12/15/2022 大家一起7979 疫情以后的挑战,教会当前的契机! Challenges beyond the pandemic, The church's current opportunity!Read Now CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
COVID-19 has affected the world for more than three years, infecting more than 600 million people and claiming 6.6 million lives. The year 2022 was a busy one, it packed with all signs Jesus' prophesied on Endtimes in Chapter 24 of the Gospel of Matthew, the signs had appeared one by one. Wars, riots, earthquakes, pestilence, crime, indifference, false prophets and doctrine, none of them were absent. Coupled with global inflation and economic depression, the originally wealthy financial resources have been greatly reduced, the wailing of suffering grassroots has escalated, the poor have no tomorrow!
HISTEAM held "2022 Asian Chinese Christian Holistic Care Conference – The Greatest Opportunity" over three weekends in October, and constantly we could hear from the workshops’ speakers from Hong Kong and Taiwan’s co-organizers, of the challenges that Asia is facing in post-COVID-19 era. Doulos, Hong Kong in collaboration with local universities conducted a survey on the negative impact of COVID-19 in nine Asian regions, and the results showed that Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia ranked first, third and fourth. This means that people with moderate or even severe depression and anxiety due to the pandemic are the ready harvest field who are suffering from mental distress and in need of assistance. On the economic front, Malaysia has been the hardest hit, ranking first in Asia. The ageing population has led to an increasing number of stay alone elderlies, chronic illnesses elderlies who requires long-term medical care, and dementia elderlies who have been displaced. Authoritarian ruling, economic and political instability in several Asian countries have led to mass emigration. These scattered stateless groups are most often victims of oppression and exploitation in foreign cultures and countries where they are not welcome. When Malaysia opened its borders in April, many people fasten the pace of their lives hoping to recover the opportunities they lost during the pandemic, but they ended up in disconcerted state. Many businesses, including many churches, over reacted by holding various gatherings and banquets, making extensive travel plans and church building projects. As a result, the old wineskins problems before the pandemic also returned to the nest in retaliation. In fact, the painful lesson our Heavenly Father hopes to teach us the children of God during the pandemic, we should not forget the learnt lessons when the pandemic is over. Now enter into the epidemic stage, the Holy Spirit wants the church to put on new wineskins and pour out new wine, which we should not miss in our disconcerted state. The opportunity Jesus wants Christians to seize and minister in the Endtimes is right now! The church and the children of God have the eternal assurance of salvation, the unchanging truth of the Bible, the hope of the resurrection of our Savior, the support of the power of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance of the rod of the Father. We are bestowed with the privileges that no one else has, in order for us to reach out to the suffering communities and desperate neighbors. As we come to an era where good and bad times alternate frantically, it is also a rare opportunity for Christians to rise up and respond to the call of harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. In this epidemic, would you like to respond to the cries of workers in the field? God is calling for warriors of caring mission to seize the greatest opportunity! 新冠肺炎影响了全球三年有多,感染超过六亿人口,夺走六百六十万条人命。2022年好不热闹,《马太福音》第24章提及耶稣预测的末世征兆,逐一登场。战争、暴乱、地震、瘟疫、罪案、冷漠、假冒先知与道理,没有一个缺席。加上全球通膨与经济萧条,导致原本富有的财力大减,基层的人叫苦连天,贫穷的没有明天! 全人关怀团队用十月三个周末举办“2022亚洲华人基督徒全人关怀研讨会--最大的契机”,陆续从香港、台湾联办单位的工作坊听到亚洲各地面临疫情后的挑战。香港忠仆与当地大学合作,调查9个亚洲区域因疫情带来的负面影响,结果显示:台湾、香港及大马在亞洲的排名分别是第一、第三及第四。这意味着因疫情导致中度,甚至重度忧郁及焦虑的群体,是心灵受困和有待援助的广大禾场。在经济方面,马來西亚受到打击最为严重,在亚洲排第一位。人口老化导致独自居家的长者,需要长期医疗服务的慢性年长病患,以及流离失所的失智乐龄人士日益增多。好些亚洲国家因集权统治、经济及政治不稳定导致大量人口往外迁移。这些散居各处的无国籍群体,在异文化及不欢迎他们的国度里最常沦落为受欺压、被剥削的对象。 今年四月,大马开放边界后,许多人想找回在疫情期间失去的机会,而加快忙碌的脚步,结果让自己更仓皇失措。很多企业商家,包括不少教会机构,报复性举办各样聚会和聚餐、报复性的旅游及建堂消费。结果,疫情前的旧皮袋老毛病也报复性的回巢。其实,天父希望透过疫情教训神儿女的惨痛功课;神儿女不应在疫情后把该学的功课抛诸于脑后。圣灵在疫情后,要教会更换新皮袋,且要浇灌的新酒,不应在慌乱中与其失之交臂。耶稣要基督徒在末世抓住的服事契机就在当下!教会与神儿女坐拥救恩永恒的确据,圣经不变真理,救主复活的盼望,圣灵大能的加持,天父杖杆的引领。我们具备别人没有的条件走向苦难的群体、绝望的邻舍来回应疫情后的挑战。面对大好大坏的时代,也是基督徒挺身回应庄稼多工人稀少难得的时机。请问你愿意回应疫情后工人亟需的禾场呼声吗?神正呼召关怀宣教的勇士,抓住疫情后展现的最大契机! Comments are closed.