Year 2020, when COVID-19 pandemic hit, everyone practised “Self Quarantine”, there was a group of people in this critical period of time, saw their neighbours lost their jobs due to MCO, decided to walk out of their “Safety Zone”, and into neighbours who were in trouble and cared for their needs, this group of people are the church members of JB New Life Christian Fellowship, one of our 7979 Holistic Care Station. “Due to MCO, we are giving out food and this helps us to mingle into our community. Before MCO, we are not aware at all that there are people around us who do not have food to eat…” Pr. Kok Chye told us that when everyone has their own job, we tend to think that everyone is doing well in their own life, so nobody needs special attention. Only until MCO takes effect, many people around us started to lose their job, only then we are aware that actually many people are living in really tough condition all these while, situation became worse when they are hit with the crisis.
New Life Christian Fellowship is situated in JB at Bandar Baru Permas Jaya. Majority of the residents here work in Singapore, this town is one of the pit stop for them to travel back and forth between Singapore and Malaysia. The minority works locally, residents with less living advantage are poorer. In the past, with the intention of mingle into the community, the church will organised carnival for residents in the community to participate and have fun together. However, the relationship built with the community always faded quickly just like the fireworks in the carnival. In October, 2020, New Life Christian Fellowship with a vision of “The church mission is to serve the community”, they decided to partner with HISTEAM and became 7979 Holistic Care Station, by systematic and organised plans walked into their community. In order to go deeper into the community, the church started “Let’s Love Move” operation, assigned different Cell Group (CG) to care for different families. Ever since 7979 Holistic Care Station is being established, the church 14 CG, 70 church members of age between 20 to 60 year olds participated in this operation. Even though, not everyone can commit themselves for long period of time, but everyone still did their part in their own capacity. This kind of caring through passing on love, did not just passed on love to their community, it is also passing on a wholesome faith living example to the church members, allowing them to experience the blessing of giving is more blessed than receiving. Sis. Daphne Wong even commented: “If we can’t live out this kind of life, then it is a waste that we are even born in this world.” She continued to point out that social care can help new believers to deeper understand the complete Christian belief – not merely love ourselves and participate in church’s activities, but to spread Jesus Christ’s love, and care for the needy around us. Lastly, Pr. Kok Chye shared this bible verse. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35
Since 2019, this bible verse kept appearing in his mind. He has been teaching his church with this bible verses to love each other, so that others may recognise you as Christ’s disciples. “When you care for one family, his or her neighbour sees it, and they might be wondering why people are caring for that family. When they come to realisation, then they will know that this group of people are ‘Christians’.” Community will receive true blessings only when we deliberately build relationship with practical actions. 2020年,新冠肺炎疫情来袭,大家都尽量“自我隔离”时,有一群人在这非常时期,看见身边许多邻舍因行动管制令(MCO)失业而生活拮据。这群人开始走出“安全区”,到受困邻舍当中关怀他们的需要,这群人就是新山新生教会7979全人关怀站的会友。“因为MCO,我们派发物资,这帮助我们融入社区。没有MCO,我们不知道原来身边有人没有饭吃……”陈国财传道表示,当大家都有工作时,自然以为大家生活得不错,不需特意关怀。但当MCO来临,身边许多人失业后,才发现许多家庭平日里生活本就拮据,陷入困境后日子更是难上加难。 新生教会坐落在新山百万镇,这里的居民以新加坡工作者居多,这小镇是他们往返新加坡工作的一个站点。有少数在本地工作、生活环境基础欠佳的居民较为贫穷。以往教会为了要更深入社区,每年都举办一场嘉年华会,让社区居民前来共同欢乐。但教会与社区邻舍建立的关系,就如同嘉年华会当晚所燃放的烟花,转眼即逝。 “教会的使命就是服事社区。”2020年10月,新生教会秉持这使命,设立了7979全人关怀站,借着有系统规划的服事方案走入社区。教会为了更深入社区,便开始进行“让爱动起来”行动,指派教会小组关怀不同的家庭。成立7979全人关怀站以来,教会14个小组,从20岁到60岁,将近70人都参与其中。即使不是每个弟兄姐妹都是长期参与,但大家都在自己能力范围内,尽了一份力。这种传递爱的关怀,不仅将爱传给社区,同时也把一个完整的信仰生活传给教会会友,让他们也能经历施比受更有福。“如果活不出这样的生命,就等于是白白来世上一趟。” 雪玲姐妹分享到,社会关怀能让刚信主的朋友更了解完整的基督信仰——不单单只是爱自己和参与教会聚会,而是要把耶稣基督的爱传扬出去,并关怀身边有需要的人。 最后,陈国财传道分享了这段经文。 “我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相爱。你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。” —约翰福音 13:34-35 自2019年开始,这段经文就一直在他脑海中浮现。他总以这段经文教导会友彼此相爱,别人才能认出他们是基督的门徒。“当你关怀一个家庭,他的邻居看见了,就会好奇怎么有人来关心他们。当他们了解后,就会发现‘原来是基督徒’。”只有以实际行动去建立关系,社区才能真正地领受祝福。 Comments are closed.