Mr. David Tang (pseudonym) and his wife are foreign citizens, they have one son and one daughter. For some reasons, they left their home country and moved to Malaysia. They had been staying in Malaysia for almost 10 years.
Initially, both of them worked as a waiter and waitress at a restaurant. It was not a smooth sailing hence it led them into a financial crisis. In addition, with their children being born one after another, the increasing demands for baby formula and diapers had added more burden to the family. Year 2022, Mr. David Tang and his family moved to the flats at Kepong Central Garden. They noticed that there were some beautiful pictures displayed at one of the shops opposite their flats. Although, they do not understand Chinese language, but from the English wordings they knew that this is a Chinese church, i.e. One of the 7979 Holistic Care Stations - Abundant Grace Assembly of God, which is placed in Kepong. Consequently, Mr. David walked into the church and got to know Rev. Joshua Tang and his wife Sis. Loh. When the church became aware of the condition of Mr. David’s family, and considering the needs of this couple and their children, the church decided to apply for Manna Food Bank’s aid for this family to lessen their family expenses. During application, the volunteer specifically mentioned that this family needs baby formula for their daughter, the youngest child. 7979 Manna Food Bag, which comes in a big bag of essential food, supplements, daily use items and special items, such as: baby formula, can really help in lessening the family’s living cost and burden. Each time they received the Manna Food Bag, this couple would be very happy, and grateful to the church for showing concern for their family’s needs. Mr. David’s son Ah Qiang is a beneficiary of this 7979 Care Station’s Companionship Class. Although they are foreigners, yet due to the Companionship Class that he is attending uses Mandarin as the medium language, therefore, he manages to pick up some basic Chinese to communicate. Kepong Abundant Grace Assembly of God had always tried their best to serve the underprivileged in the community. The underprivileged they served, most of them are Chinese, with some other races as well. People who came from afar such as Mr. David Tang and his family are also recipients of their services. No matter what lies in the future, the church just hopes that it can accompany them as they step forward till the day they enjoy stable income. 唐大卫先生(化名)与太太是外籍人士,育有一对儿女。因故,两夫妻从祖国迁居到马来西亚,住了将近十年。 起初,唐大卫先生和太太就职于餐厅,担任服务员。因为他们来马来西亚工作不顺逐,导致家庭状况陷入困境。另外,两名孩子相继出生后,对儿童奶粉和纸尿布的需求加重了家庭负担。 2022年,唐大卫带着全家人搬到甲洞中央花园的组屋。他们看到组屋对面有精美的照片,虽然不谙中文,却从英文名认出那是一间中文教会,即7979全人关怀站之一的“甲洞神召会颂恩堂”(Abundant Grace Assembly of God)。于是,唐大卫先生走进教会,就此结识陈永平牧师和刘雅玲师母。 教会了解唐大卫一家四口的情况后,考虑到夫妇及两名幼小儿女的需要,便为他们向7979申请吗哪食物包,以减少生活开销。在申请的时候,志工特别注明要儿童奶粉,供唐大卫的幼女饮用。一大袋含基本煮食、辅助营养、日常用品和特别需要,如:儿童奶粉的7979吗哪食物包帮助减轻唐大卫一家的生活负担。每收到食物包,他们夫妇都很开心,并感谢教会关心他们全家的需要。 自此,唐大卫与关怀站建立关系,协助教会的男少年军担任教官,并以英语与男少年军交谈。 唐大卫的孩子阿强也是关怀站陪读班的受惠学生。他们虽是外籍人士,但因加入以华语为媒介语的陪读班,所以能使用华语进行简单的交流。 甲洞神召会颂恩堂向来尽己所能帮助社区的弱势群体。这些弱势群体以华裔居多,包括其他人,包括从远方来的唐大卫阖家。不管前方如何,教会期望陪伴他们迈向每一日,直到他们建立稳固的经济能力。 Comments are closed.