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White Flag No Longer Need To Be Raise
Together We Go & Save · Written by Rev. Andrew Wong
Rampant MCOs did not effectively controlled the pandemic, and it had resulted confirm cases increase in numbers. The heavy blow from pandemic had caused increasing number of people to reach dead end in their lives. The leaders in authority seem to be unaware of grassroots suffering, delayed aid had caused many lives to be in dire straits. Recently, many even had chosen to end their own lives.
Few months ago, some Malaysian started to “self rescue” by raising white flags. Since when, white flag that reflect surrender became a sign of seeking help from hunger? I have mix feelings over this issue, on one side I am thankful for many Malaysians who are so willing to extend assistance to those in need. However, on the other hand, me as a social worker understand that food aid is only a temporary relief, it does not address the root caused. In fact, in order to successfully assist families in crisis to come out of their predicament, we need to have a more holistic strategies to strengthen aid recipients’ living skills. In the process of accompanying, follow up and accountability are tests on our sincerity to do our best. The state of hardship differs from cases, in order to better understand the whole issue, we must dig deeper to find the complex root causes, and address the issues accordingly. If we want to bring radical changes to crisis hit families, then we cannot satisfy at just providing basic living necessities. Instead, we must extend our concern to their emotion and financial management aspects, as well as providing social support, and quench their spiritual thirst by providing spiritual water. Yahweh’s banner does not solely satisfy people living requirements. God uses His children to provide long term company, unconditional and competent services. Thus allow our neighbours in crisis to experience God, finally able to leap and overcome victoriously! | Christ still in control victoriously
The waving of white flags had stirred up much negative thoughts, the seemingly no ending pandemic had caused us to question our lives: Could the pandemic struck me down? All the effort I had put in thus far is it going down the drain? Is it really Satan has successfully stole, killed and destroyed through this pandemic? The non-believers had been affected by this gloomy cloud, but we as Christians should be able to see the silver lining behind the cloud. God’s children must firmly believe Christ is sitting on the throne, the final victory belongs to us.
Psalm 60:4 “But for those who fear You, You have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.” This pandemic has made many Malaysians suffers. But, God fearing Children of God should carry His banner of love and spread His love to various cities and villages. White flag bearer had experienced shock, depression and some are even bonded by spirit of death, they need to listen to the victory songs that sing by Christians who raise the flag of truth. As army of God, let us put our hopes and actions on the Word of God, by His truth and unwavering promises, we proclaim the comfort that gave to us through Jesus’s punishment, healing that come through the strokes that he bore and lastly the hope that arises out of His resurrection. | March on and Serve in Adversity
As early as 4 years ago, 7979 Holistic Care and Relief Network launched “Manna Food Bank”. As 7979 trained volunteers relentlessly let love move about within their cities and discovered within the city itself, there are many poverty or crisis strike households. Majority of them are single parent families, stay alone elderly or jobless individual. In the past 2 years, Manna Food Bank aid recipients increase tremendously. In year 2018, 7979 mobilized partner churches in 2 major cities to start this ministry. As at today, this ministry has expanded to 8 cities throughout Malaysia, started with 89 households to over 550 households presently.
Under pandemic, we and 7979 partner churches joint effort to serve the huge “Pandemic Victims”. Trained volunteers faced various challenges during MCO, yet they determinedly march on amidst adversity in Jesus’s name, continued to follow up on the needs of crisis hit families. They wished to provide a holistic care to every aid recipient, sending one manna food bag to them once every bimonthly for 1 year period. | A unite cord pleases Abba Father’s
I hereby earnestly call out in Jesus’s name to all Malaysian Chinese speaking churches to walk together with HISTEAM, fully utilise 7979 programs and resources available, together we serve crisis hit families around us. 3 strands “Church, HISTEAM and Resources from Community” bind together as one cord, will become a wonderful testimony of unity for God. The day for us to serve are getting shorter, yet the needs in this end time are urgent and real. If permissible, let’s not stop at superficial networking, but let us all strive to maintain the unity in Spirit; to ensure no duplication of precious resources, while working hard to be the good steward of kindness. So that we will no longer lonely in this difficult pilgrim of serving. We can share the Kingdom resources, while providing competent services, to please Abba Father! I innocently believe, as long as God’s children are willing to march out to save in Jesus’s name, our God will meet all our needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. Amen! If you wish more crisis hit families that raised white flag lift up their heads high instead of “surrender” as a result of Christians’ early intervention, then please respond to our urgent needs in love: 1. Commit Yourself to Full Time Ministry, respond to the current needs We welcome you to contact our HR Dept. Head Sis. Seng Mei Huey at (+6012-6858118), please come and join us to become a missionary in Mercy Mission. 2. Wish to launch Manna Food Bank ministry in the city you reside in Join 7979 Holistic Care and Relief Network and become our partner church, welcome to contact Pr. Pysong at +6012-6858118. 3. Wish to offer your five loaves and 2 fish to feed the mass of 5 thousand Holistic Integrated Services Bhd Maybank 512781012599 Please send your bank in slip to 014-265 5178 (Admin Whatsapp). 三番五次的封锁行动无法有效抑制疫情,导致新确诊病例攀高不下。人民不堪疫情带来的沉重打击,有越来越多人走投无路。当权领袖似乎不知人间疾苦,人民苦等的援助姗姗来迟,使劳苦大众深陷水深火热之中。近期,甚至有绝望的灵魂选择走上自杀的不归路。 前一阵子,民众发起白旗运动,纷纷开始“自救”。曾几何时,象征投降的白旗变成人民三餐不济、求救的讯号?我心中百感交集,一方面对大马人民互助的精神感到庆幸;另一方面,身为社工的我深知派发食物只能暂时纾解困境,却治标不治本。实际上,协助急难个案与家庭脱离困境,需要一个全面策略来提升案主的生活能力。过程中的陪伴、跟进与问责操守,都在考验我们是否有心把好事做到位。 疫情导致的急难情况因人而异,必须深入了解,找出箇中错综复杂的导因,从而对症下药。若要为急难家庭带来实质的改变,就不能止步于满足生活基本需要。而是要延申至关注他们的情感与财务管理,提供人际与社交方面的支援,甚至是填补灵性深处的渴求。耶和华的旌旗不单单满足了人们的生存条件,神还借着祂儿女对个案的长期陪伴、无条件的舍己、以及称职到位的服侍,让急难的邻舍经历主里的跨越与跨胜! | 基督依然掌权胜利 白旗飘扬的空气弥漫着不少消极负面的思绪,看似无止境的疫情让人开始怀疑人生:难道我真的就被这场瘟疫打倒?难道我这辈子的努力就这样付诸东流?难道那老魔鬼真的透过瘟疫成功偷窃、杀害、毁坏?非信徒被这瘟疫乌云笼罩,而基督徒却必须在一片乌烟瘴气中,看到云上太阳。神的儿女要笃信,基督依然坐在宝座为王掌权,至终的胜利是属于我们。 诗篇60:4节 “你把旌旗赐给敬畏你的人,可以为真理扬起来”。 这场瘟疫导致大马子民伤痕累累、苦不堪言;敬畏神的子民需要以爱为旗,将基督的爱遍布各城各乡。举白旗者因瘟疫受到惊吓、沮丧,甚至被死亡的灵牢牢捆绑,他们需要听到基督徒以真理扬起的凯歌。身为基督的精兵,让我们以神的话语成为盼望缘由与行动的根据,用真理与神不变的应许,来宣告基督受刑罚带来的安慰、基督受鞭伤带来的医治、基督复活带来的盼望。 | 知难而进的服务 早在四年前,7979全人关怀救助网络已开展《吗哪食物银行》方案。7979志工辛勤地让爱走动在大城市之际,发掘到越来越多的城市贫穷户与急难家庭。其中主要是以单亲家庭、独居老人与失业下岗人士居多。过去短短两年内,吗哪食物银行的个案急速增长。在2018年,7979在2个城市动员伙伴教会开展事工。如今,事工已扩展至全马上下的8个城市,从89个受惠家庭到目前超过550个家庭。 疫情当下,我们与7979伙伴教会协手服侍庞大的“瘟疫灾民”。受训志工在面对着各样挑战与行动管制时,依然奉主耶稣的名知难而进,跟进个案的急需。他们希望能为案主提供整全的关怀,即每两个月一次亲送到府,连续派发一年。 | 合一的拧绳,天父的欢喜 我诚恳呼吁,大马华人教会在基督耶稣里,与全人关怀团队同心同行,善用7979的方案与资源,一起服侍周遭的急难家庭。由“教会、全人、社区资源”三股力量合成为一的绳子,为主做合一的见证。真正可以服侍的白日并不多,末世的需要极迫切又真实。倘若可行,让我们不单只流于表面的合作,而是竭力保守圣灵里的合一;不重叠宝贵资源,努力做善行的好管家。这艰难的服侍之行将不再孤单,天国的资源可以共享,服务也可以到位,讨天父的欢喜! 我单纯相信,只要神的子民愿意奉主的名去救去救,我们的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使我们一切的需用都充足!阿们! 若你希望更多举白旗的急难家庭,因基督徒预先的介入而不再“投降”,请你带着爱回应我们的急需: 1. 投身全时间的服侍,回应时代的需要 欢迎您联络我们的人事部同工美慧(+6012-6858118),一起成为神国度的关怀宣教士 2. 欲在您所属城市开展吗哪食物银行 预备加入7979全人关怀救助网络,成为伙伴教会,欢迎联络百颂传道(+6012-3158219) 3. 欲捐献您的五饼二鱼喂饱五千人 Holistic Integrated Services Bhd Maybank 512781012599 请将汇款单据发给 014-265 5178 (Admin Whatsapp)
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