Extreme weather becoming common everywhere. The massive flood occurred last December, was not mainly caused by monsoon rain, but caused by tropical low pressure, that brought uncommon heavy rain fall. The existence of tropical low pressure was very much related to the Philippines Typhoon Rai that was happening at the same time. This massive flood hit 8 states, caused 54 deaths and 2 missing, financial loss estimated around RM2billion. In the future, disaster causes by extreme weather will be more rampant, it’ll affects everyone in this World.
In the midst of coping with pandemic, with the addition of massive flood, troubles seem to be never end. Usually, when the media and public attention or focus ended, will there be anyone still concern about the critical condition of disaster victims? How about those under privilege children who have been affected by pandemic, who had gone through two redundant years; when our nation’s education system unable to help our children, how can our children receive education? The many “New Norms” in future, will quickly tests our perception on purpose of life, and how does faith affects ones thought and behaviour. Many people are talking about the coming of metaverse era. This could be resulted from too many suffering in our daily lives, therefore people hope to experience a completely different self, things or lives in another cosmic space. My thought is, if we fail to live a life of truth, kindness and beauty in a realistic world, then the metaverse version is just another fake, surface and shallow Utopia. Therefore, we can do the following:
Care more for those people living around us, Be compassionate towards under privilege group, Do not close your eyes on injustice issues that happened in our society; and See your responsibilities in others’ need. Today, I read a phrase on the internet: “There is no such thing as ‘One Particular Incident’ in this world. The society that we live in also do not have ‘One Particular Case’. As long as something happens in our society, then it is a matter of concern for everyone in this society”. You might think that this phrase is too extreme, but it is due to the attitude of self-protecting that brought about many sad tragedies.
Society is a common body; nobody can exclude from it. If the place you reside is “dark”, then you’ll be “dark” as well, If the place you reside is “bright”, then you’ll be “bright” as well, Let’s together go out and save life. Light up a lamp in the dark, Extend your hand to the helpless, Stand firm and stay watchful at the gap. If one person cannot accomplish the work, then go in a team, if one team still insufficient, then go in a mass, many hands make light work. Our 7979 Service arm budget again exceeded 1 million, we need more volunteers and manpower. We believe unity is power, when united then there is hope! Can we have the privilege to invite you to walk together with us? 极端气候在全球多地出现。去年发生在12月中的大水灾,主因不是季候风,而是热带低气压带来超常的雨量。这热带低气压的形成,跟同时发生在菲律宾的台风雷伊息息相关。这场水灾在8个州造成54人死亡、2人失踪,经济损失估计高达马币20亿。未来因气候引起的灾害会越来越普遍,影响住在各个角落的人们。 在疫情还未过去之际,加上水灾真是一波未平一波又起。通常,媒体和公众的焦点和热潮一结束,还有人关注灾黎的困境吗?受疫情影响学业的弱势儿童,这2年就这样虚度光阴;当国家的教育制度无法有效帮助孩子时,这些孩子如何成长?未来许多“新常态”,将越来越考验我们如何认知生命的意义,以及信仰如何影响一个人的思想和行为。 现在很多人在谈元宇宙时代将会来临。这可能是因为太多人在现实生活中经历太多苦难,而希望在另一个“宇宙”空间以自己向往的身份,经历不一样的人、事、物。我认为,如果人类无法在现实中多元的社会活出真、善、美,在元宇宙里,也只能是充满虚假、片面和肤浅的乌托邦。 因此,我们可以这样做: 多多关心身边周遭活生生的人吧; 对周遭的弱势群体保持恻隐之心; 莫冷漠对待社会中的不公义事件; 在他人的需要上看见自己的责任 今天,我在网络上读到一句话:“这个世界并不存在什么 ‘个别事件’。我们生活的社会也不存在什么‘个别案例’。只要社会发生任何事情,都是属于这社会的一份子。” 你可能认为这话过于偏激,正因保持明哲保身的态度,社会上才发生许多悲惨险恶的事件。 社会是个共同体, 无人可独善其身。 若你住的地方“暗”,你也会“暗”; 若你住的地方“亮”,你也会“亮”。 让我们一起7979,去救去救。 在黑暗之处点一盏灯; 在无助之处伸出援手; 在缺口之处站稳守望。 一个人做不到,就一班人一起做;一班人不够力量,就一群人来做,众志成城。 今年7979服务基金的预算再次超过百万令吉,我们需要的志工和人力也有待加强。 我们相信团结就是力量,合一就有盼望! 我们能否有幸邀请您与我们同行? Comments are closed.