In a community in JB, there lived a lonely old man, everyone called him Uncle Fu (pseudonym). Uncle Fu is 73 years old, he was fortunate enough to complete high school at a time when many children dropped out of school and not many people could complete their studies. He is very talkative and loves to share.
Uncle Fu's living in an old house left by his parents. The layout of one bedroom and a living room is enough for him who lives alone. Usually, he keeps the house neat and tidy. Three simple meals a day, a bowl of white rice and an egg. Uncle Fu is a cancer survivor, however the operation had caused his left eye almost went total blind, so he relies heavily on his right eye to see the world. He is a photographer, so he recorded the world with his camera and earns his living by teaching photography. Now, he needs to use eye drops every day to keep his right eye from going total blind. It would be a good thing for contented Uncle Fu who is in his sunset years, to be able to continue to live a simple life like this. However, in year 2020 following after the implementation of movement control order, his students gradually decreased in number, the income he received barely covered his expenses, and the eye drops he used daily began to be unaffordable. Uncle Fu's life is like an unfortunate capsized ship in the middle of the sea, struggling desperately in the sea hoping to grab a piece of driftwood to keep him alive. The emergence of 7979 Holistic Care Station at JB New Life Church was like a piece of driftwood grabbed by Uncle Fu. The church came to know Uncle Fu through a sister and they helped him to apply for 7979 Crisis Intervention Fund. On each visit, the church brought some food supplies for Uncle Fu. Sometimes eggs, sometimes rice, and sometimes cooking oil. Some brothers and sisters even donated money to pay for Uncle Fu’s eye drops. "Speaking of gratitude, I've been living this way for years. A bowl of rice and an egg every day, that's enough..." He said with a smile as church brothers and sisters shared 《The Descend of Blessings》 with him. Entering his sunset years, he is no longer obsesses with many things in life. He feels grateful as long as he is alive and healthy. After this "capsized" incident, Uncle Fu's life had a drastic change. The encountering with church, had led him to Jesus and prayed the sinner’s prayer. "I do not know who God is, I also don’t know Jesus, but I see Jesus in all of you." Uncle Fu shared this with one of the volunteers. This encourages brothers and sisters in the church to use practical actions in caring for others, when they want others to feel the love of Jesus! 在新山某个社区里,住着一位独居老爷爷,大家都叫他福伯(化名)。福伯今年73岁,在他那个年代,许多家庭的孩子都辍学,能完成学业的人并不多,福伯有幸完成了高中学业。他很健谈,也喜爱分享。 福伯的家,是父母以前留下来的一间老屋。一房一厅的布局,对独居的他来说,足矣。平时,他总把家里打扫得整洁干净。一日三餐也很简单,一碗白米饭,加一粒鸡蛋。 福伯曾经患癌,一场手术导致他左眼近乎失明,平日里只靠右眼观看这个世界。他也是一名摄影师,用手里的相机记录着世界,平时也靠着摄影教学维持生活。现在的他,需要每天使用眼药水,避免右眼也失明。 晚年若能一直这样简单地生活,对知足的福伯来说,何尝不是一件好事。 2020年,随着行动管制令落实,他的学生慢慢减少,生活开始入不敷出,每天使用的眼药水也开始负担不起了。 福伯的生活,就像在海中不幸打翻的船只,在大海里拼命挣扎,只希望能抓住一块浮木,让自己得以生存。新山新生教会7979全人关怀站的出现,就像是福伯抓住的一块浮木。教会透过一位姐妹认识了福伯,并帮助他申请7979急难救助金。 每一次探访,教会都为福伯带上一些物资。有时候是鸡蛋,有时候是白米,又有时候是食油。甚至,有弟兄姐妹奉献金钱,给福伯购买眼药水。 “讲到‘感恩’,我这样生活已经好几年了。每天都是一碗饭配一粒鸡蛋,很知足了……”当教会弟兄姐妹跟福伯分享《福气临门》时,他带着笑意说到。迈入晚年的他,不再执着于生活中许多事情,只要健健康康的活着,就很感恩了。 经过这次“翻船”意外,福伯的生命经历了很大的转变。与教会接触后,他认识了耶稣,也做了决志祷告。“我不认识谁是上帝,也不认识耶稣,但我从你们身上看见耶稣。”福伯跟一位志工分享到。这鼓励了教会弟兄姐妹,要让人感受到耶稣的爱,就必须付出实际行动去关心他人! Comments are closed.