Every year in December, North East Monsoon will bring heavy rainfall that causes flood to many areas in Malaysia.
Mid of Dec, 2021, Malaysia Meteorology Department forecasted Peninsular Malaysia will be affected by a tropical depression, hence there will be unceasing rainfall for days. Such weather, added to ever present monsoon rain and high tide threats, it had caused massive flooding to 5 states in Peninsular Malaysia. Klang valley experienced the most severe flood in 50 years. | Waiting for the water to recede and sending rescue
It was the beginning of the weekend, the week before Christmas, when news of the flooding broke. After 2 days of unceasing rain, more and more severe disasters were reported in many places. 7979 disaster response mechanism activated immediately, December 18 (Saturday) afternoon, our co-workers went to the warehouse to pick up cleaning tools and equipment, so that they could response the first minute when the water receded. Unexpectedly, on the way back, the water had flooded the road and traffic jams were everywhere. Normally fifteen minutes’ journey became three hours. On that night, we received news that hardest hit area Shah Alam, Taman Sri Muda’s flood water had covered up to one floor high. We were getting calls for help, people were trapped, power outage, couldn’t contacted their relatives or friends……They couldn't do anything except calling the official emergency hotline.
The next day, the government seemed unable to rescue in time, many civilians and NGOs resorted to self-rescue by sending boats out. 7979 has two boats in our newly moved warehouse, which was also surrounded by floodwaters. Furthermore, the flooded intersection also being blocked by police. It was only in the afternoon that we were able to arrange a lorry to past through the roadblocks, and picked up the boats and the engines from the warehouse, then hand it over to the local partners to use. | Disaster relief log
At the same time, we received messages from churches from all over the country, some churches asking for help, and some churches wanted to help. There was a church located in the disaster zone, up to 90% of their congregation was affected. Many people wanted to help the disaster victims at first instance. Therefore, from video conferencing to tools and equipment arrangement, recruiting volunteers and purchasing supplies, various disaster response operations were launched. Even though it was the weekend, works still went on.
在大马,每年12月,东北季候风带来的雨量常引发水患。 2021年12月中旬,气象局预报大马半岛受热带低气压影响,而连续下几天大雨。这样的天气、季候风,以及涨潮期,致使半岛五个州属多地大水泛滥成灾。巴生谷一带发生50年以来最严重的水灾。 | 等水退,送救援 当传出水患的消息时,正值周末伊始,圣诞节前一周。连续下了2天的雨,多地传出灾情,越来越严重。7979应灾机制随即启动,12月18日(周六)下午,同工前往仓库索取清洗工具和配备,以备水退后能在第一时间行动。岂知回程时,水已淹没道路,四处塞车,短短15分钟车程,同工花了三个小时才脱困。当天晚上,重灾区雪州莎亚南的太子园传出水淹至一层楼。我们陆续接到求救讯息,包括有人受困、断电失联……他们当下除了拨打官方紧急热线,也无法可施。 隔天,政府似乎无法及时救援,许多民众和非政府组织已出动船只自行施援。7979有两艘船只在新搬迁不久的仓库,该地也遭洪水包围,路口水深也被警方封锁。直到下午,我们才安排到罗厘驶过路障,到仓库载送船只和引擎,并交由在地伙伴们使用。 | 赈灾日志 与此同时,陆续收到各地教会讯息,有向我们求助的教会,也有想挺身而出的教会。有一间处于灾区的教会,有高达90%会友受灾。大家都想在第一时间帮助灾黎。于是,启动各项应灾作业,从视讯会议到调动工具配备、招募志工到采购物资;虽是周末,也要做工。 Comments are closed.