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Grace of Sprouting Shoot
Manna Warm Stories · Written by CSG
Late at night, Zhang Wei (pseudonym) just off from work, he was walking on the dark hilly bushy trail head home. Crescent moon in the sky illuminate the road before him like a street light.
Finally reached home, it was a little wooden shack with 2 rooms. The house was given by a relative to Zhang Wei and his family of seven members. When he reached home, his wife and all his children were sitting down at the dining table having their dinner. Zhang Wei took a quick bath, change and sat down together with them for dinner. Zhang Wei was a lorry driver, he fed his family with this income. However, an accident broken the simple happiness they enjoyed. Due to his hand injury, he can no longer drive lorry, thus he lost his job. Life was never easy. This untoward accident had made their lives turn worse. Despite all these, he still would not give up on earning some income to support the family livelihood. Therefore, they resorted to selling herbal tea. Every morning, they’ll prepare 30 units of herbal tea to sell at nearby factories. If they managed to sell all their herbal tea, then they’ll be able to earn a sale of RM60 for the day. One day, someone visited their home, the visitor claimed that he is the pastor of Abba Love Revival Centre, one of 7979 Holistic Care Station. In their conversation, the church began to understand Zhang Wei’s family situation, they later helped him to apply for 7979 Manna Food Bank food aid. Never in Zhang Wei’s thought, one visitation can turn things around for his family, it was like a tiny shoot, sprout from the soil, brought hope to the family. Zhang Wei recalled the first visitation, pastor suddenly expressed that he wanted to pray for his injured hand, he didn’t decline his offer. Amazingly, after pastor prayer, his long injured painful hand no longer in pain, he can even raise up his hand, his family was overjoyed with this outcome. In March 2020, COVID-19 became widespread, MCO had to be implemented. Zhang Wei’s family livelihood again is under threat. Fortunately, the church timely delivery of Manna Food Bag, the big bag of non-perishable food in Zhang Wei’s eyes is like a gift from Heaven. Time flies, by these time, Zhang Wei had received 2 to 3 bags of Manna Food Bag. On every visitation, the church volunteers will chat and pray for them without fail. Although Manna Food Bags can somehow provide their family with some extra food, however it is still not sufficient for a family of 7 members, therefore they often resorted to having plain rice with soya sauce, an imbalance diet to sustain their hunger. On one of the house visitation, the volunteers discovered their dire state. The church responded by providing them with some pack food on and off, it comes with meat and vegetable, finally the children are able to enjoy healthy and balance meal. Zhang Wei and his family felt the love and care of the church towards them, they give thanks to God for the support and company of the church. Manna Food Bag delivery per family only lasts for 1 year, but the church helped Zhang Wei to apply for another year extension. In this difficult period of time, the church chose to continue to hold Zhang Wei’s hands to weather through all difficulties ahead together. After the pandemic, when Zhang Wei and his family embark onto another journey, they’ll surely discover new opportunity. --- This is a real life story of an aid recipient of Manna Food Bank from Abba Love Revival Centre. Within this year itself, the aid recipient had experienced a lot. Under the care and company of the church and pastor, they managed to stay strong. On one incident, it was a matter of life and death of the aid recipient’s wife, he desperately prayed to Jesus: “Jesus, I don’t know who you are, but I beg you to safe my wife.” Jesus responded to his prayer, and healed his wife. He experienced God’s miracle personally, thus he accepted Jesus and led his whole family to Christ. “The children learned how to pray from church, they prayed whenever their parents went out to sell herbal tea, they’ll prayed prayers as simple and innocent like: ‘Jesus, please help us quickly sell off all the herbal tea.’ These prayers had led our aid recipient to experience God’s grace and blessing.” Pastor shared that on one occasion, a kind soul had paid RM50 for 5 cups of herbal tea, whereas on another occasion, a customer paid RM200 and bought all the remaining 10 cups of herbal tea so that they may go home early. Whenever the aid recipient arrived the industrial area where the church located to sell their herbal tea, they’ll definitely take the effort to enter the church and greet pastor. Aid recipient’s house does not have wifi facility, during MCO they can’t attend church service, thus whenever they see pastor they’ll surely asked when can they attend their church physical service. Their desire to learn and grow really moves and comforted the pastor. 夜深,张玮(化名)刚刚结束一天的工作,经过一条黑漆漆的山岜小路,正是回家的路。一弯明月高挂在夜空,如一盏路灯,照亮人们前方的道路。 终于到家了,前面是一间有些破烂的小木屋,里面的两间房间,是亲戚供给张玮一家7口的住宿。回到家,太太和孩子们围着饭桌吃着晚饭。张玮赶紧洗澡,换了一身干净衣服,一起坐下与家人享用晚餐。 张玮是一名罗厘司机,并靠着这份工作养活了一家7口。但一场意外,打破了这看似简单的幸福。张玮的手因此受伤,无法驾驶罗厘,而失去了工作。 生活本不易,“意外”悄悄来临,对张玮而言是雪上加霜。即便如此,他也不能轻易放弃地努力赚钱,因为肩负太太和孩子们的生计问题。于是,张玮和太太开始售卖凉茶。每日清晨,他们准备30份的凉茶,到附近的工业区进行售卖。如果在当天成功卖出所有凉茶,他们能赚取六十令吉。 某天,张玮家里有客到访,对方自称是阿爸Love复兴中心7979全人关怀站的牧师。交谈中,教会了解张玮家中的情况,便帮张玮申请7979吗哪食物银行。张玮没有想到,一次教会的探访,竟改变家里的困境,就如初萌芽的小草,在土里钻了出来,给他们带来一线生机。 张玮记得,第一次的探访,牧师就突然表示要为他的手伤祷告,他也没拒绝牧师这番好意。说来奇妙,张玮久伤不愈的手,在牧师祷告后不再疼痛,甚至能再次将手举得很高。张玮一家为此欢呼雀跃。 2020年3月,新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)蔓延,加上行动管制令在全国实施。张玮一家的生计又再次面临考验。幸好,教会在这时期,及时送上吗哪食物包。一大袋的食物干粮,在张玮眼里,犹如从天而降的礼物。 时间飞逝,张玮也已收过二三次的吗哪包。每一次教会来探访,都和张玮一家聊天,为他们一家祷告。 虽然吗哪食物包能帮补张玮一家,但食物的分量仍不足以喂饱他们一家7口,使得张玮负担不起健康的饮食。他常常以白饭配酱油,让孩子们填饱肚子。教会在探访中发现了这件事。之后,张玮不定时地收到牧师送来的熟食,有肉有菜,孩子们终于可以吃健康的食物,获得均衡的营养。 张玮一家感受到教会的关心,感谢在这艰难时刻有教会的扶持和陪伴。 吗哪食物银行的派发是为期一年,但是教会再次为张玮申请。在这艰难的时刻,教会继续牵着张玮的手,一同走下去!疫情后,迈入下一趟旅程,张玮一家的生活一定会出现转机! ----- ----- ----- 这篇文章源自阿爸Love复兴中心一位吗哪案主真人真事的故事。 这一年里,案主一家经历了许多事情。在教会牧师们的陪伴与关心下,他们坚强面对生活。案主更因为太太曾处于生死边缘,便向耶稣祷告:“耶稣,我们不认识祢,但我求祢,救救我的太太”。耶稣回应了张玮的祷告,使太太康复出院。他亲身经历了这神迹,后来一家信主受洗。 “孩子在教会学习如何祷告,自己也在父母出外卖凉茶时,向神祷告:‘耶稣,求祢帮我们快快卖完凉茶’。如此单纯的祷告,让案主一家经历了几次的恩典和获得从神而来的祝福。”牧师表示,有次案主遇到善心人士以50令吉买了5杯凉茶,也遇过客人以200令吉买完其余的10杯凉茶,让案主早点收工回家。 每次案主到教会所在的工业区卖凉茶时,一定会经过教会和牧师打招呼。案主家里没有安装网线,行管令期间也无法到教会聚会,他们每次见到牧师便询问几时可以参加聚会。他们如此学习的态度,让牧师倍感欣慰。
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