Scroll down for English 3月1日 柔佛连夜大雨,多处开始发生水灾。 3月4日 7979先遣部队出发,发现前往三合港的道路中断,于拉美士留宿一夜。 3月5日 前往三合港的道路已开通 清洗三合港基督教会,预备成为赈灾基地。 3月6日 招募志工 志工先搬走被水淹后损坏的家具和物品,才开始清洗工作。 3月8日 配合当地村委的号召,联手清洗华小。 3月10日 清洗工作已完成80%,开始进行消毒工作。 3月10日 7979与三合港基督教会配搭,探访服务过的屋主。 村民向探访队描述灾难发生的过程虽大同小异,但探访队慰问和聆听他们的心声,让他们在患难中感受爱和关怀。 3月10 & 11日 志工王志强弟兄前往灾区传授检查及抢修被水淹过的大型电器(冰箱和洗衣机)的方法 3月11 日 清洗工作告一段落 3月16日 赠送太空厨和煤气炉给灾民 3月18 & 19日 展开“大型电器检查和抢修服务” 3月31日 让经历过大水灾的小朋友可以透过“雨后彩虹童乐会”,抒发和调解灾后出现的种种情绪。活动内容包括:唱游、小丑魔术表演、团康活动、摊位游戏、造型气球,以及发送礼品、KFC套餐、雪糕冰淇淋等等。同时,大会也准备糕点和饮料给在校园等待的家长们,而红新月会会的志工也向他们分享急救知识和灾后情绪管理的课题。 志工感言: Anne —— 我在这一次的活动中,观察到了灾区社会心理陪伴与辅导的重要性。因为孩童,家长和老人的心灵状况大大受到灾情影响。 佳念 —— 大多数的学生处于担心、害怕的情绪,我也教导他们分辨情绪是靠着想象还是情境。如果想象会让你陷入无限焦虑,但处于情境上的情绪是可以理解的,因为水灾破坏了家里的东西。 也有好几个孩子表示很安心,因为有人派床单、协助家里清洗。 March 1 After a night of heavy rain in Johor, multiple areas experienced flooding. March 4 The 7979 recce team set off to Chaah but stranded at Labis and stayed overnight there as the road to Chaah was cut off by flood. March 5 The road to Chaah reopened. Clean-up Chaah Christian Church to prepare it to be the base of relief operation. March 6 Recruiting of Volunteers. The volunteers started by removing damaged soaked furniture and items, then followed by cleaning operation. March 8 Working with the local village committee, cleaned the Chinese primary school together. March 10 Disinfection work began when the cleaning operation was 80% completed. March 10 7979 collaborated with Chaah Christian church to visit households that we had ministered before. Though the disaster victims shared quite similar stories, the visitation team still went on to comfort and provide a listening ear to the villagers to assure them even amidst their hardships they would still being loved and cared of. March 10 & 11 Our volunteer, Brother Wang Chee Keong went to the disaster zone to teach on how to inspect and repair large electrical appliances (such as refrigerators and washing machines) which had soaked in flood water. March 11 Cleaning work concluded. March 16 Foldable wardrobe and gas stoves were given out to the flood victims. March 18 & 19 "Large Electrical Appliance Inspection and Repair Services" were initiated. March 31 An event called the "Rainbow after the Rain Children's Joy Gathering" was organized to help children who had experienced the flood to express and cope with their emotions. The activities included singing, clown magic shows, team-building games, booth games, balloon art, as well as prize giving, KFC meals, ice cream, and more. At the same time, refreshments were provided to parents waiting at the school compound. In addition, Red Crescent Society’s volunteers shared first aid knowledge and lessons on managing post-disaster emotions. Anne - "In this event, I realised the significance of providing social and psychological support to the community in disaster-stricken area. The mental well-being of children, parents, and the elderly were greatly affected by the disaster." Canien - "Most of the students were feeling worried and fear, so I taught them how to distinguish between imagination and reality, as imagination may lead to endless anxiety. On the other hand, if the emotions aroused due to actual situation, such as the flood which has damaged things in their homes, then it is more understandable. Several children also expressed relief over people providing bedsheets and helped them to clean up their houses." Comments are closed.