28th July, Department of Statistic Malaysia released a series of reports, which includes latest (2022) national household incomes. On the whole, the report showed that the average household income in the year 2022 was higher compared to the year 2019. [1] The poverty line has increased from RM2,208 to RM2,589. [2]If we observe carefully the statistics of every state, then we would be able to see the obvious gap; basically, the poorer and distant states have lower income. B40 group in Klang Valley has low income. But, if this group of people were to be placed in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia’s poorest state, they would most likely be classified under the T20 group, because in that state, there are so many more who are classified as hardcore poverty. Another figure that we should also pay attention to is the “Food Category Poverty Line Income (PLI)”, meaning that a balanced diet with sufficient nutrients and calories, would require RM1,198 for a household of 4 members. [3] This figure is actually higher than the national average and also states like Sabah, Sarawak, Pahang, Terengganu, Selangor and Malacca. These states spend more money on food compared to other states. I think generally everyone of us has experienced the consequences of rising living costs due to various global and domestic inflation pressure. However,the poor and underprivileged are the ones that would suffer significantly. In order to lighten the pressure of rising inflation for the poor and underprivileged group, 7979 came out with a program known as “Manna Food Bank”, hoping to mobilise church’s volunteers to provide food assistance, as well as caring and accompany the poor and underprivileged. Although the bimonthly delivery of RM200 worth of Manna Food Bag is not a lot, however the constant visitation and caring of volunteers could really comfort and encourage many stay alone elderlies, single parents and poor children. Not long ago, a church’s leader asked me: “How do we let the community get to know us?” The next door of this church is a worship place of another faith, and its downstairs is a car repair and services shop. I asked him back: “Your next door is a worship place of another faith, when do they have their service, at what time, did they hold any activities in the past?” He answered: “I’m not sure about that.” Then I asked again: “Under what circumstances will the people in this community pass by the road in front of this church?” He answered: “Maybe to repair their cars.” That was the point. Usually believers of another faith would not bother to know when is others’ services schedule, also they would not notice what kind of activities that others held too. On the other hand, if the people of the community are aware of what services it provides, then they would be willing to come to the church and enjoy available services, because those services could improve their lives.If the church has a good reputation, their good work could even spread further. In every community, there will surely be income gaps between the rich and the poor. Some are struggling to survive just to meet their livelihood needs. If the church sets their foot at this location, then the church should consider to provide various services such as, Companionship Class or Food Bank, while the church provides these services to the people, they could also share the goodness of Gospel with them. Let's move together, striving to shape a more loving society and a more beautiful country. [1] “Household Income Malaysia 2022”:。 [2] “Poverty in Malaysia 2022”:。 [3] “Poverty in Malaysia 2022” :。 7月28日,大马国家统计局发布了一系列的报告,包括最新(2022年)的国家家庭收入。从整体来看,报告指出2022年平均家庭收入比2019年有所提高了。[1]贫穷线也从2019年的 RM 2,208 增至 RM2,589。[2]如果细察各州的统计数据,也显示收入差距悬殊,基本上贫穷和偏远的州属收入较低。在巴生谷一带的 B40 家庭,家庭收入低,但是这些家庭在最贫穷的吉兰丹州,可能是属于 T20群体,因为该州有更多极度贫穷的家庭。 另一项值得注意的数据,是“食品类贫穷线”,意即要获得平衡营养、足够热量的食物,全国平均是 RM1,198,以供养一家四口。[3]这数据高于全国平均值,包括沙巴、砂拉越、彭亨、登嘉楼、雪兰莪和马六甲。这些州属在食品的花费比其他州更高。我想,普遍上大家都领教通货膨胀的后果。全球及各种国内因素导致生活费高涨的压力,在贫穷弱势的群体中特别显著。 为了减缓贫穷弱势群体物价高涨的压力,7979设立“吗哪食物银行”方案,希望动员教会的志工,为贫穷及弱势家庭提供粮食辅助及生活上的关心陪伴。每两个月一次的派发,价值RM 200的吗哪包虽称不上丰足,但是有志工定期的到访、寒暄关心,能为许多独居老人、单亲家长和穷困孩子带来安慰和鼓励。 前一阵子,一间教会领袖问我:“如何让社区居民认识教会?” 这教会隔壁是另一间宗教场所,楼下是修理汽车的店铺。 我反问他:“隔壁的宗教中心,什么时候和时间聚会呢?有举办什么活动呢?” 他回答:“不清楚哦。” 然后我又问:“这社区的居民,通常在什么情况经过教会门口这条路?” 他回答:“应该是要修理车子吧。” 这就对了。若信徒不是属于该宗派,人们通常不会去理会宗教场所的聚会时间,也不注意这里进行什么活动。但是,一个地方提供什么服务,社区居民知道后,便愿意来到教会接受服务。因为该服务能帮助居民改善生活。若教会在社区建立良好的名声,甚至会传得更远。 社区中,总有贫富悬殊的现象。有些人可能处于挣扎求存或依照不同需求,勉强糊口生活。教会若根植在社区,察觉当地弱势群体家庭的需要,可以考虑提供各种社区服务:或陪读班,或食物银行,向他们分享这些社区服务当儿,也与他们同得福音的好处。让我们一起行动,努力塑造一个更有爱的社会,更美的国家。 [1] “Household Income Malaysia 2022”,资料取自国家统计局官网:。 [2] “Poverty in Malaysia 2022”,资料取自国家统计局官网:。 [3] “Poverty in Malaysia 2022” ,资料取自国家统计局官网:。 Comments are closed.