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Love that Satisfies the Soul
Manna’s Warmth · Written by CSG
Sabah, Sandakan Abba Love Revival Center (ALRC), one of HISTEAM 7979 Care Station is situated at an industrial zone which is close to a hill. Living at the hills are some poor families that ALRC arduously make effort to care for. Rev. Jackson of ALRC shared: “In order to deliver food aid to the recipients, we either have to climb uphill or walk downhill and sometimes we need to carry heavy load while walking on dense forest’s trails.” Despite all these obstacles, Rev. Jackson did not choose to retreat but instead continue to strive forward, because he believes, in this end time, only Abba Father’s love can satisfies people’s soul; only Abba Father’s love can mend poor families broken souls.
Houses on the hills.
| We only have one request
More than 10 years ago, Rev. Jackson’s often had a thought came to his mind, whenever there is disaster, different charity organisations would flow in to help. However, where is the cross of salvation? He was prompted to start caring ministry, wanted to help the needy, and let them experience God’s love.
A fire disaster became the ignition for Rev. Jackson to start caring ministry. A native came to him in the middle of the night asking for help. That fire had destroyed the house of 6 Christian households in the village. In just one night, 29 persons lost their accommodation. Once Rev. Jackson aware of their predicament, he quickly called up few brothers and sisters for old clothes, he also spent some money to buy them some non-perishable food. When the aid arrived, those disaster victims make one request: “We still have one request, can you give us 6 Christians households one Indonesian’s language bible each? We can’t worship without a bible”. When Rev. Jackson and his church members heard this, they were so moved by it. After a disaster, they were left with nothing, yet they didn’t asked for material, they only asked for a bible. Thereafter, Rev. Jackson bought them some bibles. “More than 10 years ago, we were not a church yet, we were operating as a center, that encouraged Christians around us to gather here for worship.” Initially, Rev. Jackson started the center by faith based on the vision he received, turned the place into a place of worship, minister and pray for those in need. Occasionally, he would organised evangelistic meeting and invited external speakers to preach and blessed the community. | Jesus can help them
Since the establishment of this church, they had been caring for the welfare of children from poor families, mostly children of single parent or orphans. The church does not only provides homework guidance and provide life coaching, they also taught them other languages. As of today, there are as many as 60 children brought up in such manner.
Year 2019, the church joined HISTEAM 7979 and set up 7979 Care Station with the intention to start Under Privilege Children Companionship Class. However, out of sudden the outbreak of COVID-19 virus in Malaysia, followed by phases of MCO, has delayed the opening of Companionship Class. Praise the Lord, caring operation did not stop. During pandemic, the poor families’ life had gone from bad to worse. In the month of July year 2020, in the midst of pandemic, the church launched Manna Food Bank ministry. Through Manna Food Bank ministry, they are able to walk into the lives of the poor, to care and to accompany them through those critical period. Every delivery of Manna Food Bag is an opportunity for Rev. Jackson to build relationship with the recipients. Through listening, sharing and prayers, they have managed to build close relationship which is as close as family members with the recipients. These families always look forward to the bimonthly delivery of Manna Food Bag. It is not just because of the Manna Food Bags, instead more of the company and the encouragement, which have brought hope to their lives. Although, many recipients are nonbelievers, but they knew only Jesus can help them in such times. “Even though they are very poor, yet they always served me food.” Rev. Jackson shared this with hearts full of gladness and thankfulness. Whenever Rev. Jackson pay visit to them, they will prepare some food and gave or served him home grown chilies or fruits that they had reserved for him. Last year, under pandemic attacked, the church chose few families that were seriously hit to apply for Manna Food Bank. With the bimonthly Manna Food Bags and a brother who is in restaurant business passed leftover food to Rev. Jackson to be distributed among the poor families, they finally managed to weather through those difficult times. Besides this, due to the grace of God, last year the church received an offering from Sarawak. The church used this fund to buy some non-perishable food distributed to more than 150 households, among these households are some illegal foreign workers. | As long as God provides, offerings flow in, the church will continue to serve
Brothers and sisters in church are mainly recipients of Manna Food Bags who then accepted Christ and joined the church, therefore majority of the church members are of poor families. They live at the hillside, they have no transportation to come to church, so they depend on church brothers and sisters to fetch and send them back. “If the church has a gospel van, it would be able to transport church members to and from church as well as safely transporting the children of Companionship Class.” Rev. Jackson said this hopefully. May the church continue to raise the banner of God’s love in this community. Just as their church’s name: let the community be able to experience the love of Abba Father. At the same time, continue to expand their ministry, so that more will be blessed. “Hope that our church can become the spiritual ‘specialist hospital’ for this community” bringing hope to them, complete this end time harvest through God’s hand. Let God’s revival come upon this Kingdom, individual life and families.” Rev. Jackson expressed. Do God’s work with a heart to serve, live by faith. As long as God provides, offerings flow in, the church will continue to serve. Because God can turn nothing into something, turn the poor into rich. 沙巴山打根阿爸Love复兴中心7979全人关怀站坐落在一个靠山区的工业区;山区里住着一群贫苦人家,教会常常“跋山涉水”地去关怀他们。阿爸Love复兴中心的牧师JACKSON说道:“送物资给个案时,不是要上山,就是要下坡;有时还提着沉甸甸的物资,穿过一条小路,深入林间才能将物资送到他们手中。”但是牧师没有知难而退,继续做主工。因他深信,末世时,唯有天父的爱能满足人;只有天父的爱,可以修补贫苦家庭心灵上的破碎。 山区里的住家 | 我们只有一项要求 十多年前,牧师心里总有个感动。每当灾难发生,各个慈善团体前往灾区援助。但是,救恩的十架在哪里?牧师想从事关怀事工,帮助有需要的人们,让上帝的爱传遍。 使牧师进行关怀事工的契机,始于一场火灾。一位土著在夜里找到牧师,并向牧师请求援助。那场火灾烧光村里仅有的6户基督教家庭的房子。一夜之间,29人失去了住所。牧师接到求助后,赶紧联络弟兄姐妹,捐出家里的旧衣物,并自掏腰包购买干粮给灾民们。 收到物资后,灾民向牧师提出一项要求:“我们还有一项要求,可以给我们6户家庭,每户一本印度尼西亚文的圣经吗?没有圣经我们不能敬拜。”牧师和在场的弟兄姐妹听后很感动。在经历一场劫难后,身无分文的他们不是要财物,乃是一本圣经。事后,牧师买了圣经送给他们。 “10多年前,我们还不是一间教会,只是一个中心,让周遭的基督徒可以来这里敬拜上帝。”起初,牧师领受异象,单纯凭着信心,开办一间中心,使之成为敬拜所,同时为有需要的人们提供辅导,为众人服事和祷告。牧师也不时地举办布道会,邀请外地讲员分享不同的主题信息,来祝福社区。 | 耶稣能帮助他们 教会自成立以来,一直关怀社区中贫苦家庭孩子的需要,当中以单亲家庭的孩子和孤儿居多。教会不只辅导小学生的功课,也教导他们学习其他语文和进行生命教育。如今,在教会长大的这些孩子达五六十位。 2019年,教会设立7979全人关怀站。原开始计划推动7979弱势儿童陪读班,马来西亚突然爆发新型冠状病毒(COVID-19);紧接着,行动管制令接踵而至,一直耽搁7979陪读班事工。但关怀行动没有因此中断。疫情爆发之际,贫苦家庭几度陷入困境。2020年7月,教会在疫情之中,毅然实行7979吗哪食物银行事工。他们借着吗哪食物银行走入贫苦家庭当中,关心、陪伴他们渡过艰难时期。 每次派发吗哪食物包,都是牧师和个案培养感情的机会。透过聆听、分享和祷告,彼此建立了似家人般密切的关系。每个个案特别期待教会每两个月一次所派发的食物包。不只为了那一袋袋的食物,更因为有人可以来陪伴、鼓励他们,使他们对生活充满盼望。虽然很多个案未信主,但他们知道,这时刻只有耶稣能帮助他们。 “虽然他们很穷,但还是会请我们吃东西”,牧师带着欣慰和感恩说道。每次在牧师前来探访时,个案会准备一些食物,或者特地留着自家门前种的辣椒、水果,来接待和送给牧师。 去年在疫情冲击下,教会挑选了较为贫苦的家庭,帮他们申请吗哪食物银行。有了每两个月一次的食物包,以及教会一位经营饭馆的弟兄,把剩余的饭菜打包让牧师免费派送,这些贫苦家庭方能在疫情中渡过艰难的日子。 不仅如此,去年因着上帝的恩典,教会收到一笔来自砂拉越的奉献。教会将这笔经费购买干粮,派发给150多户家庭,当中包括非法外劳区的个案。 | 只要上帝供应,有人奉献,教会就去做 教会的弟兄姐妹,多数是从个案信主后到教会,因此教会会友多来自贫苦家庭。他们住在山岜区里,没有交通可以来教会,靠着弟兄姐妹帮忙服侍载送。“如果教会有自己的一辆福音车,就能载送弟兄姐妹来教会崇拜,也能平安载送陪读班的孩子。”牧师期盼教会能拥有福音车。 愿教会能一直在社区里宣扬上帝的爱,如同教会的名字:让社区感受天父的爱,并不断扩张事工,使教会成为更多人的祝福。“希望教会可以成为社区里属灵的“专科医院”,为人们带来盼望,透过上帝的手完成末日收割的工作。让国度、生命和家庭都得到复兴。”牧师表示,以事奉的心做上帝的工,凭着信心去生活。只要上帝供应,有人奉献,教会就去做。因为上帝能使无变为有,使贫苦变富足。
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