伟聪就来到陪读班,建立了良好品格。他知道上课和完成作业是他的责任,纵使其他学生不做,他也很勤奋努力完成作业。” 洁芝分享,希望可以在孩子们中学时段建立他们,迷茫的时候引导他们。课业成绩非主要,良好的品行才能让他们立足未来。 【学习跟不上,还能是好学生吗?】 “你6年级还不努力读书,上了中学想怎样过?”、“到现在还不会背乘法表,以后怎么办?”陪读班林老师再次苦口婆心地劝说小康(化名)。 小康安静地站在那里,听着林老师说话,默默流泪。自此之后,小康有了微妙改变。 小康开始刻苦学习,用一星期把乘法表背熟。林老师每天发的学习影片,小康都会用心去学习,马来语听写也从0分进步至六七十分。 小康的进步获得林老师称赞,求知欲不知不觉也提升了。 今年小康升上中学,虽然国文不及格只能上预备班,但他不再逃避学习,而是主动询问与寻求帮助,让陪读班老师倍感欣慰。 小康是峇株巴辖恩典堂爱加倍陪读班的学生,今年刚升中学。他从4年级开始就来上陪读班,小学毕业后老师也格外关心他。小康升中学前的假期,都会参与陪读班学校假期的课业辅导,老师也会帮他打点升中的事情。爱加倍陪读班Hannah老师坦言,自己曾经也是预备班学生,所以会特别想关心他们。她也表示,中学老师常以国文缩写传简讯,自身都有点难理解,何况是刚上中学的小康。 生存与学习之间的两难 相比他人,弱势贫穷家庭孩子的求学之路充满波折。学习较弱的孩子更是因着家中没有理想的学习环境、以及家长的忽略,而跟不上学习进度。现遇疫情,全国进入“网课”模式,他们更是陷入两难。“吃饭都没有钱了,买什么网线配套上学。”一位陪读班孩子的家长曾对老师说,在生存与学习之间,他们只能选择生存。 其实孩子都想好好学习,碍于欠缺良好的学习环境,使他们跟不上同学的学习进度。以琳福音堂洁芝曾分享,中学陪读班的孩子都是主动回来的,因为他们在家里找不到读书动力。孩子们都有求知欲,若没有合适的学习环境,不仅影响学习进度,还会导致他们放弃学习。中学陪读班就能提供他们一个学习环境,让一班孩子在一起做功课与复习,总好过独自一人努力。 Comments are closed.