What driven you to study hard?
I don’t know. Why do you think that the teachers care for you?
I don’t know. What is the reason that you agreed to shoot this testimonial video? I don’t know. This boy who gave “I don’t know” as answer to all three questions is the main character for today!
Year 2022, this boy just entered into transition class of secondary school. He has a habit of replying “I don’t know” to any question posed to him, such a cute boy! If you want to get any answer from him, you have to be patient enough to engage conversation with him and guide him to think. In those early days of joining Gereja Ern Tian Batu Pahat Companionship Class, he was just standard 4. Being in a new environment and had to mingle with strangers, made him so afraid of being bullied until he refused to attend Companionship Class, hence the teachers had to purposefully fetched him to class. Then came MCO, his time in Companionship Class became on and off, however he turned out to enjoy Companionship Class so much that he insisted to attend Companionship Class even feeling uncomfortable after his COVID vaccination. However, one thing doesn’t change from the beginning until he graduated from primary school is his introvert quiet character, he doesn’t play with other children, he just quietly took his meals, washed his dishes, did his homework and revision.
Although he is well behaved, but he didn’t put enough effort in his studies. When he was standard 6, he always failed in his spelling test in addition to not able to recite multiplication table, the teachers felt so frustrated. One day, the teachers decided not to tolerate anymore, she spoke to the boy: “You are now standard 6, how can you still not familiar with the multiplication table, what are you thinking? You always said that you pray about it, but you didn’t put your effort into it after you prayed. God can only bless you when you work hard after you prayed.” This conversation seems to open up his mind, he suddenly realized that if he still doesn’t put in his effort, then he’ll be left behind when he enters his secondary school. Ever since, this boy who had been triggered to learn seems to transform into another person, he began to study hard. Within a week, he managed to recite multiplication table, and began to take his spelling seriously. Although, enter into secondary school all by himself was a new challenge to him, he had to go to a new school, with unfamiliar teachers, students and language environment. Again, he was afraid of being bullied, but this time he wished to change! Because this time he knew that he could learn, and he is no longer alone, because he has Companionship Class’s teachers to teach and guide him in his studies. For example, when he encountered difficulties setting up his online class facilities, he took the initiative to request assistance from Companionship Class’s teachers, and his online class went on smoothly. Miraculous First Encounter For this year, we wished to make a video of life story on this boy, the first thing came to my mind was “Will this super introvert quite boy agrees to let us shoot a life story video of him? Will him get so nervous in front of the camera until he can’t utter a word?” With these questions in mind, we embarked. It was our first encounter with this boy. During the conversation, the phrase “I don’t know” kept appearing, but that didn’t mean that he doesn’t know, he just need to be guided in his thinking, it could also be that he is not good in expressing his thought.
Nevertheless, he is not a reckless person, if he wanted to accomplish something, even when he couldn’t express himself with words, he would act it out, he takes his tasks seriously. During our video shooting, because he was very nervous, so he would repeatedly practice his dialogues, facial expressions, and he cooperated willingly when we need to retake the scene. During the shooting, we could see his subtle smile. The boy was presented with a badminton racket for the shooting of this video. This was preplanned before the shooting. As we did ask the boy what was his wish, he said he wanted a badminton racket, so that he can play with his father when his father returns from his outstation job. Epilogue: While we were shooting our video, Teacher Li Ling (Companionship Class’s Teacher) kept telling us that: “This boy’s school grades have improved tremendously, he is so well behaved, he would study on his own, he does the house chores, take cares of himself, occasionally he would teach his sister in doing her homework…” She was so relieved, comforted and proud as though is her son that is doing well. We hereby wish that this boy will continue to grow healthily, and may he comes to know what kind of person that he wishes to be!
男孩:不知道。 一问三不知的“不知道”男孩,就是我们今天的小主角! 2022年,男孩刚上中学,就读预备班。他有个口头禅,当有人问他问题,他会不假思索地张口就来一句 “不知道” ,甚是个可爱的小男孩。若你想知道答案,需要耐心引导他去思考,一来二去,他就会给出答案啦! 初到峇株巴辖恩典堂爱加倍陪读班时,男孩才上四年级。面对着陌生的环境和陌生的人,他害怕被别人欺负而不愿意来,还得劳动老师一次次去他家把他载来。后来遇上MCO,男孩在陪读班的日子断断续续,但他渐渐爱上陪读班,就连施打疫苗后身体不适也坚持要来。但男孩安静的性格自始至终,无论是刚来陪读班那会儿,又或是小学毕业即将离开时,他在陪读班里总是很安静,从不和其他同学打闹,安静地自己吃饭、洗碗、做功课,然后温习。 虽然男孩很乖,但在学业上并不上心。记得六年级时,他听写常常不及格,甚至连乘法表都不会背,这让老师束手无策。一天,老师终于不再忍耐,对男孩说:“你六年级了,乘法表还不会,你想怎样?你常说你有祷告,但祷告了你没有去努力学习!你祷告过后,也要自己努力,上帝才会祝福你的。”这番话仿佛让男孩茅塞顿开,惊觉自己再不努力学习,上了中学怎么办? 此后,激发求知欲的男孩就像是变了一个人,开始发奋图强。一个星期,他就把乘法表背熟,也开始认真学习听写。虽然升上中学对男孩是一项新挑战,他需要独自一人面对新的学校、不认识的老师同学,和难懂的语言环境,他担心自己会被别人欺负,但是他想要改变!他知道他可以学习,他也不再是一个人,因为有陪读班老师可以请教,也可以请陪读班老师帮忙。就像面对不熟悉的网课设置,他主动请陪读班老师帮忙后,男孩顺利地上了网课。 奇妙的初相遇 今年,7979想要将男孩的成长故事拍摄为影片,第一个想到的挑战就是“内向寡言的男孩会答应拍摄吗?他面对镜头时是否会紧张得说不出话?”带着这样的想法,我们出发了。这也是我们第一次正式接触男孩。交谈中,“不知道”的对话就出现了,一问三不知,不代表男孩真的什么都不会,他只是需要引导思考,也或许是不善于表达自己的想法。 但男孩也不是随便的人,想要完成的事情,虽然不善表达,但他会用行动去努力,做事认真。就好比在拍摄时,因为紧张,他会反复练习对白、表情,就算重拍多次也很愿意配合。在拍摄中,难得看到男孩低敛露出笑容。这次拍摄,男孩收到了一份礼物 —— 一把羽毛球拍,这是在出发拍摄前询问过男孩的愿望。他想要一把羽毛球拍,当在外地工作的爸爸回家时,可以和爸爸打羽毛球。 后记 利玲老师(陪读班老师)在拍摄时,不断地对我们说:“男孩现在的成绩真的进步了很多”,“男孩很乖,会自己学习、会自己做家务、照顾自己、偶尔还会教妹妹功课……”。她欣慰地像是自家孩子金榜题名,让她倍感骄傲。祝愿男孩继续茁壮成长,知道自己长大后想成为怎样的人! Comments are closed.