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“Teacher, how is today's Companionship Class?” The person in charge of Companionship Class Koh Li Pin asked.
Teacher Pang Jee Ngo quickly answered: “Wow! Today's class was a total mess.” “Yeah! The new students led the senior class students to wreak havoc. ” Teacher Chin Hui Ju responded accordingly. On 1st April, the Companionship Class of 7979 Holistic Care Station (Hereinafter referred to as Companionship Class) at Gereja Presbyterian Gabriel, Kluang had 6 new students. When the Companionship Class ended at the end of the day, the teachers gathered together for dinner. Eventually, they came to the topic of what happened in today’s class. The 6 newbies “monkeys” didn’t ravage the class, but they almost got the teachers out of hands. At this moment, Li Pin said: “Tomorrow, I need to inform the class of the class rules. It will be easier to manage them when they know what they can and cannot do.” When the others heard it, they nodded their head in agreement. The teachers were harmoniously discussing the subject, if things were backtracked a few years ago, it would not have been this atmosphere.
Li Pin worked in the marketplace for more than 20 years before she became a Companionship Class teacher. She was in a high position and well-paid job, working under very demanding conditions yet able to complete projects one after another. She only realised that work was not all she had, when her father fell gravely ill and needed her to tend to his needs. Half a year later, her father passed away and she became alone without any parents as her mother passed away a long time ago. At her father’s funeral, she was very lost, she questioned God: “Now that I don’t have a father and mother anymore, I don’t have a home to go back to, why do you still keep me here?” 2 years later, with a battled body Li Pin quit her job, she was thinking of interviewing for a job at Persatuan Kebajikan Mesra Prihatin Kluang, Johor. She thought she could be the librarian or person in charge of books and administration, but God seemed to have another plan for her. Without much understanding of the work and operation of the Companionship Class then, she was put in charge of it since year 2017. “When it comes to work and planning, that is my strength, but if it is about human relationships, that is my weakness.”Li Pin shared. Companionship Class’s purpose is to serve underprivileged children by giving them homework guidance, life coaching and family care. When Li Pin became the Companionship Class main PIC, she not only needed to deal with the students and teachers but also had to make arrangements for house visitations with the teachers. Therefore, in the earlier years, Li Pin faced many challenges, the biggest challenge was helping Bryan who often cries and throws tantrums when instructed to complete his homework. Li Pin discovered that there seems to be an unsurpassable gap that hinders her from being close to her students. Her inability to communicate also frustrated her. Only when she attended the 7979 General Assembly in 2022, she came to know Rev. Lim Kong Hoon, who serves marginalised adolescents. Rev. Lim recommended Li Pin enrol herself on a counselling course, hoping that it would help her to understand the Companionship Class’s children from different perspectives. Unexpectedly, the lessons helped her to be more introspective, she realised that she sometimes could be very stubborn on certain things, which not only hinders her from relating to others properly but also makes her feel pressured and tired. Hence, Li Ping tried to adjust by learning to let go and accept the situation. Her way of relating to others had also changed together with this adjustment. She began to use questions to guide their conversation, listened and tried to understand the other person's thinking to achieve two-way communication. Li Ping exclaimed: “Only then I realised that teachers have other opinions too, just that in the past they didn’t have the opportunity to express it.” Although it was not smooth sailing, however, Li Ping now learns to enjoy it, when she sees the changes in the children they had accompanied. “When Xiao Jun (pseudonym) just joined us, he couldn’t read Chinese at all, but now he can read a whole article.”
“There was a boy whose mother passed away due to cancer, he is now under the care of his grandparents. When he newly joined us, he was a taciturn boy and falling behind in his studies. Gradually, he has grown to like talking with the teachers, and started to do homework by himself …” “When Bryan joined us at standard 4, he was also a taciturn boy with a bad temper. Now, he became a chatterbox whenever he gets the attention of a teacher …” After attending the short-term counselling course, Li Ping would purposefully squeeze some time out to help the children understand their emotions. Providing a place to vent for the Companionship Class children to express and tell the people around them any incidents they encounter, such as falling, pain or upset; because there is someone who cares for them and loves them.
They and Their Companionship Class Stories
I Found that Teaching Them is Completely Different - Teacher Chang Lee Poh
Chang Lee Poh is a homemaker with 3 grown-up children, so she has the extra time to be a volunteer teacher at Companionship Class. In the initial stage, she would spend a long time guiding the children to master the stroke of Chinese characters. All her effort would be wasted in the following week when the children returned with the same writing pattern. Teacher Lee Poh felt disappointed when there seemed to be no improvement after teaching for a long time. “Why is it so difficult to teach these children?”Teacher Lee Poh couldn’t help thinking of it and even considering giving up. Later, a teacher who came to visit them noticed Lee Poh’s doubt, she explained: “Teaching Companionship Class’s children is different from teaching our own, they do not have the same good foundation as we. Besides, the purpose of the Companionship Class is more of accompanying the children as they grow.” This conversation has enlightened Lee Poh, she began to adjust her service focus. Chang Lee Poh had now lowered her expectations of those children and became more empathised with their condition when she came to know of their family background from those teachers who do home visitations as many of them are from single-parenting or cross-generational parenting families. For I had Watched the Movie - Teacher Pang Jee Ngo
When we talked about how Teacher Pang ended up being a Companionship Class teacher, she would say: “For I had watched the movie, Sound of Music… ” She continued: “I hope I can be like the teacher in the movie, who taught the children to be joyful even amid sorrow.” Simultaneously, she does not wish these underprivileged children to be like the child in “Oliver Twist”, who became a criminal after being acquitted with the wrong group of people.
Pang Jee Ngo became a Companionship Class teacher with her mission in mind. However, many times when she was doing house visitations, she often had mixed feelings when she realised some of those children’s grandparents were her old schoolmates. Upon discovering that her old schoolmates’ lives were in bad shape, she could only do her best to help. She would try to let them see the benefits of Companionship Class, assuring their grandchildren would be well cared for. Teacher Pang Jee Ngo understands that many things are advancing. At 70, hoping to be more helpful to those children while dealing with increasingly challenging schoolwork, she remained positive by continuing to upgrade herself. Actually, I Hate Children - Teacher Yong Shing Ying
Yong Shing Ying is the youngest volunteer teacher. In the early stages of Companionship Class, when Shing Ying was still schooling, you can see her tracks as a volunteer teacher during school holidays. As she is good at arts, she was in charge of organising activities. Upon graduation, she became one of the permanent Companionship Class teachers. Even though Shing Ying has been saying that she dislikes children, however, you can see the way she mingles with the Companionship Class’s children, they are like friends. This change started with house visitation. In those early stages, Shing Ying would follow Li Ping and Teacher Pang on house visitation. She would quietly listen to their conversation while observing. When she got to know them more, she realised why some children were more mischievous. They were only looking out for people to play with. Gradually, Shing Ying maintains a good relationship with them through mobile phone games. She would discuss the game with them, and through it, she would know their latest condition. Shing Ying said: “There are some things that the children would not share with adults, but if you approached them as a friend, that would open up.” Shing Ying would take the opportunity to guide and help the children in dealing with challenges in life, homework, the internet and friends when listening to their sharing. SJK (C) Chong Eng, Kluang
SJK(C) Chong Eng is located opposite of the 7979 Holistic Care Station of Gereja Presbyterian Gabriel, Kluang. Since 2017, the school and Companionship Class have maintained a close cooperation relationship. Whenever standard one students registered themselves to the school, Teacher Liyang Nyoke Mui would request every class’s form teachers to list down students from underprivileged backgrounds to refer them to Companionship Class so that they would receive proper care. This cooperation relationship has lasted for 8 years. When Teacher Liyang Nyoke Mui was asked what her opinion of the Companionship Class’s service was, she answered joyously: “I give 100%”
“I personally feel very happy about this, such services for poor students in this community.” The present headmaster Mr. Gan Chin Guan is very supportive of the Companionship Class and shows concern for the children’s growth. Occasionally, he would squeeze some time out to walk over to the other side of the road to see how was the students. “I was very surprised when I heard that there is a Companionship Class over here because, in my years of teaching in so many different schools, there were no such services in the school’s vicinity.” The assistant headmaster Mdm. Chong Shit Fong shared her thought of the first time when she heard of Companionship Class after she was transferred to Chong Eng primary school. She thought that the safe environment provided by it could benefit those underprivileged students. “老师们,今天的陪读班怎么样啊?” 负责管理陪读班的许丽彬问。 “今天真的是刺激哦!”方钰娥老师忍不住回应。 “是啊!那些新来的带着高年级的学生一起乱!”金慧茹老师赶紧接着说。 4月1日,居銮长老会佳音堂7979全人关怀站陪读班(以下简称“陪读班”)迎来了六位新生。陪读班下课后,老师们纷纷约在一起吃晚餐,聊起当天陪读班所发生的事。新来的六个“小猴子”,虽然没有大闹天宫,但也差点让几位陪读班老师应接不暇。这时,丽彬说:“明天我要跟他们说一说我们的班规了。当学生知道什么时候该做什么,就会比较好管理。”老师们听到后,连忙点头表示赞同。老师们一起讨论和解决问题的氛围和睦,但若是放在几年前,情况就并非如此了。 成为陪读班老师以前,丽彬曾在职场工作二十多年。那时的她高职高薪,以高效的办事能力,完成了一项又一项工作。直到父亲生了一场大病,她需要边照顾父亲边工作的时候,才醒悟道:原来工作不是最重要的。半年后,父亲离世,母亲也早已不在,丽彬在丧礼期间失落地问上帝:“爸爸妈妈都不在了,我没有家了,你还留我在这里做什么?”两年后,丽彬带着疲惫的身躯辞了工作,来到教会开办的佳音文教中心应聘。原以为她只是当个图书管理员和负责文书相关的工作,但上帝似乎冥冥之中有安排。丽彬在不了解陪读班是如何运作的情况下,于2017年顺势成为陪读班的负责老师。 “如果是工作计划啊,我很强;但是要处理人际关系,我就很差。”丽彬老师分享道。陪读班是为经济弱势家庭的小学生提供课业辅导、生命教育及家庭关怀等服务。当丽彬成为陪读班主责老师时,她不仅要面对学生、老师还要带领老师去学生的家进行家访。因此,刚开始管理陪读班的那几年,丽彬面对很多挫折。其中最大的打击,就是发现她怎么样都没办法说服又哭又闹的智盛,让他好好地完成课业。丽彬发现,她和学生之间,似乎有一道无法跨越的鸿沟。不知道要如何与对方沟通,这让她非常受挫。直到她参加了2022年的7979全国大会,遇到了一位正在服务边缘青少年的林光汉牧师。 林牧师推荐丽彬报读短期辅导课程,希望她能从不同角度认识陪读班的学生。但没想到,课程帮助她先检视自己的内心。她意识到自己很执着于一些事情,使她不仅没办法很好地跟人相处,自己也感觉压力和累。丽彬就尝试调整自己,学习放手和接受现状。这样的调整,改变了她和旁人的相处模式。她开始学会透过问题引导,先聆听对方的想法,达到两方面的沟通。“原来有些老师也有他们的想法,只是过去他们没有这个机会表达而已。”丽彬惊讶说道。 虽然遇到挫折,但让丽彬最享受的,莫过于在陪伴学生的过程中,看到他们都有所改变!
自从上了短期辅导课,丽彬特别安排时间教导学生认识自己的情绪,让陪读班的学生有机会表达,把所遇见的事情,例如跌倒流血、疼痛和烦恼,向身边的人诉说。因为有人关心他们,有人爱他们。 他们与陪读班的故事原来教他们是不一样的——郑绿宝老师
后来,有位老师拜访他们,得知绿宝的困惑,便解释道:“教陪读班的孩子跟教自己的孩子不同,他们不像我们那样有很好的基础。而且,陪读班存在的意义,更多是陪伴孩子们成长。”这一席话点醒了在困惑中的绿宝,她开始调整自己的服务焦点。 绿宝也从其他有去家访的老师口中,了解到学生的家庭背景。其中有单亲家庭、隔代教养的家庭。知道他们生活困难,便降低对学生的要求,多了一份同理。 因为我看了电影——方钰娥老师 带着使命成为陪读班一员的方老师,到学生家进行家访时,内心却是五味杂陈。因为有些学生的祖父或祖母,竟是自己的老同学。得知老同学的家庭过得不怎么好,她也只能尽自己的一份力去帮助。尝试让对方了解陪读班的好处,希望对方的孙,也就是自己的学生,能在陪读班被关怀。 方老师也自知这时代一直在进步。70岁的她,应对学生日益挑战的课业,仍保持积极学习的态度,提升自己,希望能够在陪读班更好地帮助学生。 其实我很讨厌小孩……,但……——杨杏萦老师
而这样的转变,其实是从家访开始。早期,杏萦随从丽彬和方老师一同去家访。她静静地在一旁聆听和观察。对学生有了更多认识,也就更加明白为何有些学生特别调皮。其实,他们只想要有人和他们一起玩。 渐渐地,杏萦就透过手游,跟学生维持友好关系。她跟学生一起讨论游戏内容,也从中了解学生最近的生活。杏萦说:“有些话,学生不想跟大人说,但如果是以‘朋友’的身份接触他们,他们就会分享。”透过分享的时段,杏萦巧妙地见缝插针从中引导,帮助学生面对生活、课业、网络或者朋友之间的困惑。 居銮中英华小居銮中英华小座落于陪读班居銮长老会佳音堂7979全人关怀站陪读班对面。2017年开始,校方与陪读班保持紧密合作。每当有一年级新生报读学校时,梁玉梅老师都会请各班主任收集并筛选清寒学生的名单,再推荐给陪读班。这样,弱势家庭的孩子就能受到关注。这样的合作已长达八年,对于陪读班的服务,梁老师笑说:“给100分!”
“我本身是很高兴的,有这个社区服务给我们的清寒学生”现任的颜振源校长很支持和关注陪读班的运作和孩子的成长。他抽空会走到对面,观看学生在陪读班的情形。 “听到这里有陪读班时,我很惊讶!因为过去我任教过的学校附近都没有这样的服务。” 钟雪芳副校长表示,到居銮中英华小职教后,第一次得知陪读班:原来有一个安全的环境,可以真正地帮助学校清寒学生。 CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
“When Yong Zhi just joined us, his school bag used to be filled with very thick and heavy books.” When Teacher Li Ping recalls those earlier days of Yong Zhi, it seems like just yesterday. When Yong Zhi (pseudonym) walked into the Companionship Class of 7979 Holistic Care Station of Gereja Presbyterian Gabriel, Kluang (Hereinafter referred to as Companionship Class) for the first time, he did carry a thick and heavy school bag. Compared to his frail and slender figure, the school bag was like a heavy stone upon him, pressing on his shoulder, he looked even smaller and vulnerable… The teacher was surprised to find the school bag was full of textbooks, revision books and exercise books when she opened it up to check, she couldn’t imagine how the boy managed to carry such a heavy load to school every day. Later, the teacher discovered that at standard 4, Yong Zhi still did not know how to look at his class’s timetable. So, he resorted to filling his bag with all the books and stationaries the school might need. Following behind Yong Zhi was Yong Jie (pseudonym) his brother who was 2 years younger. He walked into the classroom with his head low and frowning. Yong Zhi had stranger anxiety issues. When he first came to Companionship Class, looking at so many strange faces, he cried and wanted to call his mother to bring him back home. When his mother received the call, she quickly calmed down the panic-stricken son as best as she could, Yong Jie stayed only after much persuading. At least, he thought that his older brother was at his side, so he would not feel too agitated. Their mother is a foreigner, she could not communicate with the school teachers as she is not fluent in Mandarin. Therefore, she couldn’t help them with their homework or daily check-ups on books to be brought for the next day's classes. When Yong Zhi was at standards 1 and 2, he often skipped school because his mother didn’t have a driving license to send him to school. When a co-worker from an organization that used to help them heard of their condition, she contacted Teacher Li Ping. She didn’t take him in immediately in considering the restricted number of students the Companionship Class could hold at any time. Up until their school teacher suggested Yong Jie attend Companionship Class, only then did the Companionship Class’s teacher request Yong Zhi to join the class together with his brother Yong Jie. When they entered Companionship Class, their mother finally felt like the bulk was lifted off her shoulder. The mother somehow knew of her children’s homework issues and she was worried about their future. Through the recommendation of friends, she had the opportunity to learn to drive. After she got her license, she became more independent, and being able to transport her children to and from school, Yong Zhi no longer skipped school. After joining the Companionship Class for 4 months, their father who had cancer passed away. When they returned to the Companionship Class after the whole incident, although Yong Zhi didn’t show any sign of remorse, but he did tell the teachers that he missed his dad, he would say: “Feel like talking to my dad but he is not around anymore.” When the teacher heard what he said, the teacher encouraged him to express more of his thoughts, and taught him when he misses his dad, he could say to him: “Papa, I miss you a lot.” The Companionship Class teachers taught Yong Zhi how to check his homework and keep his school bag by following the class timetable. Day after day, Yong Zhi finally learned to keep his school bag, he no longer carried a heavy school bag to school, he knows he only needed to put the textbooks or exercise books of that day into his bag. Besides that, he also began to do his homework without being told to. Sign of growing doesn’t only shown on the older brother, the younger brother Yong Jie also learned to go to the toilet by himself, and he began to enjoy his time in Companionship Class, it is no longer a place that makes him feel insecure. Previously shy Yong Jie, now turn out to be the tattletale of the class, telling teachers who did not do as what was told. The improvements in Yong Zhi and Yong Jie can be witnessed by every Companionship Class teacher. Their father is no longer present, and with a working mom, who cannot afford the luxury of spending ample time with her children. The existence of the Companionship Class, which is to serve underprivileged children by providing homework guidance, life coaching and family care services, enabled their working mother to work in peace, and without any worries. “永志刚来陪读班的时候,背着很厚、很重的书本。” 回想永志刚踏入陪读班的那一天,丽彬老师仍历历在目。 永志(化名)第一次走进居銮长老会佳音堂7979全人关怀站陪读班(以下简称“陪读班”)时,背着又厚又重的书包。与他瘦弱的身躯相比,沉重的书包宛如一块巨石,压在他的肩上,显得他娇小和无助......老师打开他的书包,惊讶地发现里面装着满满的课本、作业和簿纸等,难以想象这孩子每一天到底怎样背着重甸甸的书包上学。经过了解后,才发现四年级的他竟然不懂得看上课的时间表,把上学所用到的课本、作业、用具等,都塞满了书包。 永志身后,跟着小他两岁的弟弟永杰(化名),他低着头、皱着眉头,慢慢地走进陪读班。永杰非常怕生,第一次到陪读班,见到一张张陌生的面孔,便哭着要求打电话请妈妈接送他回家。电话接通后,妈妈在电话另一端极力安抚恐惧不安的永杰。加上哥哥就在身边,也减缓了他的焦虑和不安,他才勉强答应留下来。 妈妈是外籍人士,不擅长用华语与学校老师沟通,致使她缺乏能力监管孩子们的课业,包括不懂得跟着课表,收拾书包。永志就读一二年级的时候,妈妈因无驾照无法载他到校,故频频缺课。一间有帮忙他们一家的机构同工得知哥哥的情况后,联系陪读班负责人丽彬老师。考量陪读班招生人数有限,没有立即录取永志。直到学校推荐永杰进陪读班,陪读班老师便提议永志与永杰一起加入陪读班。当他们来陪读班,妈妈放下心中的那块大石。 对于孩子们课业,其实妈妈心里有数,也会担忧他们的前途。经熟人的介绍,她有机会学车,并考取驾照。学会驾车后,她能独立到许多地方,包括载送孩子,永志终于固定到学校上课。来陪读班四个月后,患癌的爸爸病逝。回来陪读班的时候,纵然永志没有在老师面前表现悲伤、难过的样子。但老师说,永志曾向老师提及他想念过世的爸爸。“想跟爸爸说说话!但爸爸不在!”老师听了之后,鼓励他多表达自己的想法“可以思念爸爸,告诉爸爸:“我好想你”。 在陪读班,老师细心地教导永志检查学校老师交代的功课和跟着时间表来收拾书包,日复一日,永志竟然学会收拾书包了。他不用再背着重重的书包走来走去,只需要把当天要上课的科目课本和作业放进书包。他不只学会收拾书包,老师说他现在会自动自发地做功课。不只是永志成长,弟弟永杰学会自己上厕所,在陪读班也过得很开心,这里不再是一个令他感到焦虑不安的地方。原本害羞不敢说话的永杰,现在也会向老师“打小报告”,告诉老师,谁没有按照老师的交代做事。 永志和永杰的进步是陪读班老师有目共睹的。他们的爸爸已不在世上,妈妈也因工作,较难长时间陪伴他们。而陪读班设立恰好就是为弱势家庭的孩子提供课业辅导、生命教育和家庭关怀的服务,正好让她不用过于担心孩子,可以安心工作。 CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
Zhi Sheng’s (Pseudonym) parents were divorced when he was very young, and he has been under his grandmother's care since then. They are very close, when he was at home, Zhi Sheng always took care of his grandmother who has walking difficulties. “I can communicate with Grandma, I understand her.”, Zhi Sheng happened to be the only one who understood his grandma’s audible words. After Grandma had stroke, his mother came back to stay with them. One day, the Companionship Class of 7979 Holistic Care Station of Gereja Presbyterian Gabriel, Kluang (Hereinafter referred to as Companionship Class) visited and invited him to Companionship Class. He joined Companionship Class immediately after his mother nodded and approved.
Wherever Zhi Sheng is, there is happiness. The laughter we could hear from the Companionship Class was his. He always does his homework joyfully, once in a while he would turn towards the teacher, or sometimes he would talk with his friend sitting on the other side. His joyful laughter was infecting the Companionship Class, happiness is contagious. “Zhi Sheng is a very cooperative student, he can influence the rest of the children.” Teacher Li Ping of the Companionship Class commented that Zhi Sheng is optimistic and helpful. At standard 1, he was already affecting the class’s atmosphere, he often volunteered to pray. His grades are good, the teachers had no worries at all. However, Zhi Sheng's sunshine character took a turn when he was standard 4. It seemed like there were clouds of grey in his heart, his emotional state was affecting the Companionship Class and his relationship with the students. One day, he suddenly became very quiet and emotional, he often threw tantrums and refused to do his homework. “When there is anything that doesn’t go along his way, or someone having a different opinion from him, or teachers did not pay him much attention, then he’ll become emotional, he would fold his arms around his body, no facial expression and shake reluctantly.” The teacher shared with us in frustration what happened in the past, she didn’t know what was happening, Zhi Sheng refused to reply when asked. Teacher Li Ping shared that Zhi Sheng made her very upset. “This boy, Zhi Sheng hit me real hard, I was extremely uncomfortable, why can’t I communicate with him properly.” She took the initiative to tell his parents and teachers in school about his condition. Later, I learned to adjust my attitude, no longer insisting on using certain methods to teach Zhi Sheng, but spending more time by his side, while being his study company, I listened to him. This is how the years went by. “Zhi Sheng is an optimistic child, he doesn’t give up but he needs guidance.” All this while, the teacher believed as long as there is someone to guide him, then he would be able to turn out well. When Zhi Sheng goes to standard 5, he “graduated” from the Companionship Class (Presently, the Companionship Class only takes students from standard 1 to 4). “I often see him in school, I always approach him to care for him, his family is also one of the beneficiaries of 7979 Manna Food Bank.” Although he is no longer in the Companionship Class, teachers are still very concerned about his wellbeing. The love the teacher has for the students is relentless, she puts their matters into her heart and grabs every opportunity she has to keep in contact with the Companionship Class’s graduates. Every cloud has a silver lining, this ray of light finally shines into Zhi Sheng’s heart, and his smile and passion have returned. One day, when the teacher came upon him after he had a few sessions with the school’s counselling teacher, she noticed Zhi Sheng regained his joyful spirit. He no longer frowns, he greets teachers whenever he sees them. The other day, they were like little leaders, assisting teachers to lead other children to participate in the activities. “My ambition is to be a counsellor.” Zhi Sheng has the intention and dream to become a counsellor. In school, he gained the trust of the counselling teacher and was selected to be the counselling group leader. This position has boosted his confidence and ignited his dream to help more people. He hopes that when he grows up he will be able to help more people who need help. For example, helping Kevin (pseudonym), another Companionship Class’s graduate to play lesser mobile games. He knows many people likes him, because he these people has been helping him. Now, the teacher has invited Zhi Sheng to join their Companionship Class’s activity day. On that particular day, Zhi Sheng and Kevin would be given the approval to attend. Whenever they bump into teachers, they are always willing to chat. Sometimes, there seemed to be dark clouds in his heart, that causes him to be unhappy, but he always remembers as long as the Companionship Class teacher is always around to accompany and listen to him, sunshines will reappear when the dark clouds disappear. 自小,智盛(化名)的父母就离异,由外婆照顾他。他和外婆的关系很密切,在家会帮忙照顾行动不便的外婆。“我可以和外婆沟通,知道她说什么话”,智盛说家里只有他知道外婆说什么话。后来,外婆中风,妈妈便回来与他同住。一天,居銮长老会佳音堂7979全人关怀站陪读班(以下简称“陪读班”)老师到他家进行探访,并邀请他参加陪读班。妈妈点头答应后,他就来陪读班。 有智盛的地方,就充满欢乐。陪读班里传来阵阵笑声,是他发出的笑声。他正在开心地写功课,时不时把头转向老师那里,或另一边与朋友谈天。他爽朗的笑声感染陪读班,快乐,可以传染。“智盛是很合作的学生,他会带动其他的同学。”陪读班的丽彬老师说智盛生性乐观、乐于助人。他一年级来陪读班就很会带动全班的气氛,也会主动做祷告。他的学业成绩良好,无需陪读班老师过于担心。 然而,智盛那如阳光般的心情却在四年级的时候出现变化,好像朵朵的乌云出现在他的心里,影响了他和陪读班老师、其他孩子的关系。某日,他变得不爱说话、情绪不稳定、常常闹别扭和不要做功课等。“只要有点事情不顺他的意,有人与他的意见不同,或者没有受到老师的关注,他的情绪开始变得不稳定,即抱着双手,面无表情、身体扭扭捏捏的发泄。”老师无奈说出智盛当时的情况,她不懂智盛经历了什么事,即使当面问他,他也不愿意回答。 丽彬老师坦诚智盛很令她难过。“智盛给我带来很大的打击,令我很不舒服,为什么我不能跟他好好交流。”她先积极向家长和学校老师反映智盛的情况,之后学习调整自己的心态,不再执着用特别的教学技巧对待智盛,而是尽力陪在他的身边,一边陪读,一边听他说话,渡过这段日子。“智盛是一个乐观的孩子,但他不气馁,他需要正确的引导”。老师始终相信,智盛需要有人正确地引导他,必然能健康的成长。 升上了五年级后,智盛从陪读班“毕业”(目前,陪读班只收一至四年级的学生)。“我常常在学校见到他,会当面关切他,他家也是7979吗哪食物包受惠的家庭。” 纵然没有出席陪读班,老师很关心他过得好不好。老师对孩子的爱是连绵不绝,继续将他们放在心上,也把握机会与前陪读班的孩子们联系。 阳光总在乌云后,这道光终于照进智盛的心里,他露出久违的笑容和热情。某日,学校的辅导老师找智盛进行开导。一段时间后,陪读班老师发现他变得更开心了。他不再皱眉头,见面会跟老师打招呼。那天,他像小小的领导者,协助老师,带其他孩子一同参加活动。 “我的愿望是当一名辅导员”,智盛怀有助人为乐的初衷和梦想。在学校,他获得辅导老师的信任,当选为辅导队长。这身份,使他多了一份自信,也燃起他想帮助更多人的梦想。他想要帮助更多有需要的人,例如鼓励他的好朋友兼陪读班前学生凯文(化名)少玩手机游戏。 现在老师邀请智盛参加陪读班活动日,陪读班举办活动日的时候,他和凯文(化名)都会应邀出席。与老师碰面都会聊天。有时乌云笼罩智盛的内心,令他不快。只要他记得陪读班老师愿意陪他,听他说话,阳光依然在乌云散去后出现。 7979新动态1 7979志工进深培训-第四期 7979志工进深培训-第四期聚集了36位来自各个7979全人关怀站的志工,持续增进助人知识和技巧。本学期课程在2024年2月22日到6月6日结束,一共进行12次(线上)。学员藉此认识社区资源、教会动员、法律、和辅导相关的知识与技巧。此外,课程讲员分享保持助人者心理健康及社工的专业问责实施模式。 7979新动态2 援助金支援林明教会 2024年1月水灾后,林明小镇的福音中心杨月芬牧师向7979申请社区紧急事件援助金,一共让15户家庭受惠,提供他们急需的帮助和温暖。 7979新动态3 伟特科技私立学院生派发吗哪食物包 3月9日,24位伟特科技私立学院生与宝石浸信会7979全人关怀站志工一同包装和派发吗哪食物包给受惠者。学院生能透过这次难得的机会,关心弱势家庭,并了解这些家庭真正的需要。 7979新动态4 防减灾醒觉教育活动 7979分别于3月13日和4月17日,到北干那那育民一校(605位孩童出席)和关丹达士华小(350位孩童出席)举行“防灾减灾,我最厉害”孩童防减灾醒觉教育活动,教导孩童如何在灾难来临时如何保护自己。 7979新动态5 “方舟建在雨前”活动 3月23日到沙巴的BCCM BM Murok, Telupid提供防减灾、备灾、应灾醒觉教育和培训,主题是“方舟建在雨前”,以国语教导会众学习在灾难前,未雨绸缪作好准备;先学会自救,方能救其他人。此次培训有多达8间堂会代表,共36人出席。” 7979新动态6 参与巴生长老会社关主日 4月7日,7979受邀于基督教巴生长老会的社关主日推广全人关怀团队旗下的“7979全人关怀救助网络”、“7979幸福巴士”、“向东服务”、《马来西亚社会关怀证书课程》和吉隆坡卫理学院的社会工作文凭课程。 7979新动态7 基础急救工作坊 5月1日,7979重大灾难回应在Every Nation Church Malaysia,举办基础急救工作坊。这场工作坊是由Trauma Tech Education Academy Malaysia 的两位合格教练:Alvin Chuang(庄光桧)和 Edrik Tan Dai Kun 教导会众如何处理重创止血、实行心肺复苏术(CPR)和操作自动体外心脏去颤器(AED)。防减灾的其中一环,包括减少生命伤亡,学习基础急救知识,将有效减轻伤者的疼痛,等到专业医务人员的到来。 此工作坊吸引了36人参与,其中有不少夫妻和家人结伴来学习,以备不时之需。 7979服务统计表 7979 陪读天使 “弱势儿童陪读”是7979的服务方案之一。
透过7979全人关怀站设立陪读班,为经济弱势家庭的孩童提供课业辅导、 生命教育和家庭关怀服务。 2023年(23/24学期),全马各地有16间陪读班,共发放RM214,476.47辅助金,用作陪读班基本开销,包括餐点津贴、老师津贴和教材等。今年(24/25学期),7979已有21间陪读班,需要筹募RM80,000.00的餐点费,让陪读班孩子可以享有营养的一餐! 购买7979纪念T恤 7979儿童保护委员会 CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH VERSION
My earliest understanding of the word study companion was when I read a story of a mother and child in Taiwan many years ago. The mother was a volunteer librarian in their community library, she was also involved in an underprivileged children's study companionship project. Eleven years have passed since this mother participated in accompanying underprivileged children in reading, writing and mathematics. She not only accompanied the children for 11 years, but she also managed to convince her working child to join her in this line of accompanying. I still remember this accompanying mother revealed how she was motivated to accompany those children, she has always hoped she could plant the seed of dreams into those underprivileged children.
HISTEAM has been running this program, Companionship Class for underprivileged children for more than 10 years under 7979 Holistic Care Relief Network. Johor Jaya Vision Church, one of the 7979 Holistic Care Stations (in short, Care Station) in Johor Bahru, is one of the first to open a Companionship Class. I remember in those early years when we shot the first video on Companionship Class, the couple testified in the video were from this church, they are Aaron Cheong and Suzanne Tham Last year 2023, when I preached in their church, I had the opportunity to meet up with them, I was moved by their sharing of their testimonies of accompanying. Many children managed to enter secondary school because of their attentive hard work. Some of the children return as Companionship Class’s teachers, they even brought a mother of 3 children to Christ. Just like what Bro. Aaron Cheong shared in the testimonial video, teachers of the Companionship Class are just guiding the children to have dreams of their own. The process of accompanying is like putting wings on the child’s dreams, helping the child’s dream to take off and reach the destination.
The community where we live will have more and more neighbours that require our company. Natural disasters, human errors, hurt and wounded souls will only increase in numbers, the problem is whether the number of people who are willing to accompany others is increasing in proportion. The Bible has plenty of records of how accompanying created genuine relationships. Such as the story of Jesus Christ accompanied the Samaritan woman by the well, who was rejected because of her many failed marriages. Another story would be the parable of the good Samaritan, who accompanied his enemy(a Jewish) who was bitten to half-dead by robbers. Jesus will separate the sheep and the goats when the day comes, and the guidelines he gave reminded us to seize every opportunity that we have to accompany the hungry, the travellers or the exiled, those without proper clothing, the sick and the prisoners. I used a quotation by Dr. Wen-Lian Chang, “In a suffering era, facing people who are in suffering, people who accompany others became very significant. When people cannot see the work of the Lord, the present and company of a companion become essential.” Psalms 34:18“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Let us take heart in accompanying those who need our company so that they might encounter Jesus our Lord who loves them dearly in their suffering and healing process. 我最早接触的陪读概念,是多年前读到台湾一对母子在社区的图书馆当志工,并参与弱势家庭孩子的陪读计划。身为母亲的她,抽空陪家境贫困的邻里孩子读写和算术,一转眼就是十一年。这十一年不单与孩子们一同成长,这位母亲也激励了自己投身职场的孩子来加入陪读的行列。我还记得这位陪读妈妈透露推动她陪伴孩子的动力,就是希望在这群弱势孩子的心中植入梦想的种子。
我们所处社区,将会出现越来越多因为受苦受难而需要人来陪伴的邻舍。天灾人祸和受创受伤的灵魂只会不断增加,不会减少,问题在于愿意陪伴的人是否也按比率相应的增长?圣经中处处显示患难中陪伴的真情,例如耶稣在雅各井旁陪伴多次失婚及被排斥的撒玛利亚妇人;耶稣比喻里头的好撒玛利亚人,陪伴一个被强盗打个半死的世仇(犹太人);耶稣末世将绵羊与山羊分开的准绳就是要神的百姓在世要争取陪伴的契机包括陪伴饥渴的、陪伴客旅、陪伴穿着单薄的、陪伴病人和陪伴监狱被囚的。我引用张文亮教授的一句话:“在苦难的世代,面对苦难的人,陪伴者是何等的需要。当看不到主的作为,陪伴者的前来,对苦难的人是何等的重要。” “耶和华亲近心中破碎的人,拯救灵里痛悔的人”,诗篇34:18。让我们一起用心贴近需要陪伴的人,让他们在患难的转角与爱他们能够医好他们伤处的救主耶稣相遇。 |