3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. Mark 2:3-4 There was this beautiful picture among the footprints left by Jesus on earth: A man who had been paralyzed for years received helped from his 4 friends, so that he might appear before Jesus and be healed. For without these “buddies”, it would not be possible for him to appear before Jesus, and he would not be healed from his chronic illness, his sin would also not be forgiven. Due to these selfless friends who came together to help, the paralyzed man was able to overcome social prejudice (so inconvenient still wants to come out) and unfriendly condition (the room was so crowded that he had to be lowered down vertically from the roof); not to mention the financial issues, the time and efforts that involved when he was paralyzed. Post pandemic lives inevitably became more challenging and difficult, the lives of lower income group who had been living in the pit of poverty are worsening. Global inflation, natural and manmade disasters that affected globally will cause more to be jobless, depress and homeless. Therefore, everyone who is still alive needed help from each other even more, through our relationship network, we may be able to locate those who needed help and support. This is a priceless opportunity which can’t be bought! The existence of Companionship Class under 7979 Holistic Care Relief Network, is to provide appropriate and warmth company to under privilege children: accompanying them in homework revision, accompany them in character shaping, accompany them in living skills enhancing and lastly accompany them in every storms they may face in their growing years. Actually, those men that held the mat had a name, but it was not mentioned in the bible, but from their acts of service, we know their name were: Adventurous: For the welfare of others, they were willing to take the risk of digging through the roof, lowering down their paralyzed friend vertically to receive Jesus’s blessing; Serve: Saw their responsibilities in others’ needs, they approached helpless people to serve them; Persistence: Because of the needs of their neighbours, they were not afraid of troubles and difficulties, they insisted in accompany their friend until breakthrough and changes came; Accompany: They purposefully spared some time out to appear in critical and desperate moment, so that the other party might feel faith, hope and love. Two is better than one, because labor of two both will share the goodness: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But, if move alone once fall no one is there to help them up. The loner will fall into trouble. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep each other warm. How can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Do not remain still and wait for these friends to appear in your life, you have to be more proactive, let’s make a vow that you will be a friend to those around you, and willing to be “Adventurous”, “to Serve”, “Persistence” and “to Accompany”. Come on! Let’s keep going. “有人带着一个瘫子来见耶稣,是用四个人抬来的。因为人多,不得近前,就把耶稣所在的房子拆了房顶。既拆通了,就把瘫子连所躺卧的褥子都缒下来。”马可福音2:3-4节 耶稣在世的行踪曾有这幅美丽的画面:一个瘫痪多年的人获得四名友人的帮助,使他能到耶稣跟前,并获得痊愈。若没有这群“buddy”,瘫子应该无法到耶稣跟前,其身体顽疾将无法获得医治,他的罪也无法获得救主的赦免。瘫子因为有这些朋友的美好互助和舍己付出的精神,得以胜过社会的鄙视(如此不便还抛头露面)、克服不友善的环境(室内挤满了人,致使他必须垂直降下)、解决了财务/时间及精力等难题。 疫情后的生活变本加厉地更具挑战和艰难,活在水深火热的低收入群体更雪上加霜。全球通货膨胀,波及全球的天灾人祸将导致更多人失业、忧郁及流离失所。因此,每一个活着的人更需要彼此的帮助,透过关系网络找到其他人支援、支持及支撑,这是无法用钱买到的小确幸!透过7979全人关怀救助网络,设立陪读班就是希望为弱势家庭的孩子提供贴心陪伴:陪伴他们温习学校的课业;陪伴他们培养良好的品格;陪伴他们提升实作能力;陪伴他们渡过成长过程的风风雨雨。 原来,每个抬褥子的友人都有名字。圣经虽然没有透露他们的姓名,但从他们服侍的肢体动作,知道他们的名字原是: 冒险:为他人的福利,他们愿意冒险掀开屋顶,垂降残障的友人,领受耶稣的赐福; 服侍:在他人的需要上看见自身的责任,他们靠近他并服侍伤心绝望的人; 坚持:为了邻舍的需要,他们不畏惧麻烦与困难,坚持要陪伴对方直到生命有突破和改变; 陪伴:他们刻意腾出时间给邻舍,出现在急难困境与绝处的现场,让对方感受到信、望、爱。 “两个人总比一个人好,因为二人劳碌同得美好的果效。若是跌倒,这人可以扶起他的同伴;若是孤身跌倒,没有别人扶起他来,这人就有祸了!再者,二人同睡就都暖和,一人独睡怎能暖和呢?有人攻胜孤身一人,若有二人便能抵挡他,三股合成的绳子不容易折断。”传道书4:9-12. 不要守株待兔地等待这些朋友出现在您的生命中,要多主动,今天立志成为身边人的朋友,愿意“冒险”、“服侍”、“坚持”和“陪伴”。加油! Comments are closed.