Kang Jun’s (pseudonym) parents divorced since he was very young, he lives with his grandparents, aunties and sister. In Kang Jun’s primary school years, his daily leisure was lingering at the cybercafé. Every day, after school he would dumped his school bag at home, without doing any homework and out he went cycling away.
One day, his grandmother got to know of Elim Gospel Hall 7979 Holistic Care Station’s Companionship Class from his cousin sister, she decided to let Kang Jun joined this class, hoping that he would study well, no more wandering around or lingering at cybercafé. 『An “Angry Boy” with his Fist』
Kang Jun was in his standard 5, when he first joined Companionship Class.
Initially, he did not take his studies seriously, so when the teachers requested him to finish his homework, he couldn’t take it, he responded with his clenched fists, he was clenching his knuckles so hard until it turned white, he was actually trying hard to hold his temper and stayed composed while feeling that he was being treated unfairly. Ever since then, he was named as a “Feisty Boy”. Later, when Kang Jun mingle with Companionship Class students for quite some time, he noticed that all the children finished their homework on their own initiatives, this automatically alienated him as he didn’t have any interest in doing his homework, slowly lonely feeling driven him to join the rest of the class and started to do his homework as well. Other than homework, his character also causing headaches to the teachers. Due to his bad choice of friends, Kang Jun’s character inevitably influenced by their bad tempers and bad habit of speaking foul words. “The Bible says, we use our mouth to praise God, at the same time use it to speak foul words to curse others, do you think that is appropriate?” Whenever Teacher Jie Zhi heard he used foul words, she would use this method to correct him. Gradually, Kang Jun stopped speaking foul words, because he knew that was something that displeases God. Seed of God fearing had slowly sprouted in his heart. 『I hope I can enter into secondary school』
Close to the end of school term, Companionship Class children had to fill up a feedback form, stated down what they had gained and in which area that they had grown in that one whole year.
“Stop behaving badly”, “more focus”, “temper gone down a lot”, “the teachers had cared for me and assisted me” and etc., these are all the feedbacks that Kang Jun wrote down on his form of what he gained and which area he had grown. He, who in the past used to neglect his homework to the extent of impossible to complete, but now his wish was to be able to enter into secondary school, this had really comforted the teachers. Although Kang Jun result didn’t show any significant improvement, but now he realised how important it is to study, therefore he put more effort into it in Companionship Class. Two years passed by very quickly, Kang Jun graduated from primary school. Because he failed his BM subject, therefore he had to go to remove (transition) class, however he still continued on with the Companionship Class. After he entered into Form 1, he can no longer joined Companionship Class as it clashed with his afternoon schooling session. Teacher Jie Zhi didn’t want to let this 3 years relationship from faded away, so she insisted to gather those children who are in secondary school for fellowship, Kang Jun was one of them. From their sharing, the teachers discovered that Kang Jun had mixed with friends who doesn’t like studying, speak foul words, like to hang out at the cybercafé to play online game, Kang Jun’s character is again being affected. During that period of time, Kang Jun always went home very late, to the extent that his grandmother had to cycle everywhere looking for him. His grandmother felt frustrated, she ended up seeking help from Companionship Class’s teachers. Thankfully, although Kang Jun seems to be very rebellious, yet he was teachable. “Kang Jun, I know that you wanted to go out to play with your friends, but you should not stay outside later than midnight. This kind of behaviour really worries your grandmother.” Teacher Jie Zhi talked patiently to him when she found him. Later, Kang Jun promised that he would be back before 6p.m., so that his family members will not get worried. Meanwhile, he promised to attend the church’s weekly fellowship, compare to cybercafé, his grandmother felt more assuring that he is willing to go to church. 『He had grown up unknowingly』
Few years later, he had moved up to morning session, meanwhile the church had also started Secondary School Companionship Class. Once again, the teacher invited Kang Jun to return to Companionship Class, but he refused, not because he was playful, but on the ground that he was worried about his grandparents, they had been suffering from backache, as they are selling herbal tea which was very labour intensive, he needed to stay at home to help them, and accompanied his grandfather in transporting the herbal tea. All the teachers felt that Kang Jun had suddenly grown up, even though they thought what a pity that he was unable to attend the Companionship Class, but his filial actions were more meaningful than anything else.
In year 2021, Kang Jun turned 18, he was baptised in church and became the first Companionship Class student that received baptism. He just completed his SPM examination, although we know that his result might not be what we are hoping for, and his learning ability is consider a little slow, but best of all Kang Jun is willing to learn and accept all kinds of challenges. “Our living environment might not be like what we are hoping for, if the environment can’t be change, then we can only choose to adapt.” This is what Teacher Jie Zhi taught Kang Jun. The ability to adapt is very important, if the environment doesn’t change, then we have to learn to adapt, that is the only way to survive. Kang Jun is about to enter into the society, he hopes to learn some repairing hands on skill for a living. “Hope that he’ll not turn out to be a parasite in our society, as long as he can self-sustain, that is already a great contribution to the society.” Teacher Jie Zhi spoke honestly, everyone has different ability, if we can live a proper life in our circle of life, then the equilibrium of our society will not be broken. Lastly, Teacher Jie Zhi offer a blessing to Kang Jun: “Hope that he’ll continue to fear God, as long as he fears God, then all the things he does will be good.” Actually, this is a wish that all Companionship Class teachers have for every Companionship Class student. “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” James 3:9-10: 康俊(化名)自小父母离异,和爷爷奶奶、姑婆还有姐姐住在一起。小学时期,康俊每天的乐趣就是在放学后把书包丢在家里,功课也不做便骑上脚车往外跑,也经常到网吧打游戏。 某一天,当奶奶听到康俊表妹介绍怡保以琳福音堂7979全人关怀站开办的陪读班时,便让康俊参加,希望他能好好学习,不再到处游逛,更不再去网吧。 『握紧拳头的“愤怒少年”』 刚来到陪读班时,康俊5年级。 起初,康俊不以学业为重,所以当老师让康俊完成功课时,他不能接受,握起双拳表示不满。小拳头因为握得太用力而泛红,康俊像是受了委屈般努力地隐忍,默默在一旁生闷气。从此,康俊便被冠上“愤怒少年”的外号。 在陪读班的日子久了,康俊看着身边同学们自动自发地完成功课,不爱做功课的他一个人待着也觉得无聊,便开始跟着大家做功课了。 除了功课,康俊的品格也是让老师头疼不已。因着康俊结交的朋友圈都有着坏脾气、骂粗口等习惯,因此康俊便理所当然地形成这样的品格。 “圣经说,我们用同一张嘴巴赞美神,又用同一张嘴巴去讲污秽的话咒诅别人,你觉得这样合宜吗?”洁芝老师在听见康俊骂粗口时,就会如此教导他。康俊慢慢地不再骂粗口,因为他知道这是上帝不喜悦的事情。 敬畏上帝的生命在他心里开始萌芽。 『希望我可以上中学』 年尾学期结束,陪读班学生需要填写一张反馈表格,表述自己一年里的收获与成长。 “改变不好的行为”、“比较专心”、“脾气变得温和”、“得到老师关心与帮助”等,都是康俊在呈上的表格里选择的收获与成长。曾经不注重学业的他,完成功课都难如登天,如今却让老师感到欣慰,更是写下“希望我可以上中学”。在陪读班里,虽然康俊的成绩依然没有显著的进步,但他开始发现学习的重要,并加以重视。 两年很快过去,康俊从小学毕业了。由于国语不及格只能上预备班,这一年康俊依然参与陪读班。上了中一后,下午班导致康俊无法继续参加陪读班了。 洁芝老师不想因此断了3年的感情,坚持每个月把上了中学的陪读班孩子们约在一起团契,康俊就是其中一位。从彼此分享的生活境况中,老师发现康俊在学校里结交到一班朋友,大家说粗口、不爱读书、每天都会跑到网吧打游戏,康俊的品格再次被影响。 那段时期,康俊常常晚归,甚至需要奶奶骑着脚车到处寻找他。奶奶着实无奈,只好找到陪读班老师帮忙。 感恩的是,虽然康俊叛逆的行径不断,但他还是肯听劝。 “康俊,我知道你想要出去和朋友玩,但是你不能到半夜还不回家。这样奶奶会担心你的。”洁芝老师找到康俊,耐心地与他谈话。 往后,康俊答应每天会在傍晚6点回家,不再让家人担心。同时,他每个星期也愿意来到教会参加团契,相比起网吧,他愿意来教会,奶奶相对安心。 『原来他悄悄长大了』 后来,康俊转为早上班,教会也开始中学陪读班。老师再次邀请康俊回到陪读班,但是康俊拒绝了。这次,不是因为贪玩,而是担心家中老迈的爷爷奶奶。他们时常会腰骨痛,平日里制作凉水贩卖是需要大量体力的。康俊想要留在家中帮他们,再陪着爷爷运送凉水。老师们觉得康俊忽然之间长大了,相比他不来陪读班的可惜,这份孝心更是让人感动。 2021年,康俊18岁,在教会完成了洗礼仪式,也是以琳福音堂陪读班第一位洗礼的孩子。今年刚考完SPM,虽然学业成绩不一定能如愿,学习能力相比他人也不算快,但康俊愿意学习也愿意尝试各种挑战。 “生活环境有时候未必如你所愿,如果环境一直不改变,我们就要学习去适应。”这是洁芝老师对康俊的教导。适应能力很重要,若环境不能改变,就要学习去适应,才能更好地生存下去。 康俊即将步入社会,希望可以学习一门维修手艺维生。“希望他不要成为社会的寄生虫,只要能自给自足,对社会而言就是莫大的贡献。”洁芝老师坦言,每个人的能力不同,在自己的能力范围内努力生活,就不会破坏社会的安宁。 最后,洁芝老师对康俊献上祝福:“希望他能够继续敬畏神,只要他敬畏神,他所做的一切事就不会变坏。”而这也是陪读班老师对所有陪读班孩子最大的期望。 我们用舌头颂赞那为主为父的、又用舌头咒诅那照着 神形像被造的人. 颂赞和咒诅从一个口里出来!我的弟兄们,这是不应当的! - 雅各书3:9-10 - Comments are closed.